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I am 65 years young. I'm not an old "fuddy duddy". I enjoy life to the fullest and over look the down side as much as possible. Life is like a bouncing ball, you have your ups and downs. When you're down, it's up to you to bounce back up. I'm a positive thinker. Positive thinking brings positive action. I enjoy Y/A just for the fun of it. No special category. I scroll through the questions if one meets my fancy, I'll answer it. I enjoy reading the questions and answers just as much as answering or asking. I'm usually on here during break time from work, or when I'm just plain bored, or, need a good "pick me up". My hobbies other than being on the computer is: Traveling, I love to travel and see sites I haven't seen yet. Movies, new and old. Music, I love music of all kinds, especially Blues, Smooth Jazz and the Oldies. Dancing, I can out dance any one on the floor! I'm running out of space. So I will close with a big hug and God's Blessings.

  • Do you tip a J.P., same as you would a Pastor?

    Do you tip a J.P.? If so, how much is good etiquette?

    3 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • What's up with Yahoo mail and profile?

    Is it just me, or is anyone else having problems with their mail and getting into their profile? When I go to check my mail, my lap top drags, or will freeze. I have to re-boot quit often. Today, I am having a hard time getting into my profile, not just mine but my contacts as well. Is Yahoo in a state of recovery again, from a what ever? I'll rest at ease if that's all it is since my account is free. If it is my lap top, I'll go ballistic on ya! God forbid if my poor lap top is sick!

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago
  • How do you handle "Family Holiday Dinners"?

    Is it poor etiquette "not to formally" invite family to your house for Holiday Dinners, such as Thanksgiving or Christmas, but instead, to let everyone know there is plenty of food and gifts under the tree if they want to drop in? I feel this takes the pressure off when they have obligations to their immediate family and in-laws. My husband's side of the family has done it this way for years. The micro-wave gets a good work out! I love this idea. My side of the family is insulted and will not come around at all unless they are formally invited to a sit down dinner. I've tried it their way, they usually run late, using the excuse; they were at the in-laws and couldn't get away on time. What do you think? How do you handle the Holidays with your family?

    7 AnswersThanksgiving1 decade ago
  • Question for voting "Best Answer"?

    Why is it, when I put in a vote for "Best Answer", it does not show? This does not happen all the time. Some times I will refresh the page, then the vote will show, but sometimes after refreshing the page, does not work. It will only show another thumbs up, but not a vote. This is not fair to the person who has won my vote! Why bother to vote if it is not counted.

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Questions about the 360 page?

    I want to make our local news a feed on my 360 page for family to see that does not live in the same state as us. I have tried clicking on to RSS as instructed, but it kicks the URL out. Hope some one will come with an answer that will work.

    1 AnswerYahoo Profiles1 decade ago
  • Where oh where can my Yahoo Tool Bar be?

    My Yahoo Tool Bar has vanished! Poof it's gone! I tried downloading a new one, followed the directions, did re-start and the whole routine. Nothing! Nada! I'm at my wits end. What do I do? How do I get the tool bar back, or get a new one? Please help me before I pull all of my hair out! I don't wanna' go bald.

    1 AnswerYahoo Toolbar1 decade ago
  • Direct T.V. viewers - Question RE: the day time Soap "Passions".?

    I just switched from one T.V. Service provider to Direct T.V. I haven't seen the Soap "Passions" since they moved to Direct T.V. For those with Direct T.V. in the Phoenix Arizona area, do you know the channel and time this Soap comes on? I would really like to catch up to date with the bizarre families living in Harmony.

    4 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • What is a good spider repellent?

    I live in the SW with very high 3 digit temperatures during summer. In my master bath I have a million (no exaggeration) tiny spiders. They just popped up over night! I think they came by way of the window to escape the heat. Does any one know of a good remedy to get rid of these little pests?

    15 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Why do people ask questions on Y/A, then get mad if they don't get the answer they want to hear?

    I mean like, why do they bother to ask, if their mind is already made up, and, they are not open for the opinion and advice of others?

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • What is a good stomach exercise if you have a bad back?

    I have both upper and lower back injuries. If you have ever injured your back you already know you never really get over it. My problem is, I can't do sit ups. I have put on weight mostly in my stomach. I have been told it is because I no longer have stomach muscles because it pulls on my back to pull my stomach in. It is painful. Surely there is a way to tone your stomach and strengthen your back so you can hold your tummy in. Please help. I'm going to have to shop in the maternity department if this keeps up. I'm only 5' 1" and weigh 125 pounds, but to look at my stomach you would think I weigh at least 140.

    6 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Where can I find the DVD of White Fang?

    Does anyone know where I can find the DVDs for White Fang and White Fang II? I have seen the movies several times on T.V. on the Hallmark Channel. I love this movie and would like to purchase it. I've tried Video stores every where in my area. I belong to Columbia House DVD Club, which does not have the DVD. Hopefully some one out there will know where I can find it. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What do you have planned for your Dad on Father's Day?

    I heard from a hand full when I ask about Mom's Day. Now I'm curious about your plans for your dad on his special day. I like to compare notes for special events. I would also like to hear from people whose dads has passed on. My dad passed on 3 years ago. So far, I always take my mom to his resting site to put fresh flowers on his grave. But, if any one has any good ideas on how to make this a more joyous occasion with family members I would love to hear your input. I thought about having a memorial in dads honor at a pot luck family gathering. But I don't know. What do you think?

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What age is considered to be middle aged? What age is considered elderly?

    When does a person turn "Middle Aged" and when do they turn "Elderly"? I heard a T.V. news caster call a 58 year old woman elderly. So now I am wondering. I'm 63 and I don't feel Middle aged or elderly! Until I look in the mirror, I still feel like I'm 30!

    18 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • What do you have planned for Mother's Day?

    What do you have planned for your mom this year? I know we should acknoledge our moms all year round, but think about it, just like a birhday is a special day for all of us, this is a special day too. If it weren't for our moms, we wouldn't even be here on this earth. So don't you agree she deserves some special recognition? My most treasured gifts from my children was the home made cards and gifts. And doing a special chore like washing my car. One time I got a special home made peanutbutter and jelly sandwich. Best sandwich I ever had :)

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Why does an answered question not show up on my Q&A home page?

    Just a few minutes ago, I answered a question and it does not show up on my Q&A home page. Does this mean my answer was not acceptable? I followed the community guidelines. No inuendos, No swearing, No insults.

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How do you make a correction if you clicked the wrong thumb when answering a question in Y!A?

    I have accidentally clicked the thumbs down when meaning to click the thumbs up when giving a vote on an answer. I really feel bad aobut this. Is there any way to correct my mistake?

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Can you tell me the title to this song from the late 50's or early 60's?

    My grandson ask me if I remembered the title to this song from the late 50's or early 60's. The only part of the lyrics he could remember, and me too, is:

    Don't know much about history,

    Don't know much about biology.

    Now the tune keeps going through my head. I am humming to this tune constantly. Can you help me out with the title? I won't rest until I find the answer.

    7 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Wanted: Diamond Back Fans opinion?

    I heard on the news not long ago the Diamond Backs might be changing thier colors from purple to red. I would like to have other fellow Diamond Back Fans opinion. Do you approve or disapprove?

    8 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Questions on mobile homes.?

    I am in the market to buy a new mobile home. It has been years (70's) since I have lived in one. Back then Fleetwood was the top brand and best built. Or so I was told. Now there are so many too choose from. If you were to purchase one of these brand name homes for yourself, which would you choose?

    1- Fleetwood

    2- Cavo

    3- Palm Harbor

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Do you watch day time "Soaps"?

    Do you watch day time "Soaps"? Why? And, how do we get hooked even though they are so unrealistic and mostly nonsense? Yes, I said we. I'm hooked on two! And I ask myself everyday... "WHY".

    13 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago