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I just wanted to tell you that I have been crocking for years and yes a whole chicken will fit into a 7 quart crock pot. I don't know why you said that it wouldn't it. Just wanted to let you know that yes, a whole chicken does indeed fit.

  • did i react to harshly?

    My boyfriend bought me a new vehicle before Christmas. It was my birthday as well as Christmas present. We had a really nice dinner last night. He brought up that my vehicle would be great to take on family vacations. He has a sixteen and twelve year old sons. I see how his truck gets trashed out when we go anywhere out of town. He told me that this was mine and now threw a fit with me when I told him I didn't want mine trashed out. He stated what he wanted to say leaving me without my input.I had the silent treatment this morning too. What should I do? I sold my car or I would go back to driving it again and hand over the New vehicle. I take very good care of anything I have. It his has been our biggest fight since we got back together too. He said our vehicles are merely a tool. Go figure. I love him very much and don't like fights. Any good advice to smooth over this bump in the road would be appreciated. Thank you.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • My fiance wanted me and my son to move where he lives. We have been here since last July. We have had our ups?

    ups and downs ever since. My son has only two more six weeks until he finishes his school year. He is 16 years old and I was wondering if it would hurt him to pull him out of this school and move back home and let him finish the rest of the year. Any advise would be appreciated. I don't know if I can hang in here and wait for the school year to end. Evidently, me and my fiance or what ever he is, is not going to make it as of a couple. We get along and then argue and I know that is not good for my son to be around. I just want to pack up and move if I had it my way, but am thinking more about my son and what is good for him. I don't know I am just not happy here, nor is anything going to make me want to stay. I feel like a room mate and a maid.

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • I have currently started wearing tampons, what angle should I insert them. I can feel my tampon.?

    But it's not uncomfortable at all. I have searched the internet and really haven't gotten good directions on exactly how to insert them correctly. I haven't bled on any of my clothes and change every 4 hours. I really love the tampax pearl regular ones and don't have a heavy period. Was sick of wearing pads in this Texas heat. Any suggestions from you gals would be very helpful. Thanks!!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • How to clean my email system that might be infected?

    I have a friend that wanted me to get on this site called Tagged. Back earlier in the summertime, I had seen it on Good Morning America where people that had signed up for Tagged, there was hackers out there infecting their personal email accounts. I think mine is also been infected by sending out viagra offers to all my email contacts. It's been quite frankly embarassing. I don't know what to do about it. Does anyone have any suggestions about how to get the virus out of my email system?

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • My body is out of whack!!!?

    I had my tubes tied 9 years ago. It was a irreversible tubligation. Last year I had a endometrial ablation due to having heavy never ending periods. In the last 2 months or so, I have noticed dark brown blood, not much but it doesn't seem like a normal period like I used to have. I am sexually active with my fiancee, and here lately I have been nausated and my stomach has been upset. Would the period problems mean I am going into menapouse or have I got pregnant by chance? I haven't went and bought a test kit yet. Any info good information would be appreciated

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What to wear to my wedding?

    My fiancee and I are getting married just the two of us. Any suggestions on what type of dress to wear?

    12 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Is this too cheesy or what?

    Me and my fiancee are getting married this summer. We have talked about getting married just me and him in vegas or going to the jp and getting married there or perhaps at our home. The vegas thing was first, then I thought that the money we would spend could go into updating the house. We have both been married before and it's just going to be the two of us. I guess I am basically asking is it cheesy to get married in the jp's office?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Woke up took a bath and noticed the inside of my vagina is red and it burns when I pee.?

    It's been 4 months since I had sex, and I woke up, took a hot bath and noticed the inside of my vagina was red and burned when I was washing. I have no odor or anything. What could this possibly be? Please only females only, u guys don't have our parts k? And please no smart *** answers either. Thank you

    7 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What does it mean when at night my son is seeing a white figure come out of my room?

    He is not on dope, don't need any smart *** answers or any of that. We are very much a christian family, he attends youth reguarly as well as church too. But every once in a while he is seeing a white figure come out of my room while he is watching tv. He has told me that he gets up and I am asleep, it's really starting to freak him out. I think this is the third time he has seen this happen. He tells me that the white figure comes out of my room and walks down the hall, doesn't look at him just leave from my room at night. I personally don't really believe in ghosts, but now this is freaking me out him telling me what he sees, and he has said that some nights it's not even that late at night. Any help would be grateful thanks

    13 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Is it wrong to hang out with a man that is in fact getting a divorce?

    I have known this guy for a very long time. I went on family vacations, we were engaged twice, but the bullheads we were it didn't work out. We have remained friends, and he married four years ago. Anyways, he up and called me and we talked. I just figured it would be good for him to vent without anyone telling him what he should or shouldn't be doing. Now his soon to be ex wife is hitting the bars and said that she didn't care who he dates or is seen with. I guess what I am trying to say is that I had told him that it would be better if he waited to start hanging out until his divorce was done and over with. We live in a small town as it is. We have remained friends until over the weekend. He had errands to run, so I went with him and his roomate and we all just hung out. That was it and then he took me home. Now he wants to start going to church with me, which his mom and her new husband go there too. She doesn't have a problem with me, but what would the people at church think?

    30 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Question for the Women, should I get a second opinion on a hysterectomy?

    The doctor that I have seen, said he would perform a hysterectomy for me this summer, the only thing was that the entire time I was in the room with him, his cell kept going off and he had the nerve to answer the call, while I was there. He really didn't bother asking me if I had any questions about details on the procedure. This has been the first doctor that I have seen, and never have I had a doctor answer his cell phone he is on my time. Kind of felt like he was wasting my time. Has anyone had this kind of problem happen to them. Feeling alittle lost here, would love to hear from you women and get some advice. Thanks

    7 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Who thinks that I should have a D&C instead of a hysterectomy?

    I have had problems with my period going and going and it doesn't stop. I have been on birth control pills for over a year, I have had my tubes tied 6 years ago. My doctor keeps doing all these tests and I am almost getting frustrated and want to change to a doctor who will schedule me a hysterectomy this summer. I am 33 years old and have a 13 year old son, and am attending college. I have loaded up with classes so that I could have this hysterectomy done this summer, but the doctor keeps dragging her feet. She said that I ought to have a D&C. I don't want one, just want to have my hysterectomy done and over with. I have bought my fair share of pads and want this to be over with and go on with my life. I am wanting some advise from my fellow female friends on here on what they would do. Please no men answering this question or contributing their input k? Thanks

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I have a question about long distance relationships.?

    I met his guy off POF a free dating website, we started chatting on the computer and then he called me and we would talk on the phone for hours. Then because he lives so far away from me, I thought that we would never meet anyways, so we kind of mutually broke things off. Then we got to emailing each other again, and he was planning on coming up to meet me. And he asked me a question that only close friends or family would ask, and that was "So how much beer do you drink in a evening setting?" And then he had referred to a ex-g/f that would drink alot and then pee in the bed. I am not anything like that. Yes I do drink beer in the evenings but he already knew that and said it was just a random question and didn't mean to make me mad. And because I didn't email him back the next day, he took it out on me on myspace messaging me all these crazy things. I had told him that I wasn't at home that weekend. He can be so laid back and then a control freak. What would u do in my situation.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • We broke up 3 years ago, and now out of the blue he has been calling me? What does that mean?

    We met from a classmate of mine, she is married to his brother and hooked us up, we broke it off 3 years ago, I run into her and she says he has talked non-stop since we broke up. I told her that it would be nice to hear from him sometime thinking he would never call. And out of the blue he has been in contact with me. I had asked him why out of the blue he started calling and he said that there is alot of people that get back together after breaking up, just like married people get divorced and later down the road marry again. I don't know what to do, my parents want me to just go to college and take care of my nearly 13 year old son. That dating would be a distraction. I am currently living with them for the time being, but feel like I need to get out sometimes and do things. Any good advice would be good, I am 32 years old and don't want any smart a** answers here k? Thanks

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • When I type message on messanger it doesn't appear on the screen, what is going on with my messager?

    I am not seeing what I have typed to my messanger buddies, I press send and nothing shows up, I have typed a short message to all my friends and nothing shows up as of what I have sent to them

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Messenger1 decade ago