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Lv 2609 points

Baby Brother on his way <3

Favorite Answers21%
  • Soo paranoid about SIDS....?

    Of course I have always worried about it with my first child and all through the pregnancy and newborn stage with my second....but the paranoia is getting son is just over 6 months and I am conyantly standing over him when he's sleeping...that's if I even put him down. I know that there are no warning signs..if its gonna happen it will happen but does the risk ever go completly away...I've heard of people loosing their babies when they were over a year old...I am the type of person who worries constantly about very organized and prepared...but its getting out of ob even told me that im literally going to give my self a heart attack if I can't get my anxiety under control....anyone else as paranoid as me and if so how in the world do you cope

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Still totally and completly....?

    ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE WITH MY SON....he is 6 months old and I still can't get enough of him lol....i am still nursing him so we spend virtually every minute together and I wouldn't want it any other way....I know of course you always love your children but it just seems like the new hasn't worn off yet...I was the same way with my daughter when she was born 4 yrs ago but I figured since he's my second it would nt be as crazy lol......I just wanna way him uppp lol... sorry juat had to tell someone before i went outsode and screamed it to my whole neighborhood lol....anyone else feel like this..... not crazy I just love my baby boy :)

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Thinking about giving up breastfeeding :(?

    My son will be 6 months old on the 16th of this month and I have been exclusively breastfeeding him until about 3 weeks ago when I fi ally started supplementing about 2 times a day...I feel so selfish for this although I only planned to breastfeed for 3 weeks...I feel like if I can make it 6 months I can go a year but im so tied down and he is soo attatched to me...which I love btw but he is breastfed by demand...I cannot seem to get him on a regular feeding schedual and he is a snacker so I never know when im gonna have to nurse him which makes it very difficult to run errands ect...I also have a 4 year old daughter in school and I am very involved with the activities thy they do. I feel soo selfish bu saying that I am ready to start exclusively formula feed him but I am really starting to think that I am....I have been very attatched to nursing him and have only been away from him one tome and that was for 6 long hours....I don't feel like I need time away from my precious baby but breastfeeding a snacker at 6 months is wearing mr down I can hardly get things done around the house or anything....please tell me im not alone I feel sooo horrible

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Omggg trying not to think about another baby?

    My son is almost 6 months old and I also have a 4 year old daughter...they are my everything.....I had such a wonderful experience with the pregnancy and birth of my son I cannot stop thinking about having anotther baby...I want my son to be the baby and center of attention for a while as was ny daughter for almost 4 years but I can hardly fight the urge to convince my husband to have another soon....anyone else feel like this

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Can i take sublingual b12 supplement while breastfeeding?

    I was going to get the b 12 injection but the weight loss clinic I was going to get it at wont do it because I am breastfeeding....but everyone else I've talked to said ir was safe. So I decided to get the sublingual dots and asked the pharmacist if it was safe....he said yes....I would really like some other opinions until I talk to my docor tomorrow...thanks

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My baby almost 6 weeks old.....?

    and is still not on any kind of feeding schedual....he nurses every 1-2 1/2 hours...i nurse him on this normal or should i try to get him on some kind of schedual

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is it bad to supplement while breastfeeding my baby?

    i am excusively breastfeeding my son and i am just curious of the effects if any of supplementing with formula for whatever reason...i will be going back to work in a few weeks and plan on pumping my milk for his caregiver...but just want to know if it is a bad thing to supplement formula every now and then

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Breastfeeding moms....?

    i have been exclusively breastfeeding my son since birth...5 weeks ago i have noticed that i havent felt the "let down" at all....he has eaten three times already today is is satisfied after each feeding so why wouldnt i feel the milk let down...does this mean i could be drying up?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Spitting up breastmilk?

    my son is almost 5 weeks old and he has been spitting up my breastmilk..i have only been breastfeeding him since birth but he has started spitting it up alot lately...i tried giving him formula and he never spit up once....i burp him. Regularly when hes on the breast but it doesnt seem to is possible tht he is getting too much breastmilk at a time or is this normal...anyone else experience this with their baby?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Anyone with a newborn who misses being pregnant?

    i am 9 Days postpartum...when i was pregnant i could NOT wait to have my son it was all i could ever think about....i was schedualed for a c section on the 17th but went into labor on the 16th and had him that evening....i was so happy he was finally here and i am sooo in love with him...but i honestly miss bein pregnant...not so much being pregnant but him bein inside of me everytime he gets the hiccupps i get sad cause i miss feeling them in my sure this is just a postpartum emotional thing that will pass but has anyone else felt the same after thier childs birth

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Im not pregnant anymore yayyyyy!!!?

    my baby boy finally arrived at 6:18 Pm on tuesday november 16. I was schedualed foe a c section on the 17Th but was having ver strong contractions coming every 7 Min when i woke up tuesday i went to the hospital they monitored my contractions and told me i would be having my son as soon as the lady next to me had her c section. It was a very smooth process even tho i was so scared i couldnt wait to meet my new little man...he came into the world screaming weighing 7 Lbs 15 Oz and was 20 Inches long.....i am sooooo in love....good luck with labor and delivery to all the other moms to be i know you all cant wait to meet your bundles of joy i was so excited to share this woth you guys

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Schedualed c section?

    im havin a schedualed c section on wednesday the 17th (sooo excited about baby finally bein here) im starting to get a littlw nervous not knowing what to first was an emergency so it all happened so fast...please share experiences and anything i should know to prepare mentally and physically for this

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 39 Weeks and labor close?

    i am 39 weeks with number 2...i am having a schedualed c section on wednesday. Yesterday mornin i woke up and went to the bathroom and there was brown mucos which i think is my mucos lasted all day yesterday and today its a lil bloody...since then i have been havin horrible back pain that moves into my belly and it gets really really tight.....does this sound like real labor or just braxton hicks?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 26 weeks pregnant and having hubby problems?

    I am now 26 weeks pregnant (planned) muy husband and i have been having problems lately and this morning i left...he says that he needs time to think about whats important...he wants to be able to go out and drink and party and leave me home with our 3 year old...i know he is a wonderful father but im just starting to think that he isnt gonna be able to handle a wife 2 kids a job and a house....but its too late if he decided that he cant...i am going crazy havent talked to him all day and i dont know what to do....any ideas as of what could be going on with him????

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Placenta

    I had an ultrasound at 22 weeks which showed that my placenta covers my doctor says it still has time to move before my due date and we will have another ultrasound at 28 weeks to see if it has gotten any better but until then i am on pelvic rest...NO SEX!!!!!! If it has not moved by 28 weeks i will be on bed rest...does anyone have any experience with placenta previa...if so did yours move before baby was born??

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 14 weeks pregnant and a little worried?

    i am now 14 weeks along and since the morning sickness has eased up i just do not feel pregnant...could something be wrong or should i be enjoying the lack of symptoms....everything looked perfect at my last ultrasound at 10 weeks....anyone else feel like this???

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • :( another c section in order?

    i just found out that my ob wont allow me a VBAC i DO NOT want to have another c experience was horrible i have tried only 2 different doctors (they are the only 2 i would consider using) i was so looking forward to the experience of natural childbirth....with my first pregnancy i had an emergency c section due to severe toxemia...thats been over 3 years ago....i just wish i would be given the chance if this pregnancy is low risk.....sorry im just upset now and venting anyone else wanted a VBAC and wasnt given the chance???/

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • probably a stupid question?

    just wondering if you pregnant women who are 4+ weeks are counting from your LMP or the day you know you concieved.....when i say im 4 weeks and 4 days i mean since my last that really makes me 2 weeks and 4 days right???? sorry this is a silly question just curious


    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • what do you think of these names?

    okay for a boy--------canon layne

    for a girl---------madelyn grace

    13 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago