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Favorite Answers8%
  • Bariatric Surgery and Smoking. Any experiences?

    Thank you in advance for your feedback and answers. Your responses are incredibly helpful. So, here's my question:

    Bariatric surgeons, from what I can gather, tend to not want to operate on people who smoke. I have been smoke-free for a couple years, but still use nicotine gum here and there. Although I do not smoke, will a bariatric surgeon turn me down for surgery if I use nicotine replacement therapy?

    Has anyone else here had bariatric surgery and have been on nicotine replacement therapy, whether it be the patch, or gum, or lozenges? Can I still get weight loss surgery with nicotine in my system even though the nicotine is not from cigarettes?

    Thank you again for your feedback. This is my time to start a new life. Also, any other experiences you are willing to share with regards to weight loss surgery would be greatly appreciated, especially the LapBand procedure.

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Google's New Privacy Policy?

    Does Google only track and save your information if you are logged-in to a Google account, or YouTube account (or other Google-related sites/services)? Or will Google track and save the search and browse history associated with searches and browsing history on your PERSONAL computer (i.e. your IP address)?

    And as a side-note, I NEVER conduct any types of searches that I wouldn't want to be saved or data-banked while I'm logged-in to my email(s), or any other account for that matter.

    Does anyone know? If so, what is the best way to eliminate, prevent, or at least limit the amount of information Google will be collecting, using and sharing starting March 1st when Google's new "Privacy Policy Practices" will come into effect?

    Thanks for your replies!!


    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • What are you good at?

    It can be anything. Just curious to know what the folks in the Yahoo! Answers-sphere are good at? I look forward to your answers!

    1 AnswerLanguages9 years ago
  • So, you're a celebrity, and on an airline flight, and a fan of yours is seated next to you. What do you say?

    Let's say you're a celebrity on a 4-hour flight from LA to NY and you get seated next to a big fan of yours. The fan wants to engage you in conversation right from the start and talk about you and your work, but you've had a long day and do not want to chit-chat with the fan. What would you say to that person to keep them quiet and enjoy your flight in peace?

    14 AnswersAir Travel10 years ago
  • Why are there so many companies right now advertising to buy gold and other precious metals?

    I don't remember seeing such a huge number of companies buying up gold in 2003 when gold was at $360oz. Now gold is $1,400+ per ounce and suddenly there is an influx of companies looking to buy up every gram of gold out there. What am I missing here? Won't gold go back down to $300-$400 per ounce within the next few years? Why is purchasing gold right now so popular?

    5 AnswersInvesting10 years ago
  • Why do people throw their hand in the air?

    What are some reasons why people throw their hands in the air?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Who Do You Think Has Killed More People? Spiders or Hitler?

    Who Do You Think Has Killed More People? Spiders or Hitler?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Can You Make Money Posting Videos on YouTube?

    Is it possible to make money just by posting videos on YouTube? I mean, if you get a bunch of hits, can a company put an ad on your video before it runs and can you get paid on it? Or can a company put a banner ad on the page where your video shows and can you make money from them?

    Thanks!! :)

    3 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago
  • YouTube Tags - Key Words Question?

    I just uploaded my first video to YouTube, a video of a model rocket launch, and I'm trying to figure out how to make is searchable. For instance, I put my last name (which is very unique) in the "Tags" section along with words like "rocket" and for some reason when I go to YouTube and type in "Vaudrin Rocket? my video does not show up.

    Am I doing this correctly, or does it just take time for the "Tags" to update?

    Any advice on how to make my video easy to find?


    1 AnswerYouTube1 decade ago
  • Fish Antibiotics for Human Tooth infection? Is it safe and/or effective?

    My friend is suffering from an extremely painful tooth infection. The infection is is causing him an ENORMOUS amount of pain. He is unemployed right now, so he does not have any money and absolutely cannot afford to go to the ER or see a doctor. Another friend of mine, who was in the same financial and health care situation, accidentally shot a nail through his hand with a nail gun a few years ago which resulted in an infection, and he told me that a pharmacist said he could take penicillin or amoxicillin from the fish store. Is this true? If so, which antibiotic should he get for a tooth infection? Thank you in advance for all of your answers!

    4 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • How to replace the main relay on 1988 Honda Civic DX 4-door?

    I need to replace the main relay on my 1988 Honda Civic. It only gives me trouble every once in a while, but figure I should change it before it becomes more of an issue.

    If someone can provide me with thorough step-by-step directions, I guarantee you "Best Answer".


    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What pisses you off most about the attacks of 9-11?

    Please be specific.

    31 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • How do I get a product on the shelf at a grocery store?

    Lets say someone has an 8oz bottled liquid sauce that they want to market by obtaining some shelf space at major grocery stores. How might a person go about getting that done?

  • Pre Algebra Question?

    The question in my text book reads as follows:

    "Molecular motion is minimized at -273 degrees celsius. Oxygen goes from liquid to solid at -218 degrees censius. How much colder does liquid oxygen need to get for its molecular motion to be minimized?"

    The official text book key says the difference is 55 degrees celsius.

    OK...Assuming oxygen is solid at -218 degrees celsius, does that not mean that at the very minimum oxygen requires an environment of at least -217 degrees celsius in order to exist in a liquid state?

    The difference between -273 deg.C and -218 deg.C is 55 deg.C. 55 deg.C is the text book's OFFICIAL ANSWER.

    However, oxygen at -218 deg.C is solid. So, wouldn't the oxygen need to be at -217 deg.C in order to be liquid?

    If this is true, then the actual answer should be: "Liquid oxygen needs to be 56 deg.C colder in order for its molecular motion to be minimized." NOT 55 deg.C

    Do you believe this is a true assesment of this question?


    4 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Voting Problems. Huge Voting Lines. Why is This Even a Problem?

    With all the money channeling through both campaigns in the form of advertising, why doesn’t each campaign contribute enough money towards ensuring that each American who wants to vote, and who is eligible to vote, can vote!?!

    Not only that, but why not make it TOO EASY for each American citizen to vote? I mean, after all, voting in a presidential election is our civil duty!


    There should be adequate facilities for tax paying American citizens to vote. When there are issues with people trying to vote, such as what we are seeing right now in the form of ridiculously long lines and voting machine malfunctions, why can’t our government simply invest in more voting machines, and in voting machines that can acurately count the votes?

    What are your thoughts? I thank you in advance for your genuine answers.

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Voting Problems. Huge Voting Lines. Why is This Even a Problem?

    With all the money channeling through both campaigns in the form of advertising, why doesn’t each campaign contribute enough money towards ensuring that each American who wants to vote, and who is eligible to vote, can vote!?!

    Not only that, but why not make it TOO EASY for each American citizen to vote? I mean, after all, voting in a presidential election is our civil duty!


    There should be adequate facilities for tax paying American citizens to vote. When there are issues with people trying to vote, such as what we are seeing right now in the form of ridiculously long lines and voting machine malfunctions, why can’t our government simply invest in more voting machines, and in voting machines that can acurately count the votes?

    What are your thoughts? I thank you in advance for your genuine answers.

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • Will The United States Bomb Iran Before January 2009?

    It has been said that if Barack Obama is elected president, the Bush administration will bomb Iran before leaving office in January 2009 and leave the resulting responsibility with the new Obama administration, and if McCain is elected that administration will inevidably and aggresively attack Iran, but probably not before Bush is out of office. What are your thoughts? Thank you.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • RFID Tags & Social Consequences. What are some examples?

    What are some examples of consequences posed by RFID technology?

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago