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Carol G
Perry the Platypus, Blue or Green?
Is he blue or is he green. Heated debate in the household this morning.
8 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoWhat was the most unique thing about your wedding?
Just wondering what made your wedding extra special and different from the rest? Was it the food? Music? Location? What special thing did you have that everyone just loved?
33 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoCan fish oil cause anxiety?
I have just started taking fish oil, and have noticed an increase in mild anxiety. Everything I've read says it may may lessen depression and anxiety symptoms. Any thoughts?
3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoWhat were the parents thinking? Kid Nation...?
Seriously, this show put 40 kids in a ghost town in New Mexico to create their own society without parental or adult supervision. The kids worked 15 hour days, all on videotape for the production of a TV Show - which will make LOTS of money for CBS. My son is a toddler, but I cannot imagine a situation EVER where I'd feel comfortable in allowing him to be in a situation with minimal adult supervision. What on earth were these parents thinking?
24 AnswersParenting1 decade agoSpecial Event for a Toddler?
My son is 2 and a half, and obsessed with trains - especially Thomas the Tank Engine. The train museum near us is having a FULL SIZE Thomas pulling coaches for the kids to ride in, a dude dressed as Sir Topham Hatt and other stuff. It's a little expensive but I know my son will go ape for it. But is it silly to plan an elaborate special event that it is likely that he wont even remember when he's older?
8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoBike carriers for Toddlers?
My husband and I are thinking about getting either a trailer style or the rear seat style child carrier for my husband's bike so our 2 year old can go out with him. What are some of the pros and cons of both styles? (Don't worry, my son and husband will be BOTH be wearing helmets) Thanks.
1 AnswerCycling1 decade agoWhere to sell surplus toys?
I have about 500 new educational toys, from a failed business venture. They are not returnable to the dealer we got them from, and I do not have the time to sell the items as individual pieces on Ebay. Any suggestions on where I could sell these things as a lot? They are all really nice, high quality toys from current toy companies - they just didn't sell like we hoped, and are no longer in the toy biz.
5 AnswersSmall Business1 decade agoNo period and multiple (-) HPT! What gives?
SO! My period is 2 weeks late, and after NUMEROUS negative HPT's I'm really wondering what the heck is going on. I had a little discharge about a week and a half ago, but nothing since then. I have preggers 5 times - and know I'm not pg (the small fortune I've spent on HPT's tells me so.) I am 44 - could it be menopause? Heck - I am too darn young!
4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoGolfers, what snacks/drinks do you like to get at the snack shack?
So, what do you like to snack on while you golf - if anything? If there is a snack shack on your course - what do you normally get? What would you like to see offered? Thanks for helping me with a little market research.
11 AnswersGolf1 decade agoHave you ever gone to a Wiggles Live Show?
I'm thinking of taking my 2 year old to the Wiggles concert, but I'm wondering if it's even worth going unless you are sitting right down in front. Tickets are expensive (for an event with a toddler) and I am just wondering if it's worth the $$. My son loves the Wiggles (although latley he's been on a Thomas the Tank Engine obsession...) and it's hard to tell if he would have the patience to go to the theater. Any thoughts?
6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoWhat was the dumbest thing someone said to you when you were pregnant?
Come on ladies, what were/are some of the crazy things people said to you when you were pregnant? I had a barista yell across a coffee shop that she hoped I was getting a decaffinated drink (like it was any of her business...) I also got lots of "YOU ARE STILL PREGNANT?" Um... yeah. Come on. Bring it on.
71 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoHow long a recovery period after Brachytherapy?
My dad is having brachytherapy on his prostrate on Thursday. What can I have ready to make him more comfortable when he gets home, and how long is the recovery period? My mom has some health issues herself, so I will be looking after them.
1 AnswerMen's Health1 decade agoWhy are people so passionate about the personal choices of others?
I am not talking about politics, or even sexuality, but people will go out of their way to deride vegans for not eating animal products, or PC users for not using a Mac. I have seen arguments break out amongst friends over which web browser to use. Yahoo Answers is a great forum for information, but it never fails that someone will ask a serious question about ANY topic and will get at least 3 or 4 answers implying that they are wrong for choosing their lifestyle.
2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoHow much to charge for video taping a deposition?
I have a small video production company and we are branching into videotaping depostions. I know what I normally charge my commercial clients - but was wondering how the fee structure worked in the legal world.
2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade agoHigh School Math for adults?
I am a college graduate who managed to get through my liberal arts degree with almost NO math education. I would like to change careers which will involve me going back to school, and the field I am intersted in will require a MUCH higher standard of math education than I already have. I need to go back to the basics unfortunately, which means all the way back to basic algerbra (which I tanked in in HS.) Is there a way for an adult to take high school level math classes so I can get caught up and ready for college math?
2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade agoHow to cook steel cut oats (like McCanns..)?
I love steel cut oats but they take forever to cook. Does anyone know how to cook them overnight like in a crock pot or something?
1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade agoWhat would you do? Child in potentialy bad situation...?
Last night I was walking home after dark on a busy city street when I noticed a 4 year old boy crying, having a tantrum. I was pretty sure his mom was down the street at the bus stop - about 20 feet away but started to approach the boy to make sure he was with his mom. Before I could get to him he darted around the corner and went into the Salvation Army store. I caught up with him, and asked him where his mom was. Luckily the store manager recognized the little boy as the son of the woman who owned the salon up the street. I mentioned that I thought I had seen a woman who could be his mom waiting at the bus stop, and we all went out the door to look for her. When we found the mom and told her where her son went she was not phased at all. She couldn't have cared less that her son had disappeared for 2-3 minutes after dark on a busy street. I am thinking about calling child services to check out his situation, but don't know what the consequences might be. What would you do?
8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago