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  • I find it incredibly difficult to share my feelings?

    I'm 24, and I'm a only child. I taught myself to hide my feelings, based on my personal experience being bullied in school.

    When i'm upset, angry, sad or experience any negative emotion, I will always hide it or leave the situation immediately.

    When it comes to positive emotions such as love, liking someone or appreciating someone, I find it almost unbearable to share my feelings, even if its a compliment. I can do it in text, messages but never face to face. it makes me feel too vulnerable.

    What would your advise be, because this is starting to play a negative impact on my life

    1 AnswerPsychology5 years ago
  • was I mean or did i do the right thing in this situation?

    my uni friends wanted to play truth or dare. so there was this girl whom my friends believed was intrested in me. so they dared me to spend 7 minutes and heaven with her. she didnt seem intrested in doing anything, so nothing happened. then one person asked me on truth, how intrested I was into her, and I said well, im intrested in this other girl and i got a date this coming week. I said i wasnt intrested in her because i like someone. and everyone accused me of being mean. did I do the right thing

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • If you ask a girl out to coffee and she says yes what would that mean?

    there is this girl im intrested in uni. weve been texting back and forth. shes been wanting to get a group of our class mates and hang out outside of class. i asked her to coffee because I was intrested in her volunteer experience in africa since I might be going to africa. she said yes and were meeting in two days. would she think it was a date or just to meet up as friends

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Tell me why I should pick your answer for best answer?

    tell me a reason, tell me a story, or even tell me a joke. I wanna see how creative u guys are.

    also if u guys can help me out, if u guys have facebook or google plus, please click on my link and like my photo

    lets see how creative u guys are

    20 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • If u can give me any life advice what would it be?

    I'm 22, im studying in university, I'm single and I enjoy travelling

    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • what advice would u give, to a person who is single, who is in a relationship and who is married?

    what advice would u give to yourself if u were

    - single

    - in a relationship

    - marred

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • I need you opinion on this?

    I saw a woman get attacked and robbed by a man. I tried to chase after him with another guy, but we couldn't outrun a bike. After everything was settled, I feel really guilty that I didn't do more. I felt I could have done more, but I only tried my best at the situation. give your thoughts, should I beat myself up for this/

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Why is my friend ignoring me?

    Well we became friends after I took her on a few dates, but she told me she wasn't ready for a relationship because she was depressed. Well then, I started helping out with her depression. I later reveled that I had depression thought a FB note. She told me that she was proud of me for telling everyone I was depressed and that if I ever need her that she will be there for me. I sent asked her if she wanted to hang out. which she ignored. Then a couple of days later, a posted on a hateful on that note, which she saw, I emitted myself into the hospital and took time off work. When I told my boss why I skipped work because I was in the hops ital, my friend over heard me and ran away. I sent her a message apologizing to everyone for what I put them thought and I know she got it but hasn't replied back. i even drunk texted her last night and nothing. I'm all better but I'm confused about our friendship.

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Do girls find inspirational people attractive?

    for the last couple of summers I've been doing humantrian work in Mexico. I also fought depression multiple times throught out my life. I've done talks a front of schools, and gone on the news and newspaper on how i beat depression. A lot of my friends have told me how much of a hero I am to them. All in ll, I'm just a nice guy trying to make this world a better place. Do girls fine guys they look up to attractive

    4 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Should I leave my depressed friend alone?

    Last couple of this my friend had a fight with her friend. Then he deleted his fb last night and ignored both our texts. I went with her out trying to find her friend last night but no luck. Then today she wants to be alone her friend talks to her. She is so depressed right now. I wanna buy her some lunch and drop it off at her place. Just to make sure she's ok. Even if she doesn't want to see me. What should I do?

    1 AnswerPsychology9 years ago
  • how do I make things less awkward around this girl?

    Well let's just say, the first time a met this girl, I found here really attractive, which made me act shy. I don't even remember if we introduced each other. anyways, i tried a couple of times, when I was drunk, facebooking her and i even told her how I liked her. i want things to become less awkward , I'm thinking about apologizing to her and start everything over. Also I'll be seeing her every week at church and she's friends with one of my close friends so. I want things to become better. I need some advice

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • What does it mean when a girl finds inexperienced guys highly attractive?

    i'm just curious, cause things between this friend and I are complicated to say the least. I'm pretty sure I'm stuck in the friend zone. but this girl told me she, had erotic dream with me, and liked it cause she knew that I was inexperienced. I'm just what are some reason why girls would find inexperienced guys highly attractive

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • How do i cheer my depressed friend up?

    I asked this girl out, and she told she wasnt looking for anything, cause she been battling depression lately. well, I battled depression for a couple of years, 5 years ago. Her and i talked about what she was going throught a couple of days ago. I've been trying to motivate her. by sending her nice text every morning. but the last two days have been horrible for her. She became really upset and non active. I sent her a couple of text messages saying how i felt about her, and that i will always be there. She hasnt replied back. sshould i give her some space, or should I send her a ncie text message tommorow

    4 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • how do you deal with rejection, and loneliness?

    I'm 20 and today was a rough day. A girl who I late slip away just got married today. I'd just found out today that a girl im into at work is interested at work. I know I'm attractive and I'm a nice guy, (lol0 I've never dated anyone. but I'm starting to get my hopes up, only to get disappointed. part of me is starting to believe that I will die alone. how do i change this outlook?

    5 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • what would u do in this situation?

    I hang out with 6 other friends. We went to mexico and built a house together. but then after we got back. 1 girl has a over obsessive crush on a guy. then this same girl push one of her close friends away. because of this, it has created a rift between all of us and some awkwardness. we never hang out anymore, unless only part of the group goes. most of us are out of high school but no one is willing to say to everyone, lets fix this. I feel like i should say something and be totally honest. cause im a bit fed up and i got other friends to hang out with if this drama doesnt go away

    4 AnswersPsychology10 years ago
  • how do I get my friends back?

    6 friends and I used to hang out every other week. We went down to Mexico and build a house together. After we came back, tension boiled between a girl and a guy and then the same girl and another girl. It became so bad that we only hang out if a certain someone doesnt hang out. Even then it feels a bit werid and were not having that much fun. Everyone is too ncie to say anything, I feel like I should send a massgae through facebook and tell everyone I feel about it and to grow up. were gonna be out of high school next year. im sick of wasting my time, if things dont get better. should i send a message to everyone

    3 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • what life advice would you tell a person who is twenty?

    I took a two years off and did humanitarian work abroad and I plan to find a career in that field. I'm a virgin, and my closest friends are the same friends in kindergarten. I've lived in the same town my entire life. I used to be a mormon for two years starting at age 17. I'm also a only child. what advice would you give me

    4 AnswersPhilosophy10 years ago
  • what show is this, junk car show?

    I remember this show about 7 years ago. where 3 teams are pitted against each other. where they have to drive their calls throught obstacles, like water, and stuff. also they had a track designed to. also at the end the loser lost their car to the incenaratot. also im pretty sure it was on TLC, but it was not junkyard wars

    1 AnswerReality Television1 decade ago