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Lv 614,777 points

Don B

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  • Should we leave our drill baby drill signs at home when we attend the next sore loser rally?

    In light of the latest ecological disaster ?

    just askin

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Well Repubs, is he General Betrayus NOW?

    With so many republicans thinking they know better than everyone else on Gitmo and torture

    what do you think of General Patraus saying the following

    In an interview this past weekend with Radio Free Europe, Gen. David Petraeus said that he supports President Obama’s decision to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility and opposes the use of enhanced interrogation techniques:

    Will Petraeus change the minds of any conservatives who are currently criticizing Obama for these same opinions? Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) has called Petraeus one of the “wisest people” he knows, and conservatives have said that it would be a “dream” to have the general run for president.

    Petraeus also came out unambiguously in his talk at Heritage for opening communications with America’s adversaries, a position McCain is attacking Obama for endorsing. Citing his Iraq experience, Petraeus said, “You have to talk to enemies.” He added that it was necessary to have a particular goal for discussion and to perform advance work to understand the motivations of his interlocutors.

    Gen. Petraeus: Well, actually what I would ask is, does that not take away from our enemies a tool which again have beaten us around the head and shoulders in the court of public opinion? When we have taken steps that have violated the Geneva Conventions, we rightly have been criticized, so as we move forward I think it's important to again live our values, to live the agreements that we have made in the international justice arena and to practice those.

    Q: Now that the Afghan elections have been settled, some Republicans have redoubled their criticism that Obama is "dithering." The administration counters that they are being duly deliberative. Which has the process been in your view, dithering or deliberative?

    Adm. Mike Mullen, America's top military officer, said Wednesday that he is comfortable with the length of time it is taking for the White House to come to a decision on the way forward in Afghanistan.

    Mullen: Well, from my perspective it's been very deliberative. Actually, in discussions I've had in the last few days with General McChrystal and [the Central Command head, General David] Petraeus, one of the points they made is that these deliberations have really shed light in areas that are very important to review in great depth and breadth to understand a very, very complex situation.

    Secondly, this is a huge decision. It's a huge decision for the president, for our country and for the 41 other countries that are providing combat troops to Afghanistan. And probably most importantly, it's a huge decision for the Afghan people. So as we look at this nexus of terrorism in this very complex region that includes Pakistan and Afghanistan, there have been a lot of questions and clarifications involved in our discussions. Quite frankly, I applaud that. And I do expect that the president will make a decision in the next few weeks.

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why do Jokerfaced Cowards ban others answers ?

    I mean, if they are so right, why can't they handle an opposing opinion?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why are elderly right winger nay sayers even allowed?

    into the town hall meetings?

    I mean aren't they already benefiting from a socialized medicine program--Medicare (which Newt Gingrich wanted to STOP)

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Did the Nation of Islam Kill Micheal Jackson?

    LaToya points to his "bodyguard entourage" as the killers

    They are all Nation of Islam

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • What happens when even Santa will lie to promote his party?

    I've noticed that santa keeps lying about Obama and some photo that the Right wing smear machine is trying to turn people against the President with

    here's the whole video clip, which PROVES----SANTA LIES

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Was Republican George W Bush mostly responsible for giving loans to people that couldn't afford them?

    I just had to ask since the coward that blocks people that don't agree with him won't let sensible answers come !

    More Americans than ever own their own homes, but we must continue to work hard so that every family has an opportunity to realize the American Dream. In 2002, I announced a goal to add 5.5 million new minority homeowners by the end of the decade. Since then, we have added 2.3 million new minority households. My Administration has also set a goal of adding 7 million new affordable homes to the market within the next 10 years. In my FY 2006 budget, I proposed a single family housing tax credit and two mortgage programs -- the Zero Downpayment mortgage and the Payment Incentives program -- to help more families achieve homeownership. In 2003, I signed the American Dream Downpayment Act, and I have proposed more than $200 million to continue the American Dream Downpayment Initiative to provide downpayment assistance to thousands of American families. By promoting initiatives such as financial literacy, tax incentives for building affordable homes, voucher programs, and Individual Development Accounts, we are strengthening our communities and improving citizens' lives.

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2005 as National Homeownership Month. I call upon the people of the United States to observe this month with appropriate ceremonies and activities recognizing the importance of homeownership.

    28 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Shouldn't America have it's own?

    Wailing wall for all the cry baby republicans that just can't seem to get with the program

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago