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  • Is 200 pounds an ok weight for a 6 foot 22 year old male?

    You can see my abs so I'm not anywhere near fat or something, I just work out a lot.

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Is the espresso grind from coffee shops fine enough for a pump espresso machine?

    I have a gaggia baby class semi auto. I'm planning on getting a grinder soon but I haven't decided on which one yet. Will having them grind it at their generic espresso grind work for now? Its a reputable shop, not starbucks or something.

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • Does it mean a girl is probably interested if she calls you and wants to chill at her place?

    I've shown her that I'm interested, and I think she is too. But I'm just trying to get an outside opinion. It would be just the two of us.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Am I going in the right direction or spirling down in flames (the friend zone)?

    Ok, So we sat next to each other in class a couple semesters ago and that's how we met each other. So ever since then I've like her but really never had the courage to ask her out. So I finally made plans to go have lunch with her (just us). So we did for a couple of hours and then again for another couple of hours and she said that she was getting a Korg (synthesizer and that she wanted me to teach her how to play it and just jam together. So last night I was just chilling with a couple of guys from my dorm in the lobby area and when she passed and said hey, they started hitting on her. Well, she reacted uncomfortable to them and told me in a cheery mood that she had just gotten the korg and then told them that I was going to get together with her and give her some piano lessons and that she would call me soon.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Do you think shes intrested or is just being friendly.?

    Let me first say that shes natrurally a very bubbly person. Ok so the first time we met eachother is when we sat together in class a couple semesters ago and just chatted in class but didnt really do anything else outside of class. So jump to this year we found out that we lived a couple rooms from eachother in the dorm. We talked whenever we saw eachother while walking upstairs but still never really did anything. I finally asked her out to lunch recently and we did for 3 hours. Ever since that shes been sending me texts or we'll do homework together sometimes. We went out to eat again and she was talking about how she wanted me to teach her the ropes on the piano (her friend just gave her a korg) and how she wants me to bring my instrauments to school so we could hang out and have some jam sessions (she plays the guitar). The question is, do you think shes intrested or is just being a friend which I'd be happy with too.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What are the reasons that you workout?

    Personally it's a mix of stregnth... I play lacrosse in college and i just like to be in shape to be good at differnt jobs/chores.

    For myself... just to feel good about the way I look and it doesnt hurt when a girl hugs you or something and they go in for another feel, haha.

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • A few strech marks apeared on my pit section of my delt and some very light ones on my bicep is this normal?

    Ive been really lifting since early may and they came up about a month ago

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • What's the longest house party you've been to?

    Mine was 10pm to 630am

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Is it weird for a mass gain shake to make you hungry.?

    It's just really increased my appetite for some reason.

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Did I make a mistake not calling her?

    There's a girl that I've literally been loosing sleep over, and I'm almost positive she likes me too, like for the past two years. The reason nothing really happened is because of college and I was daring someone else for the majority of senior year. She goes to college about an hour and a half from me so I've been trying to keep my self under wraps but I cracked a couple of weeks ago. I was with her all week two weeks ago and she's been in Florida with some of her friends from highschool all of last week so part trying to be nice and just let her be with her friends on the trip and part trying not to bug her everyday. Should I have called her. Were doing something next week and I'm seeing her this weekend. I have a feeling that in over thinking this...

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • What would you do in this situation?

    Theres a girl that Just about positive she likes me, her mother said she adores me before I left to college, but she went to waco and went to austin. Well she still acts the same way around me, her friend whispers to her when there next to me she stands next to me often when were in a group.on a We saw a movie in a group of our friends she did everything in her power to end up next to me. She laughs/smiles at any cheerful thing I say and when ever I make eye contact she just has that look. When ever she's around me she acts super shy, awful for me because I do to. I want to ask her out so bad it's just is an 1.5 hour drive in separate colleges too much in all honesty, because if I'm guessing right i feel the exact same way about her too. I've know her since we were like 4 but she started acting differently a couple of years years ago. But she was on and off with somebody until that ended for good and then i was dating somebody and then college so this is kind of my first open chance.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • What would you do in this situation?

    Theres a girl that Just about positive she likes me, her mother said she adores me before I left to college, but she went to waco and went to austin. Well she still acts the same way around me, her friend whispers to her when there next to me she stands next to me often when were in a group.on a We saw a movie in a group of our friends she did everything in her power to end up next to me. She laughs/smiles at any cheerful thing I say and when ever I make eye contact she just has that look. When ever she's around me she acts super shy, awful for me because I do to. I want to ask her out so bad it's just is an 1.5 hour drive in separate colleges too much in all honesty, because if I'm guessing right i feel the exact same way about her too.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • What wine do you suggest starting off with?

    I love beer, everything from an IPA to a barley wine but I haven't ever dabbled with wine.

    6 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits10 years ago
  • What's your favorite beer?

    Mine is duvel Belgian golden ale, truly magical

    Favorite ipa is dogfish head

    Im looking forward to giving gulden draak a go this fall

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • I'm looking for beer suggestions?

    Tried the dogfish head 60 minute and loved it but I'm looking for something hoppier.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • I'm looking for beer suggestions?

    Tried the dogfish head 60 minute and loved it but I'm looking for something hoppier.

    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits10 years ago