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  • Russian translation help?

    What does the bottom of this picture say in English?

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • Chest pain when I lay down?

    Whenever I lay down before I go to bed I get a sharp pain on the right side of my chest. It usually only occurs if I'm lying on my back and will usually go away when I shift positions onto my side but will then soon come back. I am a healthy 17 year old.

    Any ideas on what could be causing this pain?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • XM Radio/stereo for my car?

    I am getting a new stereo for my 05 neon and I want to be able to get XM radio, local FM/AM stations, and be able to plug my iPod into it as well.

    Do I have to buy one of XM's radios? or could I buy another a stereo that is XM compatible?

    Any product suggestions on stereos?

    I want this to be all-in-one, not two pieces of hardware.

    2 AnswersCar Audio1 decade ago
  • Vick signs with the Steelers?

    As a Steeler fan I wouldn't mind seeing Vick come into town. Tomlin would whoop him into shape and keep the team focused. There is no way PETA would stage a protest at a Steelers' game or any other animal rights group. Twice a year the Steelers play the Browns and during those two games Vick would be absolutely amazing! I really think that Vick could be a great addition to the team. What do you think about the Vick situation? What team do you think he'll sign with?

    8 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Which car is faster? The '09 Dodge Charger or the '10 Chevy Camaro?

    With the best engine available for each car which one is faster?

    5 AnswersOther - Car Makes1 decade ago
  • US lab debuts super laser!?!?


    Okay so let's say we get like 10 of these badboys stationed throughout the border of the US. So then for fun we could get Russia to send every single one of their nuclear missiles at us and we could zap them all out of the sky?

    How about zapping planes out of the sky as well? no more jet fighters risking their lives...

    Where are Russia and China's super lasers? I think this just guaranteed that America will be a superpower for longer than most people think :)

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Getting into Medical school?

    What is the process of getting into Medical school in the US?

    Do med schools look at your high school grades and SAT/ACT scores? or

    Do they look at just your MCAT's and college GPA?

    I'm not quite sure of the process... I'm in 10th grade right now, what should I do from here on out to get into Medical School?

    Just try to get into a good college and get good grades in college?

    Can you just list step by step what I need to do to get into Medical School? (10th grade)

  • What is Costa Rica like?

    What is Costa Rica like in late June? When is its rainy season? We're planning to go to Herradura. Will we be rained on the whole time? Any suggestions on what to do there?

    4 AnswersCosta Rica1 decade ago
  • Keeping up with the Kardashians?

    What episode was it when they got visitors from a bunch of black rappers that pulled up in expensive cars? They are their new neighbors I think and kris invited them in and gave them milk and cookies.

    I want to see that episode again because I want to find out what kind of car the rappers have.

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • What is not right about this picture?

    What in this picture was added with photoshop?

    11 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Ideas for a photoshop project?

    Directions: You are to compose an artificial scene using a total of SIX (6) separate photographs. You must choose ONE of the six photographs to serve as the background or setting for the scene. The remainder of the 5 photos must be placed throughout to create the rest of the scene. To effectively compose the scene, you must use a variety of selection tools (magnetic lasso, lasso, magic wand, color range, quick masking, etc). Additionally, each image must appear on its own layer, which should be renamed.


    -Must use all six photographs

    -Each photo must be on its own layer

    -Min. of two (2) different layer blend modes

    -Initial background size minimum of 600px x 400px

    -All images resized (transformed) to fit appropriately

    -Theme/Content must be school appropriate

    -Each layer must be renamed

    -Min. of one (1) Mask Used

    -Min. of two (2) colorized objects (using selections)

    Any ideas?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Super Bowl XLIII score and MVP predictions?

    Steelers- 31

    Cardinals- 17

    MVP- Willie Parker

    Willie is going to have a big game and the Steelers will win their 6th Super Bowl title. There is way to much hype on the Cardinals offense. Kurt Warner is overrated and the Steelers defense will shut them down.

    What are your predictions?

    Best answer goes to person who picks winner and MVP. Tie goes to the person who picks closest to the correct score.

    7 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Any ideas for English Literature extra credit?

    My teacher said we could do anything we wanted as long as it wasn't to easy. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Do colleges look at the new writing part of the SATs yet?

    Do they take into consideration the writing part of the SAT's yet?

    The writing part is new isn't it?

    I took the PSAT's just recently and I only missed one question in the entire math section and did okay on the reading section but I crashed and burned on the writing section.

    I truly don't think its fair to include a writing section in it unless they were to also add a science section. There have been studies that show that people are usually good at Math and Science or Reading and Writing. So the people that are good at Math and Science like myself are going to do worse.

    Any tips on how to improve my reading and writing scores?

    4 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • A question about Panamanian Culture?

    I'm writing a report on Panama and I would like to know more about their culture. What is their main religion? What holidays do they celebrate? What foods do they eat? etc.

    4 AnswersPanama1 decade ago
  • Want to compare grades?

    It's the end of the first marking period for school and report cards are out.

    Here are my grades:

    English 10 Literature Honors- 96

    20th Century History Honors- 93

    Algebra II Honors- 96

    Biology- 97

    Accounting I- 97

    Computer Apps- 96

    Spanish II- 99

    Tech Ed- 99

    Phys Ed- 98

    Final Average- 96.63

    I'm in 10th grade...

    What are your grades?

    8 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • A type of structure made up of many parts is called a _______ structure?

    A type of structure that is molded or made up of one piece is a _________ structure?

    Help with my Tech Ed homework....

    It's not graded so it's not cheating...

    2 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • What is your idea of the Perfect console?

    With today's technology...


    -About the size of the Wii

    -Free Online

    -Fully Customizable

    -Easy to use interface (Like Apple products)

    Those are some of mine. I will post the rest when I choose Best Answer.

    14 AnswersPlayStation1 decade ago
  • What would colleges prefer?

    Would they prefer someone that doesn't take honors classes and gets grades between 97-100.


    Would they prefer someone who takes all honor classes and gets grades as low as 88-90 but still excels in the non-honor classes such as Accounting, Computer Apps, Health, Spanish, etc.

    I could without a doubt get 98's or above in all of the non-honors classes. But I'm taking all honors and getting lower grades than I could be getting. So should I stay in honors or not?

    In our school a 94 and above is an A. I heard other schools consider a 90 and above an A. Is this true?

    What kind of grades do I need to get into a school like Penn State, Ohio State, etc?

    Last question: Do colleges mainly look at your grades or your SAT's?

    Thanks in advance. I know their are a lot of questions and if you could only answer one I would still appreciate it.

    4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Should I get Guitar Hero: World Tour or Rockband 2?

    Should I get it for my Wii or PS3?

    All I know is that in Guitar Hero: World Tour you will be able to make your own songs. Other than that and the song list is there any major differences?

    What are the differences for each game for each console?

    8 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago