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Michelle L

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  • What is All Saints the TV show and is it available online?

    I am a huge fan of Spartacus Blood and Sand and it seems like a lot of the actors are Australian and come from a show called All Saints. From what I can gather it is an Australian Medical Drama TV series. Is there a place online, such as Hulu, where I can watch previous episodes in the US? I cant get it on Netflix. I am interested to see this show since the actors are so good. US Medical drama series are played out and getting tired.

    3 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • How long, if possible, did it take to get pregnant after d&c or miscarriage?

    Sadly I miscarried and had to have a d&c. I have a follow up appt. in 2 weeks to discuss treatment, healing, etc. It took 2.5 years to get pregnant with this little miracle and obviously we dont want to wait too long. I hear conflicting reports. 3 months, 1 month, etc. We want to wait one full cycle before starting again. How many of you ladies had successful pregnancies after such a terrible thing? Best wishes to you all.

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • 6 wks 3 days saw fetal pole but no heartbeat?

    Im 6 weeks 3 days and went for my first ultrasound today. It is early to be fair, but she saw the fetal pole but couldnt find the heartbeat. She said not to worry (easier said than done) and that next week we would worry if there was still no heartbeat. Any words of wisdom? Sucess stories? Ways NOT to worry for the next week. I have had no cramping or bleeding or even spotting.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • BFP FINALLY AFTER 2 YEARS!! 5 weeks pregnant with progesterone of 11.6 and other stats. Should I be worried?

    Because I go to an RE, they were able to get me in this morning. My blood work was as follows.

    BSU 1444 (dont know what that means)

    E2 251 (dont know what that is)

    Progesterone 11.6

    She thinks progesterone is a little on the low side and would like me to take supplements starting tomorrow and go back on Wed to make sure its rising. I shouldn't be reading the internet because everyone has something scary to say, but we have been TTC for over 2 years now and I am just so worried. Anyone have any good things to say or success stories?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • The age old is it PMS or am I pregnant question?

    My husband and I have been TTC for 2+ years now. Ive been tested and gone through the ringer, he just had surgery for an unrelated injury and we are waiting for him to fully recover before he starts testing. We kind of took a break from TTC while he was injured. I am usually a 28 day cycle, but every once and a while Mother Nature will throw me a curve ball and make it 32 or once it was even 34. I am pretty sure I ovulated this month. It was on or around CD 14. We had intercourse around that time so yes I know there is a chance, but with taking a break from TTC, I haven't kept notes on BBT or BD'ing. Point is today is CD 34 and while I have had some serious back pains. Like old lady pains and my boobs are really sore. I have been really tired too. Usually my back just cramps with PMS, this was pain and it was really off to one side. My boobs feel sore but not all the time. Sometimes a pain will shoot through them like when my seat belt moves over them or when I put on a bra and its not unmanageable, just uncomfortable. So what I am asking is for those who had back pains in early pregnancy, what did they feel like? Same question for boobs. I know its time to test, but I am afraid it will be negative and I will be devastated...again. I like not knowing right now because at least, in my mind, there is still a possibility. Make sense?

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • My dog is going to the bathroom in our bed?

    I have a 12 year old pug. She is by all accounts healthy and has no problems with her bathroom habits. We have a walking schedule and any time she needs to go out in between walks, she goes to the door. However, the past few weeks when I take her out at night before bed, sometimes late even around midnight, she doesn't go #2 outside. And at some point in the night, she is going on the bed. Once I even took her for a long walk and she peed alot but didn't go #2 and when I put her up on the bed she pooped right there in front of me. Now she will have to sleep on the floor. I don't think its spite because she is spoiled rotten and its not health because we have had her checked for everything. I am at my wits end because she cries all night now that we don't let her sleep on the bed. Any suggestions? This is a serious question so please no smart alec comments.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • EWCM or BM? 4 days early?

    Ugh I know this is TMI, but my husband and I took some time off from TTC'ing. We are ready to get back in the game. I had stopped charting and temping and all that good stuff. It was a little bit of a relief to just relax. Anyhow, I have pretty normal cycles. Between 28-29 days and O usually happens right smack in the middle. Today, however, is CD 10 and this morning I had a BM and there was excess EWCM when I wiped. Since I haven't got back to charting, I am not sure what my temps are. Is this unusual to see EWCM 4 days early? I tried to check the quality of EWCM after wards and it was still kind of tacky so I don't know its early or its gearing up for O or what. Any ideas?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Glee Down One Cast Member? Who is it?

    Last night on Glee, they mentioned one member had transfered. I couldnt think of who it was. Someone that wasnt that big obviously. Does anyone know who it was?

    2 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • Want to scrape popcorn ceiling. What to do after?

    I want to start scraping the popcorn ceiling in my bedroom. I know that it does not contain asbestos. Once I remove it, then what? Do I need to sand the entire ceiling or just any rough patches? Do I need to prime or will ceiling paint alone be enough? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • What is going on in here USA?

    It doesn't help to unify the country if people are constantly trying to divide. I am really bothered by the amount of finger pointing, generalizations and name calling in this forum. That goes for everyone. Shouldn't we all want the country united. Isn't that what people for generations have fought and given their lives for? I think we should all try to celebrate the message of unity and peace and never forget the sacrifices made to get here. I think there are lots of people here who should look inside their hearts and be ashamed of themselves for the way they act and talk to other people. I think we have an opportunity to learn from each other and then put tolerance and understanding into practice. I cant stop every idiot and change their mind, but if we put all the hard work and sacrifices and experiences into play cant we start extending the proverbial olive branch and set an example for future generations. Or is everyone content to believe in stereotypes and to not think for themselves? The world is watching and we aren't doing ourselves any favors by setting bad examples. Maybe I am being unrealistic, but I would like my future kids to live in a world where there isn't so much discord.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Spartacus Blood and Sand?

    Its an awesome show!! Now that the main character who plays Spartacus, is cancer free, are they going to replay the first season, create a prequel or just wait longer until season two?

    1 AnswerOther - Television1 decade ago
  • What is the general attitude towards Americans in London? Repost?

    I have decided to take my lifelong dream vacation to visit London. I am not obnoxious or self righteous as some stereotypes tend to make Americans out to be. But when I am on vacation, I love to talk to the local residents about the area, history and the "off the beaten path" things to do that aren't listed in any guide book. What is the current feeling towards Americans in England, specifically in London. Surely we aren't all perceived badly because of some bad apples? Most people don't hold an entire nation responsible for the actions of some, so I am assuming people will just be friendly and go about their day. I always try to be a good "ambassador" for foreigners who ask me questions or for directions because I want them to like America or at least have a good experience. Will I see the same there? If not, what can I do, if anything, to improve relations? What actions are considered rude and offensive?

    5 AnswersLondon1 decade ago
  • First appointment with Reproductive Urologist. What can we expect?

    I have been through the battery of tests and am ok. I believe, based on a home test kit, that the problem lies in my husband with low count but don't know how reliable that test could be. To be pro-active, since we have been TTC'ing for 2 years, we made an appt for him at the reproductive urologist. The nurse was pretty vague when telling us what to expect the first visit. I know they will do a family history and ask questions for this appointment, but will they do blood work and a semen analysis right there or is that at a later appt?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Take a look please. Does this look like an implantation dip or just weird occurance? Help!?

    Usually my temps stay high and the drop the day AF shows up and that's how I know when to pack tampons :( This weekend my temps were crazy. I don't want to get my hopes up because I don't sleep well so maybe that factored in. But here are my temps to present. Does this look like implantation dip or just a wonkey schedule? FYI I usually have 28 day cycles. I ovulated on CD 14. Whats going on with that dip and then start of a rise? I hope this is it. Baby dust to everyone who reads this!

    PS there were a few days for reasons i didnt temp and I added a N/A next to them.

    CD1 = 97.05

    CD2 = N/A

    CD3 = N/A

    CD4 = 97.16

    CD5 = 97.07

    CD6 = 97.16

    CD7 = 96.89

    CD8 = 97.98

    CD9 = 97.17

    CD10 = 97.2

    CD11 = 96.89

    CD12 = 96.66

    CD13 = 96.93

    CD14 = N/A

    CD 15 = 96.86

    CD 16 = 97.05

    CD 17 = N/A

    CD 18 = 97.51

    CD 19 = 97.7

    CD 20 = 97.99

    CD 21 = 97.75

    CD 22 = 97.75

    CD 23 = 97.9

    CD 24 = 97.37

    CD 25 = 97.75

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • The age old did I get the right days question?

    I ovulated on Cycle Day 14 based on temp charts. We took care of business on cycle day 9, 13, 14 and 16. Its been 2 years and unexplained infertility. I added Soy Isoflavones to the mix 2 cycles ago and I think it helps. Also taking Mutli Vitamin, Pre-Natal and Folic and B6. Im 7 DPO. I guess I just want someone to nod thier head and tell me we did everything right. I'm headed on vaca the week AF is supposed to start. So either I'm going to be preggo or PMS'ing on vacation. Awesome. LOL.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Traveling to Mexico in 2 weeks, question about food prep...?

    We are going to the same resort in Playa Del Carmen that we went to last year. We each got a little sick to our stomics by the end of the trip, nothing unmanageable. The resort has a water filtration system and bottled water, but do you think it happens to foreign travelers because of the water used in the preparation or just different kind of preparation that you are used to or that and a combination of over indulgence? We loved it there and cant wait to go back and will take precautions to stay well, just want to get other travelers insights.

    3 AnswersOther - Mexico1 decade ago
  • Temp says yes, Ovulation Predictor Kit says No until later. What is happening? Please Help. So Confused!?

    I had a drop in temps between Cycle Day 12-14 which is normal for me and indicates I was ovulating. I had EWCM too. So hubby and I took care of business. I didnt get a + on the OPK but kept testing each AM and got a + on Cycle Day 16 & 17 and then 18 (today). But by then my CM is back to sticky and cervix is dropping, closing and firming and temps are rising. How can I test + on an OPK then? Please help.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What exactly is Rugby Haka? Origins?

    Please no stupid American comments. I am truly interested in foreign cultures, customs and traditions. I recently saw a Haka (sp) on You Tube and was fascinated by it. Not to mention I have much respect for Rugby players as they are really tough. My question is about the Haka (sp). My only knowledge is that it is performed by the NZ team before a match. Is this a cultural ritual? What are the origins and is it done out of respect for their culture and tradition or more to psych out the other team? I am interested to know more about it.

    5 AnswersRugby1 decade ago
  • Soy Isoflavones/First Response Fertility Test Kit. Please Help!?

    On Cycle day 3, I take the First Reponse Fertility Test. It basically shows if you have normal FSH levels or elevated levels, in which case you should see a specialist. I always get the normal range, but I dont get the EWCM that much and my temps are all over the place. I have already been to the specialist because we have been TTC for 2 years and nothing is wrong. My question is this, can I take Soy Isoflavones to help rev up EWCM? I have researched and know the way to do it, but SHOULD I even be taking them because I already have decent FSH levels? I took 80mg last cycle on days 3-7 and nothing. Its a last ditch effort to avoid the high cost of IVF.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Which Day Did I Probably Ovulate?

    Got a BFN 2 days ago, wishful thinking :(. AF reared her ugly head today boooo! So do I count backwards from today (CD 1) 14 days to see when I possibly ovulated or 14 days from the last day of the cycle, which would have been yesterday (CD 28)? It totally sucks beacuse either way we baby danced on all the right days.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago