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  • Can my cousin force my daughter to leave my home?

    My daughter had been abusing me

    My cousin has asked my daughter to leave my home in 1 week.

    Can she legally ask my daughter to leave my home?

  • Can my cousin force my daughter to leave my home?

    My daughter had been abusing me

    My cousin has asked my daughter to leave my home in 1 week.

    Can she legally ask my daughter to leave my home?

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products3 months ago
  • How do I handle the situation now?

    My 28 yr old daughter lives with me and had been abusing me.

    I had 2 eye surgeries and my ear is deformed due to the abuse.

    I stayed with my cousin in LA and now came back to the home.  

    She again abused me and I left behind her back.

    She is extremely upset and cannot function as I cannot also.

    Now my cousin is saying that my daughter has to move out in one week or she will prosecute her

    My daughter does not have anywhere to go.

    How do I handle the situation?

    5 AnswersFamily3 months ago
  • Did I do the right thing?

    My 28 year old daughter had been abusive with me and so I left and am staying with a friend.

    She is extremely shaken and surprised that I left.

    I did tell her before leaving

    I feel sad to have left and now am confused as to how to handle myself.

    She was crying a lot and is very hurt.

    I had 2 eye surgeries and my ear and face are deformed due to the abuse.

    Now I feel extremely guilty for leaving.

    Did I do the right thing?

    4 AnswersFamily3 months ago
  • How should I handle the current situation?

    My 28 year old daughter has been physically abusive with me and we live in my home.  She does not have a job yet and plans to move when she does. 

    She is requesting me to improve my mental health as I am very fearful, anxious and tense around her.  The atmosphere in the house is stale and she cannot be productive. 

    I had left her when she was 10 years old with her father in another state.  Those wounds are still deep within her.  

    I had left for 2 months and stayed with my cousin in another state.  I had two eye surgeries and my left ear is deformed. 

    Now, she says that my running away owns her and makes her feel very sad. 

    I have the option to stay with a friend in a separate In-Law Unit. I think about leaving and then do not because of the emotional effect on my daughter. 

    She is not able to function and focus on her own life.   She sobbed so much yesterday because of the way that I have treated her.  She shows up for me and has pure intents toward me. 

    My friend and cousin are telling me leave so that her life is not at risk for hurting me again. 

    What is the best solution for the current situation?

    3 AnswersFamily3 months ago
  • How do I forget past instances of abuse?

    My 28 yr old daughter is and has been extremely physically abusive with me.

    I am back living with her and keep remembering the past instances of abuse.

    It makes me frightened and anxious.

    I need to forget about them and start afresh.

    They keep coming up in my mind.

    How do I forget them and be less fearful?

    4 AnswersFamily3 months ago
  • How do I not chicken out?

    I am living with my 28 year old daughter who has been abusive with me. 

    I had been staying with my cousin for 2 months and now came back.

    She is again abusive with me and beat me severely on Christmas

    I feel like leaving every time she is away from the house. Then I chicken out because I feel that I would be abandoning her.

    She is a good person but has abusive tendencies.

    My cousin says I can go back and stay with her. 

    My daughter says it would traumatize her if I leave.

    I plan to leave then chicken out.

    I feel that its cruel and mean to walk out on my child.  Her health is suffering also as the environment is tense and anxious in the house.

    2 AnswersFamily3 months ago
  • Does a mother have a right to walk out on her adult child?

     My 28 year old daughter has physically abused me and is continuing to do so.  

    We are living in the same home.  

    I am thinking of leaving again, but feel guilty because a mother should never walk out on her child.  

    Is physical abuse a reason for a mother to walk out on her child?

    She is a good person but just has abusive tendencies toward me. 

    Now as we are living together, my anxiety, fear and lack of communication bother her. 

    I have the option to leave and live with my cousin in another city for some time. 

    Is it right for a mother to walk out on her child though?

    I feel extremely guilty.

    8 AnswersFamily3 months ago
  • Why am I so confused?

    I came back to live with my 28 year old daughter who had been abusive with me.

    I have not changed and neither has she.

    She says that she will beat me to a pulp if I continue my nervous habits.

    I have tried to leave twice and then feel guilty because of the trauma and devastation that I would cause her.

    I plan to leave then change my mind.

    How can I be firm and do the right thing?

    5 AnswersFamily3 months ago
  • How can I not have my feet in 2 places?

    I live with my 28 year old daughter.  I went to another city to stay with my cousin because she was abusive. 

    I came back after having surgeries on eyes and now my eye may need surgery again. 

    I feel like going back to stay with my cousin and plan it constantly in my mind. 

    It wastes my daughter's time because she has to fix me and change mind. 

    My mind is a bad place in her eyes because I have constant negative thoughts  about her, myself and the environment. 

    How can I be committed to staying and working on the relationship?

    She gave me two choices:

    1.  Go back and stay with my cousin

    2.  Live in the house with no interaction. 

    I am confused constantly as to what to do.

    2 AnswersFamily4 months ago
  • How do I resolve my split feelings inside?

    I am living with my 28 year old daughter and she had become physically abusive.  So, I went to stay with my cousin in another state.   

    I had two eye surgeries and my ear is deformed due to her abuse. 

    I came back to my home and she has hit me twice.  I have cloudy vision in my left eye also.

    Now, I am confused if I should continue to stay in the home or not. 

    I have packed my bags and tried to leave twice then come back due to a feeling of guilt and responsibility. 

    I do not create joy and happiness in the home and she is upset about that. 

    I also do not make her a priority and instead focus on tasks. 

    She will be away this weekend and I do not know if I should leave again. 

    It will make her very sad inside and she become physically ill. 

    I sometimes fear  her though with her comments and physical abuse. 

    She says that if I leave, then we will never have a relationship again. 

    I am confused most days and have my feet both inside and outside the relationship.

    4 AnswersFamily4 months ago
  • How can I help my daughter with her stress levels?

    My 28 year old daughter and I had not been getting along and she had become physically abusive with me.  I had 2 eye surgeries and my ear is deformed due to her abuse. 

    I had been staying in another city with my cousin.  Now, I came back to my home. 

    I am going to work during the day. 

    However, she is very stressed out living in my home.  She plans to move out but has not found a suitable place yet. 

    She is physically sick due to the stress in the home and me returning. 

    Should I go back and stay with my cousin?  I had been with her for 2 1/2 months and was not the most comfortable being away from my own home. 

    I want to help my daughter with her stress levels but am confused as to how. 

    5 AnswersFamily5 months ago
  • How do I work with my anxiety?

    My 28 year old daughter and I had not been getting along and I went to stay with my cousin for 10 weeks.  She had been physically abusive and I had 2 eye surgeries and my ear is deformed. 

    I came back to my home on Friday night. 

    She said that the weekend went very poorly as I as very anxious, tense and nervous. 

    I did not communicate openly and take charge. 

    Yet, I complain about others including her taking charge. 

    She cannot function in the house because of my anxiety and the home environment is very tense and uneasy. 

    How can I manage my anxiety and be more relaxed and calm?

    2 AnswersFamily5 months ago
  • How do I heal the relationship with my 28 year old daughter?

    My 28 year old daughter had been abusing me in my home and I had to have 2 eye surgeries and my ear is deformed. 

    I am currently staying with my cousin in another city.  I have decided to go back to my home.  

    I have had a few discussions with my daughter as to how things will be between the two of us until she moves out. She plans to move out in a few months. 

    I did not put my soul into the discussions and she was very, very hurt.  She wanted depth and clarity from me such as when we would spend time together. 

    My cousin has asked me to sign a Declaration form stating that the police will be informed if further abuse occurs. 

    I feel that in our relationship my daughter runs the show and takes my power away.  She says that I do not do anything or take any initiative.  My house also shows that since I have not updated or decorated my home since I moved in.  

    How do I keep my power with me in this toxic relationship?  She did not have a good feeling after the last few phone calls. 

    I get anxious around her and she feels very sad that I do not show up for her. 

    I need to feel for her and take a stand for the relationship.  She gets frustrated as I do not. 

    8 AnswersFamily5 months ago
  • Would the police enforce these stipulations?

    My adult daughter had been physically abusing me.  I have had to have 2 eye surgeries and my ear is deformed. 

    I am currently staying with the my cousin in another city. 

    I would like to go back to my home where my daughter is staying. 

    My cousin is asking me to sign a declaration stating that my daughter should move out, how we will communicate and meet and that she go to Counseling for 6 months. 

    I am not in agreement with signing the declaration. 

    Would the police enforce similar stipulations?

    She says that I have to sign the Declaration or she will contact the District Attorney's Office.  I called the District Attorney and they would just refer it to the Police. 

    I do not want the law involved in family matters. 

    I just do not want her to force me to agree to stipulations that I do not agree with. 

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 months ago
  • Do I have to agree to their stipulations?

    My adult daughter had been abusing me so I came to stay with my cousin in another city.  I had 2 eye surgeries and my ear is deformed. 

    Now,  I would like to go back to my home and heal things with my daughter before she moves out. 

    My cousin had her attorney draft a declaration which she wants me sign which details that I left from my home voluntarily and details the injuries. 

    Now, I made modifications to the document and she added stipulations stating how and when I would talk to my daughter and that my daughter would have to move out of my home and she would have to see a rental agreement.  She also states that my daughter must go to counseling for 6 months before we can be under the same roof. 

    She also wanted wellness checks weekly to see that I am not abused again.

    I do not agree to the stipulations and am not signing the document. 

    I had added a statement about her not contacting the DA's office.  She said if I delete that statement, the stipulations can be deleted.  


    I wanted to have it say - if further abuse occurs, then the DA's office may be contacted.

    How can I get around her stipulations which I feel are an invasion of my relationship with my daughter? 

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 months ago
  • How should I use my time while staying with my cousin?

    I am currently staying with my cousin in another city because my 28 year old daughter was abusive with me. 

    I had two eye surgeries because of the abuse.  The doctor has not given me clearance to travel yet because of the left eye surgery. 

    My cousin is saying that she wants a signed Declaration from me before I go back to my home  with my daughter or she will call the DA's office if I go back with my daughter being in my home or not. 

    I modified the Declaration and provided it to her to review today, but have not signed it.  

    In the meantime, I am worried about my daughter.  I am also lonely here because I cannot drive yet and my cousin is at work all day. 

    I know that the situation is temporary, but it is hard at times. 

    My daughter says that I should do the work on myself and make micro changes to myself daily. 

    What is a good way to use my time while here?

    I want to heal the relationship with my daughter.  But she says that I do not take initiative on the phone. 

    4 AnswersFamily6 months ago
  • How do I deal with my fear of my cousin's reaction?

    My 28 year old daughter had been abusing me so I am staying with my cousin in another city. 

    Now I would like to go back to my home. 

    My cousin is a health care professional and is a mandated reporter of violence. 

    So, she is asking me to sign a Declaration that does not hold her responsible if anything happens to me. 

    I have made modifications to the document and am requesting the she also sign it. 

    She said that I could make modifications to it. 

    I sent it to her and her attorney friend who drafted it today. 

    I am nervous about her reaction. I am scared that she will yell at me or ask me to leave her home. 

    I have to be strong and face whatever her reaction is.  

    How do I deal with my fears?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 months ago
  • How should handle the situation with my cousin?

    My daughter had been physically abusing me so I am staying with my cousin in another city. 

    Now I have decided to got back to my home. 

    I am signing a declaration which my cousin had drafted.  I am making modifications to the document and will sign it. 

    My daughter spoke to my cousin and she knows about the declaration. 

    I have decided to book a ticket to return home in a few weeks after my doctor says that I can travel. 

    How do I tell my cousin that I have decided to sign the declaration and booked a ticket to return home?

    I am responsible for my own life yet the discussion will be difficult. 

    4 AnswersFamily6 months ago
  • Can my cousin legally force me to have my daughter leave my home?

    My daughter had been physically abusing me and so I am staying with my cousin in another city.

    Now my cousin wants me to sign a declaration before I can go back to my home which makes her not liable for anything that happens to me if I go back to my home. 

    Can she force me to have my daughter move out of my home before I go back?

    She keeps saying that and I do not agree with her statements. 

    I wonder if she has any legal grounds to stand on as it is not her home. 

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 months ago