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  • Should I get a credit card?

    We just bought a house ( feb) and that's the only "debt" I have, I was approved for Victoria's secret credit card few days ago, I thought I was not going to be approved since I don't have credit ( well that's what I think, I'm not sure) but like i said this is my first credit card, I don't have any debts, and my social security is like brand new since I received my permanent resident card around 2 yrs ago.

    I haven't use my social security at all, I mean I have never apply for a job with it since i own my business and receive payment via paypal ( it's my husband's account)

    1 year ago I tried to apply for a credit card on Chase, and it was denied since I didn't have proof of my income ( that's what the banker said)

    I'm thinking on applying for a credit card, but since I'm new at this I don't want to be fooled with high interest rates, monthly fees etc.

    Anobody knows if it will be possible to get a credit card even if I don't have proofs of my income? we'll I do but it's on paypal, I'm not sure if that will work.

    Also, which are the best credit cards for someone like me that doesn't have much experience on this and that is trying to build credit?

    Will it help me the fact that I was just approved for Victoria's secret credit card? should I wait until I apply for a new card or it doesn't matter that I just got my first C.Card?

    Ohh and I also wanted to know if it's possible to apply for a credit card online? is this secure?

    I applied for Victoria's secret card online since I know it's a trusted site/company.

    Thanks so much!!

    PS: By the way, I have not used my V.S credit card yet.

    4 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Which are the best e-mail accounts for a small business?

    I've been using hotmail from about 8 years! But I decided to switch to yahoo since hotmail keep blocking many important emails,for example, emails sent from my website's contact form, even when I saved the emails as "safe sender" I'm sick of this since I use this email for my business.

    it doesn't have many settings, so I'm unable to manually change this. It will automatically block some emails, even when I added my website email as safe!

    hotmail is great but for personal use, not for business purposes :(

    so I switched to yahoo, thinking it will be BETTER, but I was wrong! The search function doesn't work! gosh!! it will only find SOME Emails using words you wrote in the subject etc, but it won't find any email if you search by the sender's email id, for example:

    Now the thing is that I tried to create an account on Gmail using my domain name but the user name is in unavailable since somebody is using it already! so I tried adding a dot (.) within the domain , for example and is unavailable as well!!


    I'm trying to find a GOOD email for my business, hopefully that will:

    Easily find messages by searching e-mails sender,name, id ( ebay, amazon etc).

    That won't block ANY email but instead let ME do it manually

    Easy at attaching files.

    and that it's FREE! I don't have a big company, just a small business so I'm unable to do a monthly payment for an email account.

    any suggestion?

    Thanks in advance! :)

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • What breed is my puppy? I'm confused...?

    We just bought a little cute puppy who is 1.5 month old, the lady who sold us the puppy said that it was a Maltese , however we have our doubts about it since when searching on the web we found pics of puppy malteses that don't look like our puppy, the face is different...

    I was wondering if anyone can let me know my puppy's breed?

    Here are photos of Max, our puppy:

    Thanks so much!! :)

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • ¿Problemas con mi amiga por nuestros hijos.. que hago?

    Tengo una amiga a la cual quiero mucho, somos amigas hace ya 3 anios, nuestros hijos siempre han jugado y se la llevaban bien , pero ultimamente pelean mucho , mi hija tiene casi 4 anios y el hijo de ella casi 5 anios, el problema es que el ahora hace muchas cosas como para "llamar la atencion" y pelea con mi hija, ella no no pelea ni nada, de hecho cuando llora llora en silencio sin que nadie sepa, o va y me dice lo que pasa, y el hace las maldades sabiendo que esta mal pk uno le dice que NO y va y lo hace, o hace las cosas , o le hecha la culpa a mi hija, y viene aca y nada le parece bien, les pongo una pelicula y no quiere, le doy jugetes y no quiere osea no quiere nada , como que no le gusta ver q' su mama y yo estemos tranquilas conversando, pero me e dado cuenta que esto nos a separado, mi amiga anda diferente conmigo , ya no tenemos la misma relacion y nose si tenga que ver pero tambien desde que nosotros compramos casa ella a cambiado, como que llega a mi casa de mal humor, o anda con cara de aburrimiento , yo siempre me alegro por sus logros y siempr ele digo cuando encuentro las cosas bien, ella en el momento no me los dice, solo en msn como " k linda esta tu casa" nose kosas asi pero en el momento k esta aqui no es asi de expresiva.

    Siento que la estoy perdiendo poco a poco, me da mucha tristeza y no quiero que por las peleas de ninos de nuestros hijos nos separemos .

    De hecho ayer me senti muy mal porque estabamos convesando junto a otra amiga que apenas llego a la ciudad y salio el tema de las amigas y dijo "yo nunca e tenido mejor amiga!" yo no confio en las mejores amigas y yo le dije "y yo que?" y djo pero ati te quiero como una hermana o un familiar pero no tengo mejor amiga, ya que el dia de manana las "amigas" te salen con sorpresas , eso para mi fue un golpe muy fuerte, yo solo me calle pero me senti muy mal , pk ella me habia dicho antes q' yo era "su mejor amiga" , me e dado cuenta que tambien es diferente conmigo cuando hay otras personas :(

    No la quiero PERDER pk la quiero muco y yo si la considero mi mejor amiga, pero tambien me afecta verla y darme cuenta como a cambiado conmigo.

    Nose que hacer !! :(

    2 AnswersAmigos1 decade ago
  • ¿Que ejercicio sirve para adelgazar los brazos y estomago?

    Quisiera empezar a ejercitarme y quiero empezar por tener brazos mas delgados y firmes y tambien quiero hacer mas cintura y bajar un poco el estomago, que ejercicios me sirven (ejercicios que pueda hacer en casa ) queria hacer abdominales pero alguien me dijo que eso no servia para bajar el estoamgo ya que la grasa se hacia musculo ... eso es verda?

    Tambien quisiera saber si hay algun ejercicio para los rollitos de la espalda?

    Gracias!! :)

    6 AnswersDieta y Vida Sana1 decade ago
  • I had a lasik surgery around 2 yrs ago...?

    I had my Lasik surgery in both eyes around 1yr 7months ago, everything went ok, until about a yr ago ... I was unable to see really clear like in the beginning, and now I think my vision is the same way as before I had my surgery... is this normal? it's supposed to work at least 10 yrs right? I'm young (22) so I don't think that is not working because of my age..?? I went to the doctor for a check out, but she says that "everything" was fine ... but how come I don't see that clear? I can see almost the same way before I had done the surgery. When I had my surgery I could see a sign far away, even the small letters, now I see everything blurry, even when I'm watching tv :( I'm a graphic designer and I'm in front of a screen for long hours during the day, I told this to the doctor but she says that it was ok and that were not going to affect my vision...

    I'm so dissapointed ...what can I do??

    Thanks so much!

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • What can I expect at the green card interview in TX?


    My interview is in 2 days, I filled my green card through marriage, a real marriage of course, we have been 5 yrs together (1 1/2 yr married) and we have a child, our daughter is 2yr 7mo old, the person who is helping me with the papers told me that I should not be scared, respond with the truth etc etc... but what can I expect in my interview? I'm really nervious because english is my 2nd lenguage and whenever I get nervious it's even harder for me to understand it .... so my mind may go blank!!

    What will they ask me? How many questions they ask? do I have to respond yes or no only or explain to them whatever they ask...

    Thank you so much in advance!

    3 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Good and easy to use SHOPPING CART for my website.. ?

    Hello there!

    I just started my own website , I create personalized invitations,party favors etc etc... I'm wondering what's a good (and cheap) shopping cart to use in my website? I need something that looks professional but at the same time that is not too expensive and also easy to use.

    Thanks in advance! :)


    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • How can I change or sell my appliances..? ?

    We're moving to a new house, the appliances are NEW but they are white, we want to get Black or Stainless Steel , we want to sell the appliances that come with the house so we'll be able to use that money to buy some of the appliances we want... my question is: is there any way we can sell or exchange this at a store or something so we''ll get pay like they were new, the original price of appliances, because I think that if we sell these to somebody we'll get half of the original price...

    Is there any store that lets you exchange or buy new furniture etc....

    any tips or advise? Thanks!!

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • We want to set up a snow vacation on January ....?

    We want to take a snow vacation on January, we have a toddler of 2 yr 6 months, so we want to take her to the snow... we live in Dallas, TX , is there any place close to Texas where we can go and stay for a weekend , where we could rent a cabin and just enjoy the snow. We're not interested in skiing or snow sports, just want to experience something different and have fun. All the information I've found is for ski resorts.


    1 AnswerOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • ¿Aplique para la residencia, me llego la tarjeta de trabajo, cuanto demora la residencia?


    Hace unos meses mi esposo me pidio para ser residente, el se hizo ciudadano hace 1 anio y medio mas omenos, nosotros tenemos casi 5 anios juntos y una hija de 2 anios, pero nos casamos hace 1 anio... bueno para ir al punto queria saber cuanto tiempo se demora mas omenos la residencia, ya me llamaron para tomarme las huellas, y hace una semana me llego la tarjeta de trabajo, pero queria saber si el que me halla llegado esa tarjeta significa que ya aprovaron mi residencia o todavia no? me tienen que llamar para una entrevista?

    Alguien me puede dar informacion, cualquier info va ser muy agradecida!


    2 AnswersInmigración1 decade ago
  • How do I fill a sheet in Microsoft word with my own design of Address Label?

    Hello there!

    I just created an address label using photoshop, now I'll like to fill a page to print them using Microsoft word, I've never use that program to do that, but many people have told me that is the best way to print address labels...

    I was following this instructions: but it show how to fill it with your own info et, I want to fill the template with the design I created (JPG)

    My label is Green and it has other colors, when I tried printing them at Painshop , it look perfect in the template, but when they were printing all the labels were like moved, they were not filling the whole label like they are supposed to, this is a picture to show what I mean : , please look at it. :)

    ALso is there any tool that "Auto fill" the sheet for me so I don't have to copy and paste 30 times ?

    My address labels are Avery 8160 (30/sheet)

    Thanks in advance! :)

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Where can I find shirts for to Iron-on transfer?

    I've found some good sites that sells blank shirts, but I'm not sure if I have to buy a certain type of shirt? most of the shirts are 100% cotton, I'm wondering if they'll stretch the image of the transfer?

    3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • which are the best printers for a graphic designer?

    Hello there!

    I need to buy a good printer , I will be printing flyers, business cards, invitations, return address labels etc

    I've been reading reviews of many printers but I don't know which one is the best because in some reviews have exelent comments of the editors, but not so good of the users, this is the printer Lexmark C532n, I read the reviews at

    the other bad thing is that I've been looking in many stores for this printer , so I'll be able to try it before buying, but it seems that non of the stores I've go have it .

    why is not common ?

    I was wondering what's the best brand for printers?

    I'm looking for a Laser printer, good quality when is about printing color graphics etc , and not to expensive, I have around $600 to expend.

    Any help would ne really appreciated!


    4 AnswersPrinters1 decade ago
  • Which are the best printers for a graphic designer?

    Hello there!

    I need to buy a good printer , I will be printing flyers, business cards, invitations, return address labels etc

    I've been reading reviews of many printers but I don't know which one is the best because in some reviews have exelent comments of the editors, but not so good of the users, this is the printer Lexmark C532n, I read the reviews at

    the other bad thing is that I've been looking in many stores for this printer , so I'll be able to try it before buying, but it seems that non of the stores I've go have it .

    why is not common ?

    I was wondering what's the best brand for printers?

    I'm looking for a Laser printer, good quality when is about printing color graphics etc , and not to expensive, I have around $600 to expend.

    Any help would ne really appreciated!


    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • How can I tell if my new printer has the chips?

    I bought a printer, and wanted to check if it comes with the chips that need for the cartridges, where do I have to check, or how they look like.

    My printer is a Canon IP 3500

    thanks! =)

    2 AnswersPrinters1 decade ago
  • What's the difference within a Canon ip3500 & a Canon ip3500m??

    I wanted to buy a printer to start making edible image cake toppers etc. so I I found this printer : Canon IP3500m , but in the list of printers that work to print with edible ink , is a Canon IP3500 (without the M) so I was wondering if it's the same thing, or are 2 differents printers?


    3 AnswersPrinters1 decade ago
  • Can I use "MyFaves" of SAMSUNG T509 with another company?

    My cell phone is broke so I was searching for a new one, I found this cell phone on ebay (SAMSUNG T509 ) and I was wondering If I can use it with AT&T? will I be able to use "myfaves" ?


    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Which laser printer do you recommed me?

    Hello there!

    I need a color laser printer, 80% of the stuff that I print are in color like invitations, return address labels, etc, so I wanted to buy a good printer (not industrial) I have around $500 , but I wanted to be sure what to buy, I don't want a ALL-IN-ONE , because I have one already, but it's a inkjet printer.

    what printer should I buy? and how much it will cost me per page?

    Thank you! :)

    3 AnswersPrinters1 decade ago
  • In which website can I print shipping labels??

    Hello there!

    I'll like to know where can I print my shipping labels besides paypal and usps? ... I tried stamps but it monthly charges me $15.00 and I don't think I want to pay that , because I use it once or twice a month.

    Is there any other website where I can print my shipping labels?


    1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade ago