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Joe C
Cryptowall virus!!!?
how to remove this virus? and how to confirm i've removed the virus?
also, how can i recover all my files? as i try to recover using software, it's failed.
please helps....
2 AnswersSecurity5 years agoAnyone can helps on setup for sendmail server in redhat enterprise linux?
i want to setup an email server form redhat enterprise linux 6, but what should i need to do? what packages do i need to install?
1 AnswerSoftware9 years agoWhy my Samsung Galaxy Note taking photo got stripes?
Sometimes when i take photo, got black stripes appeared, but sometime no.
Anyone facing the same problems like mine?
1 AnswerSoftware9 years agoI was unable to boot the windows xp cd?
i want to uninstall my pc from redhat linux 3 to windows XP, but the problem is when i want to boot up the windows xp, it shown nothing. and i've tried many times also the same. no matter using any XP service pack also cant.
may i know what is the problem on this?
please helps....
also, i've tried to use the harddisk as external drive, also cant reformat the harddisk, and it still bootable with redhat enterprise linux version 3, how....??
3 AnswersAdd-ons10 years agoadd route to the linux server but not function?
i've tried to add route, and found the routing in the routing table, but however, it's work strange, because i am able to ping the machine, but when telnet/ftp, its not response.
but, the strange part is my admin told me that they log down the traffic showing that it's getting through to the server and got response.... why? please helps... really need helps...
1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade agoHow to install multiple VPN Clients for a notebook?
I wish to install multiple VPN clients in my notebook, for around 4 different VPN clients. But however, some can be install, but failed to work, some totally unable to install. How, anyone can helps? Because i need to support multiple customers... thanks...
2 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade agoHow to confirm the Maximum bandwidth that Cisco router C3660 can supported?
Wish to confirm whether the 1mbps leased line can supported by Cisco C3660 router or not....
1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade agoI wish to upgrade to iOS 3.1.3 from 3.1.2, how?
How can i upgrade as now the latest iOS is 4.0.1 form iTunes?
I've tried to download a ipsw iPhone2,1_3.1.3_7E18_Restore.ipsw and try to click Shift + Restore, and its failed and prompted me "the iphone XXX couldnt be restored. this device isnt eligible for the requested build", what should i do next for my iphone 3Gs.
1 AnswerAdd-ons1 decade agoHow do i connect to redhat linux server by using vncviewer even user is logged out?
I successfully connect to the redhat linux server by using 3rd parties vncviewer. But when the user (root) user is logged out, i am unable to establish the connection again! Why, can anyone helps on this? Because i've tried to search on the web, cant find the solution... thanks a lot....
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoPatches release notes for RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.4?
Hi, i wish to get all the patches release notes. Please assist.
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoIf i use vmware, do i need to purchase the OS licenses for each of the OS install?
Do i need to do so? or only the physical PC/Server need? the rest no need?
3 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoHow to change IP address for Sun Solaris 5.8?
Wish to change the IP address for sun solaris 8, but how?
2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoWhat is the meaning for the IP as (24)?
What is the meaning for /32 or /24?
1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade agoBandwidth monitoring?
Discovered that out of sudden, the incoming bandwidth of my office network suddenly hit the maximum. May i know how to trace as i also had already limited the download size for all the network.
Please helps.
1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade agoAccess denied - Invalid HELO name (See RFC2821
How come i got this kind of error? Please helps as i am still struggler to solve this... thanks
2 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade agoHow come my auto spelling and grammer check is disabled for Ms. Word?
Usually my ms. word will highlight in red line for the wrong wording i type, but dont know why recently, it didnt check even i key in wrongly after i click Enter. Why?
4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade agoHow to allow more than 2 users to remotely login into Windows 2003 Server?
I wish to allow more than 2 users to remotely log into my Windows 2003 Server, is there any setting that i can do this?
Please helps....
2 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoHow to add permanent route in Linux?
Every time i restart my server, i have to add it back. So how to add it as permanent?
1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade agoHow to get rid of bedbugs in malaysia?
I have tried out all the methods, but that crazy tiny little bedbugs still available and keep bitten my family every night.
So, may i know got what methods can be use in Malaysia? Helps, as my family is keep disturbing by this bugs since 1 year ago till now.....
4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago