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  • How do I find my dog a new home?

    I have two dogs: lhasa mix and a beagle mix. We have had the lhasa for 7 years, and the beagle for 3. During the past three years, they have fought four times and we have prevented a few more. Typically, the lhasa did something to aggravate the beagle, and the beagle started the fight. The lhasa always gets hurt and needs stitches. Last night, though, the lhasa was giving the beagle kisses (like he always does), and the beagle attacked him. No growl, no warning. Usually, the dogs are inseparable, playful, and happy around each other. This seemed to come out of nowhere.

    We have a 10 month old boy, and the beagle has growled at him a few times. We are scared that the beagle will attack him. While we love our beagle, we are afraid that he is too unpredictable to keep any longer.

    However, we are worried that we won't be able to find him a home because of his history, and that we will have to put him down. He had a hard life before we got him. He used to finch and cower with loud noises or quick movements, though he is better about this now. He has a "nervous stomach" and throws up a lot. He is unpredictable around other dogs and probably not great for small children.

    He's not all bad. He likes to cuddle and lay his head in our laps to be petted, trot around the house shaking is rattle toys, and loves being calmly petted by older children.

    How would I go about finding this dog a new home? Are there other options? What about keeping the beagle in a soft muzzle most of the day?

    6 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Is the bathtub off level, or is the surround crooked?

    In my bathroom, I have a porcelain on steel bathtub (Crane, I think) and an Aqua Glass surround. The surround came in 5 pieces and is basically glued to the wall. I didn't like the surround when we put it up, but we needed something fast and didn't have much money.

    Now, it's time to replace the surround with tile. I'm not sure if I need to do anything to the bathtub, though. In one corner of the tub, the one by the drain, the tub and the surround separate just a tad. We will caulk the tub, and about 6 months later we can see that the caulk is no longer connected to the surround. This is only in one corner.

    I'm not sure if the tub isn't level, if it's sinking in the one corner, or if the surround wasn't put on correctly. I don't want to tile the surround and then find out the problem was with the tub. The tub has some stains, but it has no cracks. How I check to see what the issue is before I tile?

    4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)10 years ago
  • Can you recommend a good bathtub to buy?

    We are replacing the bathtub in our only bathroom. I hate the tub that we have, but I don't know how to avoid the problems with the new bathtub. I want to make sure I order the right bathtub.

    Our current bathtub is white, but there are two places where it is chipped and it is black underneath. There are also two places near the drain where it is starting to rust. The most bothersome thing is that there is a grid pattern on the bottom of the tub. They are black circles, and they seem to be in the tub, not a stain. I also don't like that the tub seems to shift when you stand near the drain. We have had to recaulk the tub every year because it separates from the wall surround in one corner only. There is a sticker on the bathtub that is mostly peeled away, but I can make out the word "porcelain" and there is a picture of a bird, so I assume the brand is Crane.

    Can you recommend a tub that won't have these issues?

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling10 years ago
  • Do we need to buy more presents next year?

    At my husband's family Christmas party, our newborn son was given gifts by my husband's aunt and his cousin. We have never exchanged gifts with these family members, and we do not buy gifts for his cousin's children. Do we assume that this year was an exception, because this is our son's first Christmas, or do we need to buy presents for these family members next year?

    4 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Is this crib bedding set appropriate for a girl?

    We aren't finding out the gender of our baby, but we also can't afford to replace the blue carpeting in that room. Even though this is labeled as boy bedding, do you think it would work for a girl too?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What kind of wedding gift is expected if the reception is months after the wedding?

    I'm attending a brunch reception this weekend for an elopement that happened five months ago. Since the party is so long after the marriage, I'm not sure what to give as a wedding gift. Typically, I give a $75 or $100 check for weddings. Is this what I should still give? Should I give anything?

    9 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Is my pie ruined? I mistakenly covered the whole pie with foil...?

    This is my first attempt at making a pie. I covered the whole pie loosely with foil instead of just the edges. It cooked at 350 for 45 minutes. Is my pie ruined, or can I put it back in the oven with just the edges covered?

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Should we repair the car or get another?

    My husband's 2002 Ford Focus needs a major repair, that costs about $4,000. That's about the same as what we still owe on the car.

    Should we repair the car and keep it? Or should we junk the car, pay off the loan with that $4,000, and get a new used car?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Should I use a tinted primer? What color(s)?

    The room I'm painting is currently blue. One wall is going to be cranberry and the others are going to be bone white. Should I use a primer? Should it be tinted? What color?

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Can I "spot" paint my ceiling to cover the waterstains?

    In my living room, there are some waterstains along one of the exterior walls. We haven't been able to figure out what is causing this. However, the stains are really bothering me. Can I paint over the stains without painting the entire ceiling?

    5 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • What should I give as a wedding shower gift?

    I need to buy a gift for a wedding shower. The couple has a very small registry, and the only items left are over $300. $50 is my limit. Any suggestions?

    11 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • How long is family (not immediate) expected to be at a wake?

    The wake is for my husband's cousin, and it is five hours long. The funeral home is 2.5 hours from where we live.

    When my husband's father called to tell us about the service, he told him that as a first cousin, he is expected to be there the entire time. My husband and I feel that we should be there for a while, but not necessarily the entire time. We haven't said anything to my father in law yet, though, because I'm not sure if he's right.

    Are there unspoken expectations about how long people should stay at the wake?

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • How can parents get help understanding special education services?

    My friend's son is in special education, and she doesn't think the school is doing the right things for her son's education. She doesn't completely understand the things that are said in the meetings with the school.

    Is there an organization of some kind or an advocacy group that can help her? She is not low-income, but she doesn't have enough money for costly lawyers or consultants.

    5 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • Who sang the version of "The Times They Are A-Changing" on ER?

    At the end of tonight's episode of ER ("Life After Death"), they played a version of "The Times They Are A-Changin". Who sang this version of the song?

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Can you help me teach an 8-week unit in 4 weeks?

    I am student teaching in the third grade. The classroom teacher wants me to teach the life sciences unit. She wants me to use their brand new science books/resources. According to these resources, though, the life sciences unit is 8 weeks. The classroom teacher wants me to do it in four.

    I need to use the tests and other assessments that came with the program, and the district does not allow science homework. The teacher says to just teach what's on the assessments...but it's ALL on the assessments.

    Can you give some pointers on how I can teach this unit?

    3 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • Can I use hot rollers to make my hair fluffy and bouncy, but not curly?

    My hair barely touches my shoulders. I'd like to use hot rollers to make my hair bouncy and fluffy, maybe with a little flip at the ends, but not curled. Can I do this with hot rollers?

    6 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How do I end these money-related arguments with my husband?

    I am back in school to become a teacher. My husband agreed that this was a good idea, even though we'll both have to make some sacrifices.

    I've taken out student loans to cover tuition, and I've worked full time to save enough money to make it through student teaching, when I won't be able to work.

    However, I feel my husband spends too much money on his hobbies (he's a collector). He'll be spending over $500 this month alone, not counting what he spent last month or the month before that. In August, I start student teaching and we'll have one income.

    We argue about this. I say he doesn't need to spend so much right now. He says I'm being selfish...that it's okay for me to spend money on school but not for him to spend money on collecting. I say that logic leads to the poorhouse.

    Am I wrong? What should I do to end these arguments?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Should we tip the instructor?

    Five friends and I are taking a private, 1-hour bellydancing workshop as part of a bachelorette party. The instructor charges $100 for the workshop, regardless of how many of us are there. The instructor is owner/founder of the dance studio, which is classified as a nonprofit organization.

    Do we tip the instructor after the lesson? If so, how much?

    6 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Is this type of facial redness a sign of a skin condition?

    I have facial redness on the apples of my cheeks and the area around my mouth that moves when I smile. The area directly around my mouth is pale. My chin is a darker color than the pale band around my mouth, but it isn't red.

    The red is very light and has been constant for years. It never gets any better or worse (i.e., no "flare ups"), and I do not blush easily or get flushed. The red area only itches if I don't mosturize, and it doesn't flake. It doesn't develop bumps or a rash. It only bothers me because I want an even complexion.

    Is it possible for some people to just have some facial redness without a skin condition? If not, what skin condition might it be, considering it doesn't itch or develop bumps? How could I get rid of it?

    Note: Please don't just tell me to see a dermatologist. The redness has been there for years, and I've had no ill effects. I'm sure that asking on Yahoo Answers before seeing a doc won't hurt me either.

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • What do I do with my plants during a freeze warning?

    After weeks of nice weather, my area is under a freeze warning for tonight. My garden plants are looking really good, though, and I don't want them to die. What do I do?

    In my garden, I have:


    Wygelia and spirea bushes


    Day lilies



    Lamb's ear

    Rose of Sharon (but it isn't doing anything yet)

    All of them were planted last summer, so they're not very big. Should I cover some of them? All of them?

    8 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago