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  • How do you get in the mood to read?

    I have a few books I want to read, and I enjoy read, but lately my mind wanders and can't get through a few pages without getting bored.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • What are Islamic ideologies regarding the rite of exorcism?

    ...Compared to Christianity and Judaism.

    6 AnswersRamadan5 years ago
  • Why are humans the only species that require food to be cooked (meat mostly) in order to eat?

    Just curious why this is. Would our bodies evolve over time to be able to handle the dangerous bacteria in uncooked meat?

    3 AnswersBiology5 years ago
  • What's a job that an older women could do without a post-secondary education?

    My mother who will be 59 soon had to quit her career and decided to go into early retirement due to a medical issue, which made her unable to work at her current job any longer. She's been off for a little more than a year, and she say's she's going insane and feels useless without working. She is still out doing things everyday to keep herself busy, but is missing the structure and demand that paid work provides.

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • There's a bright object in the sky that has an orangish tinge to it. Is it a planet or is it a star?

    It's rather difficult to explain, so pardon my ignorance as I am no astronomer. I've been fascinated by the night's sky, and for a few months I've noticed this object in the sky that radiates differently than the typical star. I live in a very urban area, so the visible stars are few, however this one is one of the brightest. Where most stars appear bright and white, this is bright and orange. I live in the Greater Toronto Area, EST which is likely similar in position to NYC, Philadelphia and Boston. The location where it typical is seen at it's brightest is south east in the sky. From my research, it could potentially be Arcturus, Mars, Venus or Jupiter, but apparently these are not well visable in urban areas from light pollution.

    5 AnswersAstronomy & Space5 years ago
  • How Can you Ask your Doctor for a Specific Prescription?

    Firstly, I'm not trying to get any narcotics or anything that revolves around substance abuse what so ever. I'm asking because a family member cured themselves of GERD, and doesn't need their prescription any longer. Since I suffer from acid reflux they gave them to me. The drug is called "Pantoprazole" under the name "pantolic" and since taking them, it's worked wonders. I haven't been to my family doctor for years, and I've made an appointment as my supply of this medication is almost finished, and would like to continue taking them in the future. Considering that the family member is also another client of my doctor, I don't want to say who has given them to me, as she'd recognize the name. I understand it's unethical for one to use another's prescribed medication, however I would like to continue taking this drug. I don't know how to ask for this medication specifically to my doctor without saying who's supplied me with them, and it's only available via prescription.

    I'm also a relatively fit person, and diet changes and exercise has not helped with my acid reflux issues.

    6 AnswersMedicine5 years ago
  • What's more Plausible? Traveling at the Speed of Light, or Teleportation?

    Both are near impossible to ever fathom accomplishing, but hypothetically which of the two would be "easier" to develop? There's no correct answer per say, but this has made me curious.

    8 AnswersPhysics5 years ago
  • Why are Diabetic Sugar Levels so High?

    A close relative of mine has abnormally high blood-glucose levels almost everyday. Typically, her levels will range from 10-19 (Canadian format) daily. Her diet consists of low carb, no grain, and no added sugar. She follows a diet plan from "Wheat Belly" by Dr. William Davis, in combination with "Grain Brain" by Kristen Loburg. She's been eating this way for almost a year now, and ultimately feels better inside and has lost weight, but her levels are still so high. Doctors have expressed concern for her eyes as she needs injections every so often now because of the diabetes, but even with a complete diet change levels are ridiculously high for her.

    Anyone have any ideas as to why? Please don't debate on whether or not she should be eating wheat/grains please. Regardless, diebetics need to watch their glucose levels, and carbs and sugar raise it significantly, so they shouldn't be resulting the way that they do. Thank you.

    9 AnswersDiabetes5 years ago
  • Is it Appropriate to Give your Professors a Gift at the End of a Semester?

    The first term is coming to a close, and with it comes the holidays. Most of my marks have been posted, so I'm not trying to be a 'brown noser' or whatever, but just to truly say thanks for a great semester, taught by great people. I was thinking a nice bottle of wine for a couple, and a bottle of Scotch for one professor who makes jokes about his questionable drinking habits. I know they would appreciate it, but is it appropriate to buy alcohol for professors? I'm in my second year of post-graduate studies, so I'm well above the age of majorty to purchase spirits. Thank you for your opinions!

    3 AnswersEtiquette5 years ago
  • What can Adults do to Protect/Defend Themselves Against a Minor in a Physical Altercation?

    Specifically in Canadian law, or British/Australian law as they're similar, what could an adult do when a minor has resorted to physical blows against them? Hypothetically, if the minor had became physical to them first with an adult, what can the adult do? Mostly referring to a teenager who has gotten physical, not a child.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • What is the Purpose of the British Monarchy?

    It seems as if the British Monarchy is a bit archaic given the age we live in. Does the Queen have any actual power or governance over the Kingdom's territories? Or is she and her kin essentially just figureheads with no legitimate claim to rule?

    22 AnswersRoyalty5 years ago
  • Why do People Think That Veterans from The Great War, WW2, etc. Were Fighting for our Freedom?

    Let me start off by saying that I have complete respect & gratification for the vets who have served my country, and the soldiers currently serving my country. The question I'm asking is solely on theory & to clear up any ignorance I have. Please, don't hate because this is not to discredit or degrate anyone who has been to war.

    Today in Canada is Remembrance Day, and Veteran's Day in the U.S. It is a day of remembering DDay which was a significant event in WW2. Studying the 2 Great Wars, Vietnam, and Korea, I'm wondering why people think that soldiers fought for our freedom. I'm not ignorant when it comes to the events and historical aspects. War has never been fought on Canadian soil since 1812, or American from the Civil War. During WW2 when considering the event at Pearl Harbour, Canada declared war on Japan a day before the U.S. did. My point is almost all the wars from WW1 up until now were not necessarily fighting for our freedom,(Canada & U.S.) it was always for other countries whom we are allies with. There was no attempt on taking over territory from these two counties in the form of war since 1812 and the Civil War which Canada had no role in.

    Again, I'm not hating on veterans at all! I respect the fact that they have/are defending and fighting for ideologies like democracy, but is it technically incorrect when one thanks them for our freedom specifically? Both countries were "free" before these wars.

    24 AnswersHistory6 years ago
  • How can I have a Better Relationship with my Mom?

    My mom is 58 and not in the best of health. She isn't terminally ill, but it's obvious that she's no longer the superwoman she was when I was a child. Growing up it was just her and I. She never married or had any other children. We don't have the greatest relationship, and it's breaking my heart. We get frustrated with each other easily, and there's no exact reason why. She's always been the first person I see in the morning, and the last one as well when going to bed. Whatever time I have when not at work or school is spent in my room, or with friends. We don't spend any time together really. She's on disability due to an injury and has been out of work for more than a year. Her days consist of watching TV alone, or reading. Besides myself, she doesn't really have anyone else. She'll visit family now and then, go out for tea with a friend, but not often. It keeps me up a night sometimes knowing how lonely she must be, but how she never shows it. Due to her health, I'd say she has maybe a decade or so left, and I'm at the age where I'm starting my adult life and probably will not be living with her much longer. What I fear most is leaving her alone with just her books and her TV keeping for company, and not having anyone to care for or spend time with. I love my mom with all my heart, and I'm not looking for pity. What I'm asking for is if anyone has gone through or going through the same situation, and how I can strengthen our relationship before it's too late.Thank you.

    3 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Why do I experience the worst acid reflux after a night of drinking?

    I don't drink that often, but when I do it's to get drunk on some sort of special occasion. Within the last year, almost every time I've drank (let's say 8 times), I've had to induce vomiting. It's not because I've felt sick, but only because it felt as if my esophagus felt like it was on fire. I do experience acid reflux a lot, but usually taking a Zantac once a day does the's concerning me because when I do induce vomiting there's blood in the vomit. I'm 24 and not in horrible health, but definitely could be better. I haven't been to the doctor in a while, but this is influencing my decision to maybe go, as this is not normal at all. Thought's?

    1 AnswerMedicine6 years ago
  • What's the Best Online Used Bookstore?

    I've seen a couple that seem to look alright, but then after reading some reviews, more people showed negative opinions and feedback rather than positive. So, if you're familiar with an online bookstore that focuses on the sale of used books, please share your opinion if you'd be so kind. Thanks!

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Is Halloween a Dying Holiday?

    I feel as if year after year less houses are decorated and less kids come trick or treating at my door. I'm glad that I was able to enjoy Halloween as a kid, and it'd be a shame for it do "die" out. Has anyone else noticed this too?

    5 AnswersHalloween6 years ago
  • What's a good way to memorize and retain information?

    I have about 150+ terms and definitions that I need to know for a psychology exam coming up soon and was wondering ways that people have been sucessful in a similar situation. Memorizing isn't that difficult itself, it's keeping that information in my head after that is my main issue.

  • How can we see a Lunar Eclipse?

    Pardon my ignorance if I'm wrong as I'm far from an astronomer, but how is it possible to see a lunar eclipse? If the different phases of the moon are caused by Earth's shadow blocking out sunlight from reflecting off the moon, wouldn't it make more sense that during a lunar eclipse we wouldn't be able to see it at all? From what I know an eclipse occurs when the sun, Earth and the moon align, blocking out the light from the sun to the moon because Earth is in the way. I don't understand.

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space6 years ago
  • Any Ideas as to why my HP Laptop Won't Charge?

    I just bought this laptop less than a month ago and it refuses to charge anywhere except at my house. I started school last week and it was working there, but now it's not. When I'm in my lectures my phone is able to utilize the plug outlets, but my laptop doesn't anymore. It's extremely strange because other laptops charge fine, just not mine. The only difference between charging at school and at home is I have it plugged into a power bar at home whereas school it's directly into an outlet. Any ideas for a fix to this issue? Thanks.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks6 years ago