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  • Go back with my Husband or stay with my Boyfriend?

    My husband & I had been together for 9 yrs. We had a relationship in which we both made mistakes (no cheating involved). 16 months ago he said he was tired of our fights and me criticizing him for everything, he could no longer take it and asked for a divorce. I was devastated, begged him to stay, but he said he no longer was willing to keep trying.

    Our divorce is almost finalized.

    I know is unbelievable but there's been no physical relation between us. However, we clearly care for each other still.

    During our separation, he lived w/ a girl for a few months but the relationship apparently did not work out, so he moved back into our house. I have a BF now, who keeps me busy & i learned to love however, we do not share similar goals: i want kids (he doesn't), i want to travel (he doesn't), & he doesnt love me nor is he willing to give me his heart. i cant fool myself, I know I've no future w/ him (or do I?). We have been dating 11 months. We're both teachers, he's 15 yrs older than me.

    My ex is begging for a 2nd chance, he knows about the mistakes we've both done during our separation. No one has ever understood me the way he did. We still share the same goals in life. But Im afraid to try it again, even though I know we can be happy this time, but Im afraid of what people will say if they Im back w/ my ex after I made public to be w/ someone else.

    What do I do? I have a psychiatrist that I go see, but I want ur opinions about how society will see me.

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce5 years ago
  • What to give as a wedding present?? Please advice me.?

    Hello.. My cousin is getting married soon. She and her fiancè have lived together for several years so i know they probably wont need knives, plates, etc as newlyweds gifts..

    The thing is on the invitation they requested for monetary donations for their honeymoon instead of actual gifts. I am not too close to my cousin, and because it is a distant wedding (well i guess cause is about 3 hours away) we are already spending a lot of money on gas, clothes, hotel, etc. therefore we dont count with an extra $100 or even $50 to give them and anything less than that might seem cheap. I mean, we are seriously struggling financially : (

    I know that a good present could cost much less than that but i dont what gift is good since they already live together.. What do you recommend i do??

    Thanks in advance!!

    7 AnswersWeddings8 years ago
  • ¿Tragame tierra!!! Ayudenme please!!?

    Hola, estamos poniendo piso en mi casa y mi esposo trajo a unos companeros de trabajo a ayudarle. Bueno les ofreci algo de comer y uno de ellos dijo: "no gracias, yo ya le tengo miedo a comer.. estoy como pinguino" (por decir que tiene pancita grande.. y yo le dije: "ayy los pinguinos son bonitos".. pero juro que lo dije por querer decir "no se cabo los pinguinos son bonitos".. Jamas lo dije por decirle feo al senor.. no soy una persona maleducada..

    El caso es que no me di cuenta de lo que el senor pudo haber entendido, hasta que me vine a mi cuarto y pense en lo serio que se quedo..

    Aun siguen trabajando aqui y no se que hacer... me da pena salir de mi cuarto.. pobrecito y que mal que tenga una mala impresion de mi..

    Que hago? Lo dejo asi y espero a que se le olvide mi comentario. O salgo y me explico.. lo que pasa esque siento que si salgo y me explico piense que talvez si quise ofenderlo y ahora estoy queriendo taparla!! Ayy que pena>> ayundenme con consejos por favor!

    3 AnswersAmigos8 years ago
  • My puppy might have parvo and i dont have $$$. what should we do?

    I am extremely sad. My 6 month old puppy who we got at the shelter 3 months ago (has all her shots) has not been eating, only drinking pedialyte and then throws it up. She has to really force herself to drink it though... i gave her baby gerber with a syringe but it was very difficult to open her mouth so i stopped. Her butt is carring a foul smell and she leavea very dark blood from her butt wherever she lies... i called the vet and he said she might haver parvo, but we dont any money $$ to even take her to be checked so i told the vet that and he said the other option is to put her to sleep.. my heart is breaking, this would be the second dog we lose in less than 1 year.. what can i do? I dont want to kill her..and i dont want to see her suffer. I dont even have the money to oyt her down... im desperate.. there is no places around that wiuld treat a dog without money.

    8 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Is it normal for my puppy to pee a lot after getting spayed?

    My puppy is 2 months old. She just got spayed on tuesday (2 days ago).. the day i first brought her home from the shelter.. i am trying to potty train her and for the most part shes amazing..but every now and then she pees on the carpet, but is very very little, maybe a quarter size amount.. i have been cleaning every area right after but she does it in different areas.. i take her out at least twice every hour and she pees out, but then she will do it inside too.. is it normal after being spayed, or is she just being stubborn?

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • How can i minimize my dog's shedding?

    I have a boxer that sheds a lot..I got him when he was 3 yrs old.. so even after all the brushing, his coat already had a mind of its own..

    Now, I am getting a new puppy in a couple of days and I want to know what I can do to minimize the shedding. I know it's imposible to stop it completely.. but since this is a puppy I am assuming there are ways to make his shedding less excessive because I will start at a young age..

    What do you recommend?? Please be nice.. again.. I know is imposible to stop a dog from shedding, i just want advice on how to reduce it a little..

    Thank you in advance!

    9 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • I need a good watch/guard dog. Sheperd Mix or Lab?

    They broke into our yard. Our dog (a friendly and deaf boxer) was outside.We went to the shelter and found 2 two-month old pups. One, a sheperd mix and the other a lab retriever. We are taking several measures to protect our home, like raising our fence very high and other things.. we want a dog that can alert us if we are in danger, and also be a little bit of guard dog in case an intruder decides to jump the high fence. We honestly fell in love with the lab retriever, but i've read several reviews about these dogs and some say they would never be a guard dog. What do you think? Please give me your honest answer, is there a way to train any dog to be protective and a guard dog?? and explain please.. Thank you

    17 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • How can i get energy to study?

    I am so sleepy and tired, and have tons of homework for tomorrow.. Any tips on how to stay awake and concentrated.. Caffeine doesn't do it for me!

    8 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Please help with my dogs issues!!?

    We have a 7 yr old boxer (female), and today we decided to adopt a 3 yr old boxer (male). Unfortunately, we didn't prepared our old dog for this. We introduced them by taking the new dog to the backyard (both on a leash) and bringing the old dog out. She (old dog) was not too happy with the idea, she tried to bite him. So we decided after a while of keeping the new dog inside the house and the old one out, then we took them for a walk together. They did well, so then we brought them to the backyard (on leash) and tried it again. She still didn't seemed too happy, but she dealt with it by ignoring him. Then he tried to play with her by tagging and running, and she was ok, but didn't follow him. Now, they are both inside and we're keeping them separated, but they still want to smell each other. But we're scared the old dog will bite the new one, as she goes for the neck everytime he gets her too exhausted.

    He is a puppy, and she is an old dog who was never socialized. Also, we noticed that she is in heat. Oops!! (he is neutered though).

    At times she would lie down in front of him, as "giving in", but we are still not trusting her too much.

    What should we do? we don't want her to bite him.. How can we tell when they are friends? and we can trust them being by themselves??

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do i tell him i found out about his surprise?

    Tomorrow is our first wedding Anniversary and I was really excited to celebrate the whole weekend spending time with him alone, but last night (I promise I was not peeking through his texts) I saw that he invited my bff (and maid of honor) for a night out tonight with (apparantly) the bridal party for drinks, well I think he planned it and we are very broke we cannot afford to take 10 people for drinks and appetizers, besides the place where he planned it I don't like anymore. So what do I do? Do I tell him I found out (and take the consequences of him thinking I'm sneaky)? do I go with it knowing later during the week we won't have food to eat? I honestly don't even like that place either (not anymore, we've gone soo many times I'm sick of it..

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Job interview questions..?

    What do they wanna hear when they ask you: "where do you see yourself in 5 years"?, "when was the last time you achieved a goal and what was that".. Please give me examples..

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • How is the census training?

    I applied for the census and i got the field job.. yeiii

    But i'm starting the training next week..

    What goes on during the training and how should i dress for it? Super professional or just professional?

    1 AnswerOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • When to start writing thank you notes!?

    My wedding is in almost 3 weeks. Two wedding gifts have arrived through the mail. And yesterday was my bridal shower and of course i got some gifts too.

    Do i need to start sending those thank you notes or can i wait till after the wedding??

    Also people like my maid of honor, bridesmaids, mom and other friends gave me lingerie at the bridal shower (they mention is not my wedding gift though), do i write thank you notes for that too or only for home appliances type of gifts..???

    Thank you!!

    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • How long before your wedding did you get a place to live?

    And how did you do it?

    Did one of you or is one you planning on living there while you get marry?

    Was it exciting to get your own place?

    I'm so excited, we just got an approval for a great appartment..

    Our wedding is on dec 5.

    He is planning on moving there during next week. Because is really important to me that i don't move out of my parents house until i'm walking out the door wearing my wedding dress!!

    But, i will be moving some of my stuff there soon and starting to furnish and decorate our appartment..

    So when we come back from our honeymoon, we have a decent place to live..

    I am just asking this question cause i wanted to know if you have any special tips..

    And to let you know how excited i am..

    13 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Please help me.. i don't know what to do.?

    When i send my invitations i wrote "no children" on the back of the reception card. I did this to all of my mom's friends, because they are the ones who have small kids.

    Well, one of her friends (from way out of town) apparently didn't read the back or just acted naive and send me the RSVP with her and her husband's name on it, but on the number of ppl attending she put "3".

    So i emailed her asking her: "are you bringing another adult along with you two"?

    She emailed me back saying: "well, i wanted to see if i can bring my girl with me, if not, then it will just be my husband and i"

    Since she is my mom's friend, i decided to call my mom and ask her what i should do. My mom told me to tell her friend that she is more than welcome to bring her daughter ("since she has no family in this country and is from out of town, she will have no baby sitter").

    And so i did.. i told her that she can bring her daugther and she told me that she is 9 years old..

    But, now i'm concerned about what her other friends are going to think when they see her with her kid at the reception..

    I did told my mom i don't want nonblood related children though.. and she said: "well, if anyone else calls you asking if they can bring their children along, you tell them yes"... GRRRRRRRRR

    I'm soooo upset..

    I don't really mind the friend's daughter anymore, but the fact that i will have to budge if this happens again...

    (By the way.. my mom is paying for all of her friends).

    What can i do now?

    11 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Should i let them bring in their little girl to our reception?

    When i send out the invitations, behind the reception card i put a little note saying: "no children". I did that only to the couples who have children though.

    One of my guests sent the RSVP saying there's 3 of them coming, so i email her saying: "you wrote your and your husbands name on the rsvp but where i asked for the number you put 3, are you bringing another adult to the wedding"?

    She email me back (very nicely) saying: "well i wanted to know if i could bring in my little girl (6 years old) that's why i put 3, but if i can't then it will just be my husband and I"

    The problem is, if i let her bring her daugher, what are the other couples with children going to think??

    I really rather not have any non-blood related children at the reception.

    How can i answer back to her explaining without hurting her feelings and making her think that i am excluding her daugther..

    P.S. Because of this, i am assuming she didn't read the "no children" note on the back and i might have the same problem with other couples..

    9 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Must i invite them to the reception?

    I am kind of lost in this type of etiquette.

    We are having a wedding on a budget and most of our guests are just family and very close friends.

    My question is do we have to invite the church coordinator and her husband, her husband is the ceremony cantor - he has an amazing voice by the way.. and his accompanist (the organ player)?

    What about our Priest? (i know he will more likely not attend).

    But are they all expecting an invitation??

    Please tell me the truth.. Thank you

    If you think i should invite them, should i mail the invitation to the church? or ask them for their home address?

    8 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Do i have to invite the ceremony musicians to my wedding?

    I am kind of lost in this type of etiquette.

    We are having a wedding on a budget and most of our guests are just family and very close friends.

    My question is do we have to invite the church coordinator and her husband, her husband is the ceremony cantor - he has an amazing voice by the way.. and his accompanist (the organ player)?

    What about our Priest? (i know he will more likely not attend).

    But are they all expecting an invitation??

    Please tell me the truth.. Thank you

    8 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • i ruined my mom's surprise!! please help me..?

    I seriously feel like s**t!!

    I never thought that someone would throw me a bridal shower, specially not my mom because she's always super busy!

    So for the past 4 weeks i've been telling my fiance that i will be planning my own bridal shower.. and he told me it wasn't my job..

    Last week i told him again that i was doing it and he told me that someone else was planning it for me.. but never told me who!

    I explained to him there are certain people i don't want to see at my shower and he said "give me da list of the people you would invite", but that was it.. i didnt give him the list and he didnt ask for it again so i figured it was a lie dat someone was planning it for me.

    Today, i told him i was on my way to buy da invites for my shower (planning myself) and he got really upset and told me to stop whatever i was doing because he already had told me someone else was taking care of it..

    I didn't listen and kept bugging him about me making my own shower, so he got really mad and called me yelling: "your mom is making a surprise shower, but you never listen and you always have to ruin your surprises, she told me not to tell you but you got on my nerves"..

    I feel terrible.. i don't know what to do!! I'm afraid he's gonna tell my mom that he already told me (dey have a really good relationship) cause i kept bugging about it.. I don't want to ruin my moms feelings.. what should i do??

    9 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago