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  • What NCIS episode was this?

    Gibbs says "please" during an investigation.

    It isn't the episode in Season 1 where he says "please" to Kate, so he can ride Air Force One, and it isn't the Kill Ari episode where he says it to Jenny (I think he says it then...could be wrong). It's during an investigation, while he is in interrogation. He tells the person he's in the room with "please", which startles Tony and the others, who are in Observation.

    Anyone know what ep this was?

    4 AnswersDrama10 years ago
  • Anyone know the name of a book?

    I don't remember all that much about the book. But I --think-- it was about a group of kids [or at least one kid], who was living in an older house. And in the house they found a journal from the days of the Underground Railroad, and they found out the house was part of it. And the story is back and forth -- part of it is in the point of view of the kids who find the book, and the other part is the p.o.v of the people who owned the house when they wrote the book.

    Any ideas?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Safe to drive with leaky valve?

    I have a 96 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme.

    I just found out I have a leaky lower intake valve, and I cannot afford the $500-600 to fix it.

    Is it safe to drive with a leaky lower intake valve?

    DON'T BE A SMART ***. I need a real, honest answer. Thanks.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • New tattoo -- caring for it?

    I just got my tattoo yesterday, and the artist gave me a small packet of A&D Ointment to use on it 3 to 4 times a day for 3 days. The problem is that I accidently left the ointment at my bff's house (she lives 45 minutes away, and I was with her when I got the tat). I live with my folks, and I don't plan to let them know I got a tattoo until it's healed (they won't know if I don't tell them, and it's personal as to why), and the nearest shopping center is about 10 minutes away, but I have to have a gooooood reason to go there (i.e., needing to get something that isn't ANYWHERE else), so I don't have a chance to slip away until tomorrow.

    Is there something I can use instead of A&D ointment? Or, is it bad that I don't use it until tomorrow?

    We have baby oil, but we do NOT have A&D in the house, I've already checked.

    4 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Getting my GPA up .04 points!?

    At the start of this semester, by GPA was 2.46. In order to transfer to the University I'm looking at, I need 2.5, so I registered to an English course that can help. I'm only taking one class, which is 3 credit hours. Will my GPA be raised that .04 point if I get a C or a B?

    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Anyone help me find a death record?

    I've been doing research into family history, and in our curiosity, my mother asked me to look up a friend of hers from when they were in school.

    If ANYONE can help me, I'd forever be thankful.

    The womans name was Janet Kathemagos [[although, she is not fully sure of the spelling of the last name]]. She would have been born around 1955, and died around 1969. My mother was told that it was a car accident, but she also heard elsewhere that it was a blood clot or something.

    I cannot find anything on Ancestry, or Google, but if you can help me, I would so greatly appreciate it!

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Windows Movie Maker 2.1?

    I made a video on my Windows Movie Maker 2.1, and saved the draft [meaning, saved it as a file but not a Movie file, so it cannot be uploaded or watched anywhere except WMM].

    However, when I do go to save it as a movie file, no matter what I try to do [change the file type [web, computer, etc etc], shrink the size, change the location the file is being saved to, etc etc], it will not save. It always goes through the timeline, telling me its saving and almost done, etc, but after it reaches 99%, it changes to telling me it cannot save because a)there's not enough room on the system; b)the location isn't existant; c)the files I used in the film aren't existant; or c)the file itself is too big.

    I've removed a lot of things off my computer - there is PLENTY of room -, I've double checked locations of both where I want it saved, and where the original files came from, and I've tried repeatedly to change the size.

    Any ideas as to what I can do to fix this?

    It's doing it for the last 2 videos I've made.

    [And please don't recommend Windows website for WMM - I already checked them, and they don't help any. And neither does the Help option in WMM].

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Name of song/artist on the radio?

    I apologize now for the lack of detail I can give you.

    But I heard a song on the radio the other day, and I can't remember who sings it or what song it is!

    It KINDA reminds me of Jason Mraz's "I'm Yours" -- kind of -- but I think the artist's name is Michael or Matthew.

    If you can help, fantastic.

    If not, no biggie -- I just wondered if anyone COULD help me with my lack detail, ha.

    6 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • People who can live forever?

    I'm wondering if there is any sort of...myth or something that tells tale of people that live forever without aging, or who take, like hundreds of years to physically age one, or something similar.

    What I'm NOT looking for are vampires or werewolves, just so you know.

    I know this is an odd question, but I really am curious.

    Any help you can give me - or any links/names you can give me that could help - would be greatly appreciated.

    7 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Myspace Layout problem?

    I put up a Simpsons layout for my mother when they were promoting the Simpsons movie. Since then, they've removed the sectionw here you go change the layout right there with the Simpsons. I have tried several times to put up different layouts, but they splice with the Simpsons page, and it looks like crap.

    How can I get rid of the Simpsons layout so that I can put up ONE layout and make it stick?

    I do not want to have to resort to deleting her page and signing her up AGAIN, so if you can suggest anything to make the Simpsons layout go away, please help me!

    2 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • House, M.D. secret?!?

    I MISSED last night's episode of house, where they say he has a big secret that's going to rock his team.

    Who saw the episode? What was the secret???

    I'm DYING ot know, and it won't be on Fox OnDemand online until NEXT WEEK!!

    Please tell me!

    4 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • What was the name of that 'scary story'?

    I read a story years ago, but I can't remember its name, or its author.

    It was about a group of kids, friends, and they started to die off. But one of the kids would write out how a character in their book would die, and that was how one of the kids would REALLY die. And, it turned out that one of the boys was performing a ritual that caused his soul to leave his own body & inhabit someone else's so he could kill someone & it not be pinned on him.

    But he was, like, depressed or neurotic or something, because his dad had been doing the ritual, and since his soul got lost, the dad died. And turns out that happens to the son, too.

    I thought it was RL Stine, but it might not be.

    Any ideas?

    Please tell me where you found the information! Thank you!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What episode of SciFi's GHOST HUNTERS??

    I remember watching an episode of Ghost Hunters, where Steve and [I believe] Brian went to a cemetery with a camera, and Jason & Grant snuck in, covered in a solid colored cloak and a mask, to scare them for fun.

    If I remember correctly, that same episode, Steve & Brian tell Jason & Grant they are going to the cemetery just after Jay & Grant finish a tour of the city.

    Anyone remember what season, what episode that was?

    I can't find it for the life of me!!

    3 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • What is going on with Kevin Bacon in Stir of Echoes?

    After his hypnosis, Kevin Bacon starts drinking more and more, like he is always thirsty. And I want to know why this is. Does anyone know? And if you do, can you please tell me WHERE you found that? THANK YOU.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Suicide in "Chelsea Walls"?

    In the beginning of the film, cops are shown responding to a call of a suicide, right?

    Who kills themselves? I just need to know -- I was beyong puzzled by that movie, although I bet it didn't help any that the volume wasn't working so I could barely hear, did it?

    Any help, greatly appreciated!

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Length of a Flight?

    I need to know the length of a flight from London, England to Venice, Italy.

    I don't care which airports within those two cities you use to find the length of time, but I need to know the time as well as the airports that you use.


    6 AnswersOther - Europe1 decade ago
  • Ages in the show House, M.D.?

    Does anyone know approximately how old House, Cuddy, Wilson, Chase, Cameron, and Foreman are in the show? Or, if anything, just House and Wilson? Or at least where to find that info? I've tried and, but neither tells me. Please! THANKS a bunch!!

    5 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Can you tell me the name of this book?

    It's a story about a boy, and his little brother *who's not quite right in the head*. And somewhere in the story, the two are stuck in their house in a rainstorm and the little brother gets out. The father goes after him, and lightning strikes a tree branch, which falls and kills the little brother. The title, i THINK, has something to do with an albatross, or something in the story has to do with an albatross...I think. Any help would be greatly thanked! *the title of the story, the author, where to find it, etc.*

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Anyone know more about Gary Sinise that I could find?

    I've been sent on a mission to find out something aout Gary Sinise...*laughs*. Went and saw him in concert, and I got sent off to find out something of his heritage--like, is he Italian? etc. Anyone who know, lemme know! *I have to know how you know--websites, you know?* Thankies!

    7 AnswersGenealogy1 decade ago
  • Anyone know that song from Mission to Mars with Gary Sinise? Mission to Mars, there's a scene where they're playing a song in the ship, and the woman does the no gravity thing and goes up to dance with her husband--one line of the song is "dance the night away." ANY help you can give me AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE would be GREATLY appreciated to all of you! I just need to know the name of the song, or the artist, or both, if you know. Thank you!

    2 AnswersMusic1 decade ago