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I am a mom to Casidee Ava and Emilee Brooke. Pro vaccinations Pro breastfeeding Anti- CIO or controlled crying whatever you want to call it I dont care what you do or dont do to your sons penis or your daughters ears I dont hate you because you formula feed just BREAST IS BEST Breast Cancer Awareness for my Mommy

  • Becoming a surrogate?

    Im in the process of looking into surrogacy, its something I feel so compelled to do for another couple. Are you a surrogate? Have you used one?

    1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting10 years ago
  • strawberry shortcake cake recipes needed please?

    Im making a BIG strawberry shortcake cake for my daughters' birthdays and need a good recipe. Im using a huge square pan and ill cut the cake in half to make layers. I need a filling for between the layers and something to icing it all with. Ideas are appreciated!! Thanks

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Dog was spayed and insicion area is itchy....?

    My dog was spayed on Wednesday and today she seems super itchy at the insicion sight. Up until today we kept that cone thing off her head but now shes non stop trying to "itch". Is there anything we can do or give her to help? Should we let her lick the area, does that help? First time dog owners here. Thanks

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • BLW questions............................?

    Emilee is now pretty much eating whatever I eat and loving it! I caved and tried baby food not sure why really I just did it, but she down right refuses to eat it. She did however eat half a meatball and some honeydew last night for "dinner"! In no way are her meals being replaced by food, she just eats a bit here and there when I eat. Am I doing this right??? What about oranges, can she have those? I have canteloupe, honeydew, oranges, bananas and apples as far as fruit - are those ok? And all different kinds of veggies, I just dont know how to cook/prepare cucumber sqaush, help please!!! And the broccoli and carrots I just steams and let her have it? She's liking cheerios to "snack" on more or less when we are eating and she doesnt want what I have. Anything else I should do or need to know?????

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • had my membranes stripped......?

    I am 38 weeks pregnant and due for a repeat section next tuesday if labor doesnt start on its own. I had an emergency section with my first and am desperately trying a VBAC this time around. I cant go until 40 weeks, they wont let me, so I have a section planned at 39 weeks. I am only 1cm dialated and soft, didnt say if I was effaced at all. I had an appointment this morning at 11 and had my membranes stripped - OUCH! Anyways, how successful was this for you? I am so trying to have her naturally - any suggestions to aide in the sweep is welcomed too!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When is your toddler considered potty trained?

    My 22 month old has been using the potty for the past almost 2 weeks. No dipaers and maybe 3 accidents towards the beginning. She is always in panties even when out and about, she is not afraid to use the big toilets at stores either. She tells me when she has to go or just takes her pants off and goes but sometimes I ask her too just to remind her, especially is shes playing. When would she be considered potty trained??

    13 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • did you have a full term pregnancy with kidney infection?

    I was in the hospital for 3 days with a bad bladder and kidney infection. When all was said and done I will be on antibiotics until the baby is delivered. Has anyone went through this? Did you carry to full term? I am 30 weeks so I am almost there just worried about the chance of her coming early from all the problems.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Got any different baby names?

    My daughter is Casidee Ava, nothing common besides her middle name. I am lookng for something similiar for a boy and girl since we dont know what we are having yet.

    I love the name Emilee but I cant find a middle name I like with it. I also like Peyton.

    My husband wants Ryden Nathaniel for a boy, I like it I dont love it, so I am trying to find something he might like better.

    We dont like trendy names, we like different names. So HELP please!

    11 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Middle name for Emilee?

    Any ideas?

    48 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • when did you feel your baby move with 2nd pregnancy?

    I am only 7 weeks pregnant so I know I have a while until I can feel the baby. I have been that most women feel their 2nd child move alot sooner than their first. Was this true for you? How far along were you? With my first I was, I think, about 16 weeks or so.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • morning sickness question?

    Did you have morning sickness or all day sickness for that matter with each of your pregnancies and what did you have?

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • for moms of 2+ children?

    When did you start to show with your 2nd+ children? I am only 4 1/2 weks along and am just curious as to how soon I would show. With my first I was in maternity clothes pretty quickly by 3 months or so, I was very petite to start. I am still on the smaller side and my stomach seems to be bloated looking, or atleast starting to. So basically when did you start showing after baby #2??

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • double mastectomy and ovaries/tubes removal?

    My mom has tested positive for the breast cancer gene and has about 6 areas of concern in her breasts. She is going to have a double mastectomy the beginning of next year, that was the soonest they could do it. They are also taking her ovaries and tubes since that cancer goes hand in hand with breast cancer. Once her breasts are removed they will be biopsied to see if she in fact has active cancer. My sister (29) and myself (23) have to be tested as well since our history is very strong, more than 1 person each generation.

    I am very afraid for my mom and I am having a very hard time with all of this. Has anyone undergone this before that I can help me and ease my fears. I feel like I am an emotional wreck inside over it and its killing me.


    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • playing the name game?

    We are ttc #2 and starting to play around with names.

    We both love the name Ryden Nathaniel for a boy and I like Emilee for a girl. We have 1 daughter Casidee Ava so trying to get something to go along with her name.

    So your thoughts on Ryden? and any modern additional boys/girls names?

    10 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • trying to conceive #2?

    We just decided to ttc #2 :) First baby was a suprise so there wasnt any concentration on when to have sex and what not. I just got my period today when will I ovulate? I am pretty regular since having my daughter 15 months ago. Thanks

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • need help finding wedding invitations?

    were getting married this Halloween and i am in need of wedding invites that go along with the didnt give me too much....can anyone help?

    11 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • halloween wedding ideas needed!!?

    so we're planning a wedding this halloween and are going to have a costume party reception.....any fun decorating ideas????

    9 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • time for the "big" bath tub?

    so my daughter is 8 months old today and sits perfectly solo in her baby bath but im thinking its time for the regular bath hers is getting too the question is when did your baby use the regular tub?

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • your thoughts on this name...?

    so my fiances brother and sister in law just had a baby boy yesterday and named him the most absurd thing ive ever heard....Canyon Gray...this poor child will be taunted in life...what is he's a big boy and kids call him Grand Canyon? oh this poor little guy :( what do you guys think? im all about different names but not completely absurd

    22 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • 8 month old eating MY pizza and everything else i eat...?

    my daughter is 8 months old and has been eating solids for quite some time now but recently she wants whatever im eating on top of her food which is fine with me but are there foods i should be concerned about? i know no honey peanut butter or egg whites but what else? tonight we had pizza for dinenr and she was tearing it up with her one tooth than i got worried that maybe she shouldnt eat it.....what do you experienced moms think? thanks

    16 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago