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  • Why does it itch then burn if you don't wipe your butt properly?

    It's a gross question, but I really want to know. Why does it itch and then hurt when you don't wipe properly?

    2 AnswersOther - Health6 years ago
  • Question about vaginal dryness?

    I'm 16 years old and I mastrubate fairly often.

    I notice, however, that instead of getting wet like I'm supposed to, I become really, really dry. Why is that? Aren't I supposed to get wet?

    And, since I can't just walk into Meijer and buy lube, what household product is safe for me to use so that I can regain moisture?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • My pinkie finger isn't moving fast enough?

    Hello there. I play the flute, and at the current moment I am having a difficult time with my pinkie finger on my right not properly moving. It doesn't seem to be bending properly when I try to press down my keys. It seems to lock up, so even if I can play a sequence correctly once, I can't play it too well, and I can't repeat it without skipping a note. What is this, and how do I fix it?

    I've posted this before, and people for some reason think that I've just started playing. I've been playing for 4 years.

    1 AnswerPerforming Arts7 years ago
  • My pinkie finger won't move fast enough?

    Hello there. I play the flute, and at the current moment I am having a difficult time with my pinkie finger on my right not properly moving. It doesn't seem to be bending properly when I try to press down my keys. It seems to lock up, so even if I can play a sequence correctly once, I can't play it too well, and I can't repeat it without skipping a note. What is this, and how do I fix it?

    3 AnswersPerforming Arts7 years ago
  • How do I calm myself down?

    I had vaginal sex a couple Fridays ago.

    There's no chance I'm pregnant; it was protected, and there was no sperm anywhere near my vaginal opening.

    I'm still worried I'm pregnant, though, and I know if I keep being worried, I will miss my period, and even worse, I'm worried a pregnancy test will be a false positive. I've heard about women stressing themselves out so much their bodies will release the pregnancy hormone, and it will come out positive.

    What are the chances of that happening?

    And how to I calm myself down and prevent my missed period?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Why can't my Sims get married?

    So I have 2 young adult sims who are dating. I looked up and down and neither of them have any other relationships. She has the hopeless romantic and family oriented traits. I try until they are "extremely irresistible", yet the option won't come up.

    Is it because she died one time as a teenager, by electrocution? Or is it glitch? In her boyfriend's friends list, her father shows up as "father in law" and her brother shows up as "brother in law", so is it possible the game is glitching, or does that always happen and I never noticed?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • I seriously need help?

    I'm doing an essay on The Crucible and my prompt is "is it better to plead innocent on a matter of principle". Basically, that means is it better to plead guilty when innocent to avoid a potentially worse repercussion. I found a case where a man plead guilty to rape charges, despite being innocent, to avoid a death sentance. I take the side of it being better to plea innocent, and using John Proctor and this court case to prove that.

    However, I need a 3rd source, and I can't find any. It can't be a court case; I tried a 2nd one, and he said no. I'm looking for a book, video game, movie, TV show... Anything where somebody pleads guilty when innocent and something bad happens to them.

    2 AnswersHomework Help7 years ago
  • Do you miss Chao garden.....?

    In Sonic games. Because I do. As a kid I loved chao garden, and still to this very day I love it. I'm disappointed it isn't in any new sonic games. Are you?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Do you know a guy....?

    Who has gotten all 120 shine sprites in Super Mario Sunshine? Because I've never beaten the game, let alone got all 120 shine sprites. I heard it's, like, nearly impossible.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • What's a dystology???

    I've been reading the Unwind series by Neal Shusterman, and the 3rd book, UnSouled, says "book 3 in the Unwind dystology". I looked up the word, and it's only associated with the Unwind series. But I'm still lost on what exactly a dystology is. I feel dumb asking this, I get the feeling it's a made up word for the series, but I just really want to know.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Do I need to put on deodorant?

    I haven't done anything in 2 days and I don't stink. My mom's screaming at me because I'm wearing a shirt she just washed and I haven't worn deodorant in 2 days. Don't judge, I haven't been able to go to school because I dislocated my shoulder on Tuesday. All I've done is lay around and play video games because I can't go outside (it was the damn ice that did this to me in the first place, they won't let me go out in the ice after what happened.... At least my mom won't. Too scared.) Do I really need to put on deodorant when I don't sweat playing video games and I do absolutely nothing?

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • Assassins Creed Brotherhood question?

    I have an issue... I can't get the "easy come easy go" achievement. I've bribed a Herald and then got my money back at least twice and I still didn't get it. I'm even fully notorious. Does he have to be preaching my name (err.... Slandering it) in order for me to get it? Is there some special thing I have to do? Because I really want the achievement.

    Although I didn't get the achievement, I did get to enjoy watching the herald stop yelling and say "hey.... Somebody stole my money" then go on yelling.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • My NEW iPod 5 quit on me?

    I was opening a bookmarked page for YouTube off of my homepage and it froze; I went to turn off the screen because that usually works and now the screen won't work. When I press the home button, I get siri, but that's it. I can't turn it off and turn it back on; I can't even get the damn screen on..... I can't play music, either. Even if I command siri to play a song.

    I think this is because of an app I got that makes it so that when I save a bookmark to my homescreen it saves with a customizable picture; that's what I used to save You Tube to my homescreen (the picture being of a the half life symbol from the video game series Half Life).

    Anyhow, I just got this iPod on Christmas, and I have done NOTHING to it. I haven't dropped it and I don't even take it outside when I listen to music; I take my old iPod because my music isn't quite situated on my new one. I have a wonderful case that really protects the iPod, and I treat it like gold. I really need some help, people.

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players7 years ago
  • I need a second opinion?

    My mom and I made a gingerbread house. As we were making the house it kept on falling apart, and at the end it didn't really look like the box. My mom said as we were making it "You call this fun?! THIS IS STRESSFUL." she said that because it didn't look like the box and it kept on falling apart; I told her that's the fun of making a gingerbread house. I also told her she's the only person I know who can make gingerbread house making STRESSFUL... Lol..... Anyhow, I need to know if she really is the only person who can turn gingerbread house making into a stressful event.

    In your opinion, is gingerbread house making stressful or aggravating to the point where it isn't fun?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Cruelty free products I can buy at the store?

    I don't purchase L'Oreal, Estee Lauder, or Revelon products because they are not cruelty free; I use VO5 shampoo because it actually says on the back that it is cruelty free. I use Rimmel makeup because their site says they take a stand against animal testing. Unfortunately, because my dad purchases my body wash (I'm only 15) I have non cruelty free body wash, and I need to know what cruelty free brand I should ask for next time he goes to the store.

    I also want to know what cruelty free hair dyes there are; I use Garnier Frutice, which is a L'Oreal owned brand, and I really want to use a cruelty free brand. It has to be a brand I can buy in a store, not on the internet. I purchase my own hair dye so I can get whatever I want.

    By the way, I'm American, so the brands need to be sold in America, and the hair dyes need to be sold in red because that's what color I've dyed my hair since freshman year and I love doing it.

    4 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style7 years ago

    I.... I tried dividing by zero..... Now things are really, really weird, I just don't know what to do any more.... I feel like I'm on acid, man, I just don't know what to do.... How do I fix the universe, please God help me I am so scared....

    2 AnswersMathematics8 years ago

    I.... I tried dividing by zero..... Now things are really, really weird, I just don't know what to do any more.... I feel like I'm on acid, man, I just don't know what to do.... How do I fix the universe, please God help me I am so scared....

    2 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • I found a turtle, what do I do?

    I found a random snapping turtle. I put it in an empty cool whip containor with water and some chicken (it's just kinda floating in the water). We don't have any lettuce or anything. He looks okay and at ease. What should I do from here? There's no ponds in the area.

    4 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • Best cruelty free hair dye?

    Hi I just recently became a cruelty concientious shopper. I dye my hair red and I previously used Garnier for not only dye but also for shampoo and conditioner. I found out Garnier is owned by Loreal, which animal tests. I haven't been able to find out if Garnier specifically animal tests or of it's just it's parent company that does (it doesn't have the leaping bunny logo on the back, but I'd like to give it the benefit of the doubt and say that's because it's owned by Loreal.) but if Garnier does animal test, what is a really good cruelty free brand I can find at Wal Mart, Meijer, Target, or a local drug store? If Garnier does not test, I'd like proof of it so I can continue to use it, since I love Garnier a lot. I just want to make sure I'm as cruelty free as I can be with my cosmetics.

    4 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Does Loreal, Estee Lauder, Johnson and Johnson, and SC Johnson test on animals?

    PETA said they did. Is this true? I don't know if I can believe PETA, and I certainly can't believe the companies themselves, since I'm sure they would lie to cover their butts. I'm asking because if they animal test, I don't think I want to use their products anymore. I'm not really an animal rights activist, but I don't believe in animal testing, ESPECIALLY for cosmetic use.

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago