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  • Rental questions?

    I need to know if any one has been a landlord before that can help with a few questions, I have about a place I rented?The thing is I rented this place for 1 1/2 years, I signed a 1 year lease with the owners of the trailer court. The owners had stated that they had originally bought it for their daughter, but their daughter did not want anything to do with it. So when we signed the lease the owners name was on it. Within like 2 months before our lease was up, their daughter took over, the only thing we got about this was a new set of rules. We did not have to sign a new lease or anything. When we moved about about a month ago. I had someone clean the carpets for me, & I spent 2 days cleaning the place so that we could get our desposit back; when we moved in the place the screen was falling apart, we notified the owners of this at that time, so they were aware of this, it took them a a year to fix it.

    7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • what is VBScript?

    Itunes could not be installed because Visual Basic Script (VBscript) is not installed or has been disabled, make sure VBScript is installed. Turn off script blocking & anti viruse & personal firewall software; Reregister VBScript & than install Itunes." ok I have Windows Vista; Does any one know how to fix this?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • I Pod Nano?

    My daughter has a pink I pod Nano; tonight she plugged it in the computer & it will not bring up the Itunes. I have tried to unistall & reinstall it but it will not let; I keep getting this message can some one help please ASAP.

    "Itunes could not be installed because Visual Basic Script (VBscript) is not installed or has been disabled, make sure VBScript is installed. Turn off script blocking & anti viruse & personal firewall software; Reregister VBScript & than install Itunes." ok I have Windows Vista; my daughter has this IPod for well over 6months & it has worked up until tonight; it was working fine last night; we thought maybe it was cord so we replaced it & it still does not work; Does any one know how to fix this? Please.

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Help with a Nano Ipod?

    My daughter bought a Ipod about a month ago and now the thing is froze up on here there is a white screen and it says the song is playing but it wont let her turn it off,it wont charge or anything. I went to Walmart where she bought it and they told that she needed to let the battery run completely out and than recharge it and it will be fine. It has been frozen like this since like 4pm today (April 16, 2007) the time now is 1042pm so for like almost 7 hours. Is there anything she can do,to fix this problem.

    4 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • antivirus program?

    Ok. I had AVG free antivirus program on my comptuer. Than I got was called winlogon.exe. and did what i was told to ..and now i cant get avg to download again is there another free program out there

    7 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Need Computer Help ASAP?

    I need a computer whiz please...I need to know what winlogon.exe is and how do i get rid of it... its in my AVG virus vault. and my comptuer will not let me log on the interent ...when i click on the internet the my internet properties box come up.. i dont know how to get rid of it ..or what do to

    9 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • screensavers?

    does anyone have any good sites for free screensavers, that dotn have a lot of spyware or stuff like that i am tired of the ones that come on your computer i want so differenet ones.

    2 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • Homework help?

    Ok i am not asking for answers, unless you know you something. But what i am asking if someone can explain this to me in english LOL.....

    Identify features of various art forms in different civilizations. When completed, the matrix

    will compare and contrast significant developments in visual art, architecture, literature,

    and music.

    • Use bullet points or full sentences to convey the main points in 20 to 50 words per cell.

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Comptuer question?

    A friend of mine has a Thompson RCA DCM 425 modem for their computer, does any one know where i can find a driver for it.?

    2 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • Home work help?

    Which of the following forms best depicts the human condition: visual arts, architecture, literature, or music? To support your point of view, give examples either from a historical perspective or from the current times.

    Now this is what i have but i have no idea what else to add. I dont have know of any examples.

    In my personal opinion I believe that literature would be the best to depict the human condition. The reason for this is because literature is the acquaintance of letters. Without understanding letters you would not be able to understand visual arts, architecture or music.

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Karoake Idol Contest?

    Does any one know any thing about these or know where i can find rules and guidelines. A friend of mine owns a bar and we do karoake every friday night there, and we are wanting to have contest like American Idole where people are voted off.. But i cant seem to find any thing aobut it..Like how it works. and stuff?

    3 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Computer help?

    Let me see if i can explain this. I download the new IE7, but was having trouble with it finding pages all the time, I love it for the tab browsing. But than all of a sudden when i logged on the interenet yahoois my homepage and i couldnt click on any links i can not check my email, so i unstialled IE7 and I still cant do any thing, So I reinstalled it and i stll can not check any thing. any one know why this could be happening? If you need any more details you can email as i am a t work right now.

    3 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • Dont know what to think?

    I have been at my job as a receptionist now for almost 5 months, i love the job that i do. But lately it seems liek all my co workers around me are mad at me for something. I mean i dont call in i have maybe called in like once because my daughter was sick and that was like 2 months after i started, I got a call today from the school, and i had to get her because she was sick. But any way Two other employees cover my breaks and when i have to go and post the mail in the mail room, but this whole week they have seem to forget that i am here, and i have to acall them to come relief me.

    Like today i ask one of them to come so i could post mail, and she said she would be up in like 5 minutes so i waited and waited and waited, i waited for 30 minutes, and the mail man was due in like 15 min to pick up the mail, so i felt if i asked again it would make her mad so i got up and jsut went and did and put the volume on the phone louder............see more details

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Questions about AVG grisoft virus program.?

    I downloaded AVG, and now its telling me the license is expiring in 2 days ... i thought AVG had a free version one.. if so which one do i get.. i cant afford to buy nor do i have a credit card to buy. if i have to buy does anyone know of andy good free ones.

    10 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • question about a website?

    any one been to this website before, if so i was wondering is it legit i mean, the comptuer i have a work as a toolbar at the top with it and you download scrreensavers, and stuff but before i doi was just wondering if its not going to give me a virus.

    3 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • Just being bored?

    But how many play games on their cell phones, I mean its like an addiction you have more games on your phone than phone numbers LOL...i will be the first to admit I do LOL...

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • asking again?

    I asked this question a couple of days ago and usually i get some kind of answer rather it be rude or a suggestion, but this time i got one answer and although it was a good suggestion we cant use that one for the homework assignment as it was the example the teacher gave us.

    4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Homework Help Again Please!!!!!!!1?

    Ok this is the assignment, but all i need is a good moral that is asking for can someone please tell soemthign good and that would be easy to do.

    Assignment: Political Campaign Ads

    • Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] newsgroup

    • Create a political campaign ad (a poster, a flier, etc.) for two political parties: one party that supports traditional moral and political philosophies and another party that supports modern moral and political philosophies. For each campaign ad, provide a party name, a campaign slogan, and a written explanation of the party's platform concerning a moral controversy of your choice. You may use self-made or ready-made graphics on your campaign ad, if desired. Create your campaign ads in Microsoft® Word or Microsoft® PowerPoint®, and post them as attachments.

  • Which should I do?

    I have to put a country and a product for a power point slide show for school. This is the requirments for it

    Address the following topics:

    o Basic need potential

    o Import restrictions

    o Price controls

    o Government and public attitude toward buying American products

    Ok i want to do I think maybe Africa, but I am not sure of which product i should do . Any suggetsions

    8 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Homework question again?

    Before you all tell me to do my homework, I did thanks but i need at least 100 words. But it seems i need to add more to it. So Here is the question and my answer will follow:

    Is it more common for people to make decisions regarding religion on the basis of reason or by faith? Explain your answer

    My answer:

    I believe people are going to make their decision on religion on the way they were brought up. I don’t believe they are going to change because of reason. They might 'claim' its faith but most of them, deep down, believe this or that because of parents or the fact that they've always gone there.

    6 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago