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Stan W

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  • How to guide my 5YO Asperger son when he says negative things about himslef?

    While tucking him in last night, my son calmly said

    - He didn't like himself.

    - He doesn't want to be alive.

    - Everyone hates him.

    - He is a strange kid.

    I calmly asked him why - he said he has no friends and that the teacher is mean to him.

    I told him that sometimes we forget how really wonderful we are - and that he is really great at this and that and remember when someone said this or that good thing to him...

    I don't know where he even came up with this language - we have no TV and I talk to his teacher almost everyday. She is wonderful and would tell me if there were any kind of bully thing happening.

    So, I'm pretty sure this is all coming from his inside world not his outside world.

    What should I say to him next time he says something like this?

    What tools can I give him re: self-esteem?

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Son eval'd as autistic & with SensoryProcessing Disorder. What ?'s for pediatrician?

    My 5 yo son was evaluated by our school district's Child Find program - their evaluation found autism and Sensory Processing - under/postural/ocular.

    I'm going to see his pediatrician tomorrow...what questions should I ask the pediatrician?

    4 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • Is Montessori kindergarten good for a 5 year old autistic boy?

    My 5 year old son was rectenly tagged mildly autistic - and about to enter kindergarten. He's never attended preschool - he's been home with me - so K is his first stab at a school day.

    His IEP calls for a teacher's aide to be with him during the 2.5 hour kindergarten day with inclusive speech and ot 2-3 times per week.

    His class size is 15 his teacher aide.

    I think he needs a smaller class...which means private K.

    What about a Montessori program? Is it even a fit?

    5 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • Should I give into my son's autistic preservations?

    My 5 year old mildly autistic son has recently decided he only likes wearing long sleeve t-shirts and pants.

    That's OK for playground or backyard - but not when it comes time to wear team uniforms or go swimming.

    I could let him wear a long sleeve shirt under his team uniform or something - but should I?

    Should I keep fighting this battle in the hopes that he will eventually become more flexible about his outfits?

    7 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • Can an autistic person be happy?

    My 5 year old son was just diagnosed. Forgive me, but I am in nothing short of mourning and I need to ask this question out of pure ignorance.

    I need to know from your 1st hand knowledge if he will be happy as he grows. He laughs and feels love and gives love now - will he always be this way?

    7 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • How much do you hate Yahoo Breathers?

    Type in a heart felt Submit and then get served that message filled with fake sincerity.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • What to do about daily 4 YO tantrum?

    My 4 YO son was a late talker and so has always found it easier pointing and crying/pouting when something happens that he doesn't want to happen.

    Right now he's lying down crying because I moved his cup from one place to another...yesterday it was something before same, day before that, same, etc.

    Repeat the following daily: I tell him when something happens that doesn't make him happy it's not OK to cry - it's only OK to talk. And then I tell I will be in the other room until he settles down and talks about what he wants because when he talks that's when he gets what he wants.

    Now I'm sitting here knowing he can carry on his crying for 20-30 minutes or more.

    Since this is not improving - or at least not consistantly improving - what should I do?

    I try not to feed into it - but am I doing too much waiting it out and ignoring?

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Why is Dark Knight doing a tribute to Heath Ledger?

    I get that he was likeable, but he died a junkie - to the point he was denied access to his daughter because of his lifestyle.

    Celebrate that?

    6 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • No one asked - so why is the Pregnant "Man" telling?

    Every 3rd headline is about the Pregnant (Wo)Man and how threatened she feels and how it's her right etc.

    Did any of you all ask? I didn't - so why is she telling?

    I could have lived my whole life without hearing her story.

    Why would someone shine so much spotlight on themselves if all they want is their right to privacy?

    17 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Medically trained leeches? Exactly how dumb is Demi Moore?

    Saw these Cliff Notes from when Demi was on David Letterman:

    So I was just wondering if any one of you knew exactly the depth of her stupidity?

    2 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • My 5 yo wants to know what happens when we die...?

    I was raised Catholic, so when I asked this question of my parents, they must have answered with heaven, angels, etc.

    But I left the church and all organized religion a long time ago - and am wondering what age appropriate to say.

    What have you other non-religous parents told their 5 year old children when they asked?

    15 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Re: divorce - what is fraud?

    Pamela Anderson and Renee Zelwegger both ended their short marriages citing "fraud" as the legal reason.

    I know what "irreconcible differences" mean, but what does "fraud" mean in thsi context?

    Just wondering...thanks.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What's your secret? your success?

    9 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Does United Air know it's in the airline business?

    Today...Dec 26th...United had 10 cancellations out of Boston.

    0 were weather related.

    My (overbooked!) flight was cancelled because their crew exceeded thier allowed on-board hours - then I had to wait with hundreds of other people for 2.5 hours in line for a customer service rep.

    How can United not know how to manage its crew better?

    Don't they have a software program that tracks horus, etc?

    They must have known about this problem - yet they let me confirm my flight info last night.

    What makes anyone think that United Airlines is actually in the airline business??

    Anyone else have stories to share?

    3 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • Need HTML to set Browser's Home Page...Thx?

    On my web site's home page, I would like to be able to say "click here to make this your browser's Home Page."

    10 points for you if you clue me in re: HTML that does this.

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • What should my 3 & 4 YO be for Halloween?

    I have a 4 yo girl and 3 yo boy.

    She likes pink and wants to be skeleton.

    He likes yellow and wants to be a dog.

    I know that soon enough they will be the decider of their Halloween costumes - but right now, I'm the decider - and I like to have them dressed up in more of a similar theme.

    Last year they were Thomas the Tank Engine and James...this year I was thinking Hula dancers.

    Help my kids - don't let them be Hula dancers - give me your ideas!

    8 AnswersHalloween1 decade ago
  • Is every other word out of Brad&Aneglina's mouth about their kids?

    Hey! Did you hear Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have kids?

    They must be the only ones to have them - because they just will not shut up about them.

    I'm not even looking for news about them - and yet there they are.

    They can't even answer a stupid throw away question someone asks them:

    Q: "Hey Aneglina-are you nervous about Brad's new movie opening" A: "No...we only get nervous about important things like family.".

    Ugh! Would it have killed her to just say "No, I know the movie is going to be great" or some other stupid thing?

    Am I the only one rolling my eyes here?

    5 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • I need to fog for mold in my garage...what should I use?


    I have black mold on a couple of my garage walls.

    I know not to use bleach - so is there a moldicide fog I can use?

    Where can I buy it?


    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • sister & aunt have er+/pr+breast cancer - what are my chances?


    My sister just got her biopsy positive. She's off for her MRI, then surgery, radiation, etc.

    3 years ago, my aunt had the same thing.

    Neither my sister and aunt had sister is 42 and pre-menoposal), and aunt is 61 and post.

    I am 44 years pregnant with my first child at 39, and my second at 41. So...I had my choldren late.

    Seems like the women in my family who did not have kids got breast cancer.

    Since I had my kids so late - as far as breast cancer risk, is it like I had no children at all? Did having my kids so late help or hurt or do nothing at all risk wise?

    Thank you.

    4 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • my sister just had a bad biopsy re: breast cancer?

    We're just at the beginning of this is...

    She had a mammogram last week, which showed 2 suspicous spots - one in each breast.

    Last night - Friday night, she was told they were cancer.

    She has an appt on Monday to discuss options...I guess the doctor (over the phone) mentioned the need to remove lymph nodes and more surrounding tissue from the 2 lump areas. Then radiation then chemo.

    If you have been down this road, you must know a lot more now than when you started....can you please share?

    What advice do you have for a rookie?

    Thank you.

    4 AnswersCancer1 decade ago