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Hello! I want to say sorry to all my fans out there, because I am not going to do any more public appearances. I am avoiding the media alltogether, at least for a few years. I will be answering questions, though, so keep an eye out! ^_~

  • adoption vs abortion vs loving?

    I hate it when people say "just have the child and put it up for adoption." Children are not things you can just throw away if you don't want them. On the same note, abortion should only be allowed in cases such as rape or if the child or mother is at risk of dying from complications of birth. People should take responsibility for their actions. If people think they can't take care of their kids then don't have them.

    I was adopted, so I've got no steady ground on either side. I have adult attachment disorder and it was from the adoption and my birthfamily. I feel miserable everyday, and even worse when I hear of people, both jokingly and seriously, suggesting adoption over abortion. Foster homes are so full right now, there is no possible way every child will get a home, no matter how much people say "someone will want it." I was lucky, but I have many friends who weren't.

    It just feels like nobody understands. Anyone else feel the same way as me?

    (And don't give me crap answers)

    13 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Logarithms in real life? (10 easy points!)?

    Ok, so someone in my trig class asked my teacher where logarithms are used in real life, and so my teacher threw a fit and assigned a one page reasearch assignment on jobs that use logarithms and how they are used in real life (I know, unfair). Can anyone give me some examples or links to websites that can help?

    I know how logs work, but am clueless on where they are used in real life.

    It's going to be worth as much as a quiz, and with finals coming up, any points earned now are great. 10 points to whoever is the most helpful!

    13 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Senior Prank. Is this a stupid idea???

    My senior class is pulling the senior prank on Thursday. The entire class is over 500 students (started off as 1000 freshmen) -(I know large school... 2nd largest student body in the state with the largest campus)-.

    All the seniors know so changing it would be near impossible, but since our senior class color is yellow (don't know why) we are calling it Code Yellow. All seniors wear yellow to school (like an assembly day) and after 3rd hour (or during) all seniors stick post-it notes all over the school hallways that say "code yellow," "class of 2007," and other things. Now my school is HUGE so post-its everywhere would be hilarious and would not get anyone pulled from graduation. --That was the biggest concern, since they don't allow students who pull a destructive (or similar) prank to graduate.-- Many people are covering their cars bags, books, and other stuff with post-it's too.

    Does this sound stupid or would you do it?

    Any ideas on how to improve it by then?


    7 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • What is this email? Is it from the police?

    I got an email from 'Internet Evidence Removal Services' saying '(my name) permanently DELETE the websites you visit and files'

    I recently sent some info to the Texas state police about someone bragging online how they killed someone in Texas and got away with it (along with other details like names and the crime scene--not yahoo related). Beyond this I don't know who it could be. I don't even know if it was real. Could the email be the police station?

    I'm afraid to open it, because it sounds like it could have a virus attached and that is the last thing I need.

    Does this sound suspicious to anyone or is it something I should open? Please help!

    Thanks in advanced!

    31 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Ask for a raise?

    I have been working at this store for just over a year and 4 months. I got a raise at 6 months, but never got one for a year. Is this fair? I am 4 months past when I should have gotten a raise, so how do I ask? She recently cut my hours, which really sucks because I am paying for college and everything.

    She has been favoring this new girl (because they are both from India) and she is nice, but I'm sick of taking the blame for things and getting paid less than her (and she's only been here 3 months!). Whenever something goes wrong, the blame immediately falls on me because my boss and the new girl are 'perfect' and 'never do anything wrong.' (I make mistakes, but I have been blamed for things I'm not even in charge of or know how to do). I first thought it was only me who felt like this, but then my manager said she noticed it too, so I plan on quitting over the summer.

    But right now my concern is on getting a raise for the time being. Please help me on how to ask! I'm at a loss!!!

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Brushing my dog's teeth, any substitues for toothpaste???

    My dog has gingivitis and I need to brush his teeth more. The doggy toothpaste I have is old (I'm not sure how old, so I don't want to use it), but the stuff available at the store is expensive.

    Are there any home made or alternatives to doggy toothpaste?

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • House MD downloads?

    I need to download House MD episodes onto a windows media player file. Are there any free or very cheap websites that have that option? iTunes doesn't seem to have it either.

    I need it fast, so quick downloads are very much appreciated! I just need one or two episodes.

    (It is for a project and I have looked all over with no such luck)

    10 points to anyone who can help!

    3 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Best/funniest classified pet adds?

    The newspaper occationally comes out with some very funny pet adds. Post some of your favorites you have seen or would like to see here. Best one gets 10 points! (Please put if it was real or not)

    Mine is: "Puppies for sale. Half German shepherd, half the dog next door." (real)

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • iPod iTunes question! NEED HELP! EMERGENCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    I had a black iPod nano that I lost and since then got an iPod Video. My sister suddenly "traded" (according to her) her white nano for a black. I know she is lying and that she took mine, but she denies it. Is there any way I can pull up the old serial number to prove it is mine???

    I registered my Video since then, so it's not avaliable, but if there is some way I can look up the history on my iTunes to get it, I can prove she took it. (I know she took it because she has taken it in the past and I just caught her with my little sister's... who had been missing it for over a month, and her's was ruined)

    10 points to anyone who can help me!!!!!

    6 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Need help on geography homework??? ask me!!!?

    If anyone needs help with geography homework, please ask me, quiz me, anything. I am a geography student and I love answering geography questions. I reached my daily limit, so please IM or email me your questions, or you can post them and I can email or IM you a response. (make sure your email and/or IM are shown on your message or profile)

    IM: shadedtint


    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • New puppy name for a lethal white?

    I currently have 3 lethal whites, one blind, one deft, and one deft with partial blindness, named Frankie, Kashal, and Everest. I also have an aussie mix named Beau. We live on 3 grassy acres in Arizona.

    (Lethal whites are caused my merle-to-merle breeding in which puppies are born white or mostly white with some extent of blindness and/or deftness...sometimes none, but rare)

    I am adopting another lethal white aussie (her pic is displayed by my name). She is 100% blind and deft. She came from California and is a sweetheat. She loves people and other dogs and has such a cute and goofy grin. She will definately fit right in and my other dogs love her. Her name is Luna right now, but I want to change it. Any ideas?

    Her photo page is:

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Lethal whites at the dog park?

    I have 3 lethal whites aussies (merle-to-merle breeding that results in a white puppy with levels of blindness and/or deftness. Caused by careless or uninformed breeders). 1 is blind (Frankie), 1 is deft (Kashal), and 1 is deft with visual imarment (Everest). All of them are great dogs and love to play. Sometimes it's hard to believe they are disabled, but since they were born that way, I don't think they know life as anything but what they are.

    I have been debating whether to go to the dog park with them. I take my 4th dog, Beau, (Aussie mix, no lethal white gene) to the park a lot, and am considering taking the other 3, but am not sure if it will be too much stress for the dogs. (Especially Everest, who is only about a year old). They are very healthy and seem to have no trouble playing with Beau or my sister's dogs. Should I try?

    Anyone with experience with disabled dogs, your input is greatly appeciated.

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Same genes, would you do it?

    Ok, I have an identical twin. Identicals share the same genes.

    I found out that if identical girls married identical guys their kids would genetically be identical twins rather than cousins (Even if they are a different age and gender).

    A creepy but interesting thought. What are your views to this?

    (I am NOT considering this, just throwing the idea out... and yes it would be true under the right circumstances)

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • strange question...?

    I know it is not ok to have a relationship or to love a cousin, but if one of the two were adopted, would it be more accepting? Just want to see what people think about it.

    (How I see it is that genetically it is alright, but socially it is not)

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Strange noise when swallowing?

    My sister is the one who wanted me to post this. She noticed a while ago that every time I swallow, my throat makes a noise. It sounds just like swallowing, but louder and I can't controll it. I never really noticed it because I thought it was something only I heard, but my sister complains about it from across the room. I started asking my friends if they heard it and that said they've always heard it, but thought it would be rude to ask. It doesn't hurt and I'm sure it is nothing, but what is it?

    (My other sister thinks that because I was strangled by my birthfather before I was adopted that it could have caused my esophigus or something to move out of place. Sound logical?)

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Big problem! Need help on how to be culturally polite!!! I can't stomach their food!?

    I work at a store where 3 out of the 5 employees are from India. There culture is great and all, but they have ordered Indian food before and I cannot stomach it at all. I honestly cannot get past the taste and texture of anything they order. I cannot eat anything with vinegar (allergic), so that rules out some food, but I cannot eat spicy foods because it causes sores in my mouth later. Last time they ordered "Not spicy," and they thought it had no spice...but my mouth was burning! Anything that wasn't spicy was mushy and tasted like some sort of moss or fungus. It smells good, but is very decieving.

    Yesterday they warned me not to have lunch because they are ordering Inian food again for an employee's birthday. I don't want to be rude (I guess turning down offered food is considered very rude in their culture) and I like the girl who's birthday it is, but I don't like the food and can't help but make a funny face when eating it. Any ideas or tricks to eating something I don't like???

    8 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Murder confession???

    I live in Arizona, but a girl online (not y!) confessed to murdering somone in Texas. She gave me some details and a name. I am not sure if it is real or not, but I still want to report it. Who do I contact? AZ or TX police?

    13 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Fighting with twin over adoption rights.?

    Ok, here's the deal. My twin sis and I were adopted together and now that we are going to turn 18 soon, the adoption records will open. My sister wants to finds our birthmother imediately, but I want to wait. We were originally put up for adoption because of our abusive father and neglecting mother. That's why I'm not jumping at the chane for finding her. Unfortunately, since my sister wants to find her immediatly, by law I can't stop her. I am starting to panic because I only have less than five months. Any suggestions?

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago