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  • Is Kyrie Irving the most overrated player in the league?

    Ill start by saying im a huge casvs fan watch every game i can, but since kyrie started ive thought he was overrated, in years pass ive given him a pass since hes young and had no teammate but as hes getting older and more talent around him its just getting worse, yes he put up good number but if you watch him play, he never looks for until its late in the shot clock, most of the time he spend s20 seconds dribbling all around until he finally settles for a really hard shot (he does end up making italot of times though but still) or he finally dishes it off to varejao or someone, you can see the team flows much better when jack is running the point. more players are involved, yet people talk about kyrie likes hes a top 10 player in the league, honestly i would be happy if the cavs trade him, especially if we can get a lottery pick in next years draft or a real star cause i dont see kyrie ever being that guy

    9 AnswersBasketball8 years ago
  • Playing around with the espn trade machine as the season starts what are your thoughts?

    Sac-Boston Kings also send a pick, I think Sacremento has a bunch of young pieces and are gonna try and bring in a star I think they could land rondo

    Dallas- Houston

    HOuston moves a disgruntaled asik, while dallas gets a upgrade over dalembert, houston adds some win help, Marion or parsons could start at the 4


    Rapors get an upgrade at the 4 with thompson and clear a logjam on the wings, while derozen would start at the 3 for CLE who have a logjam upfront

    Det- Mil

    Milwakee gets a talented frontcourt mate for Sanders, plus Detroit prob wants to move monroe who hasnt signed an extension, while they get a talent group of young players


    Sixers dumps salary by getting an expiring contact, Lakers contiue to try an get younger and more athletic

    WHat are your thoughs on these trades? feel free to post your own trade ideas

    1 AnswerBasketball8 years ago
  • Which QB has the better Job Secuirty?




    all are on struggling teams rank in order of who has the best secuirty Id go




    but realy I think all three coaches will stick to there guys

    4 AnswersFootball (American)8 years ago
  • Should Browns Make a trade for Freeman?

    Im sure the browns front office don't want to lose any of there picks but if they can get him chea he has to be an upgrade over hoyer ( who did look decent) and Weeden

    4 AnswersFootball (American)8 years ago
  • Way to early NBA playoff projections?

    There are my projection, comment on them and/or post yours










    in the West



    Golden State



    New Orleans




    3 AnswersBasketball8 years ago
  • Did Browns get a good deal on RIchardson?

    As a browns fan i like the trade but i want some national opinions.

    I knows the colts pick will prob be significantly lower then the number 3 pick we took trich with but I thought at the time it was a horrible pick, you dont take a running back that high, and the people who took him are no longer with the team, so it does make sense, also I feel richardson isnt a good running back, i was looking up stats today and he has only had 2 runs of more than 20 yards in his carreer 3 more than 15, i know you can blame the line but still i dont see richardson as more than an average starter

    Also what qb should the browns target in April? its been a long time since they took a qb early in the first round but i think they will now

    10 AnswersFootball (American)8 years ago
  • Would Miami or San Diego Give up a first and 2nd if?

    Say Hypothetically Eric Fisher is still on the board at Browns 6th pick (maybe Philly goes DIon Jordan Detriot goes Ziggy) not saying it likely just a hypothetically

    would the dolphins and/or the charger be willing to trade their first and 2nd round picks just to move up to six? it seems like alot to only go up 5 spots but to get their franchise LT it could be worth it and theirs no way Arizona wouldnt take him. Also i heard Miami doesnt like Lane Johnson at all

    4 AnswersFootball (American)8 years ago
  • Samsung Galaxy Steller or the Iphone 4 8GB?

    Both are free at verizon with my upgrade, whcih one would you reccomment, please give me as much detail as you can

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • is James Harden woth a Max contract?

    I don't think so at all, but i am sure he will get one, also i dont think okc will give him one so they should trade him. I think teams like Phoniex or portland would

    6 AnswersBasketball9 years ago
  • Why do people care so much about the presidential canidates?

    Who cares about their personal lives and past expierence, they are just puppets to their politcal party anyways

    7 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • who should I start in fantasy pick 2?

    Peyton Hillis, Nate Washington, toby Gerhart, joe mcknight, Kendall Wright

    note Atleast 1 has to be a running back

    and I know they all suck but it is a big league, im leaning towards gerhart and washington, but idk if peterson is gonna start or not

    1 AnswerFantasy Sports9 years ago
  • Do airplane enfore dress codes?

    Just wondering, I would never do this but I am a dude, and what would happen if the plane was really hot, and I took my shirt off would the make me put it back on? or if a woman was wearing just a bra or something or even a bathing suit would they kick you off plane if you didnt change?

    Just curious

    7 AnswersAir Travel9 years ago
  • True or False Weeden has a good chance to be the best rookie qb this year?

    I think he can be, but im a browns fan and im always overly optimistic but hes my reason

    Weeden has a playmaker in richardson that Luck an griffin dont have, and the support of the running game will help him.

    With the browns offensive line healthy and addition to schwartz will give them the best line of the three, plus richardson is a good pass blocker

    From what I hear he is the most NFL ready of the three, idk if that true,

    one thing against him is he doesnt have reciever like Reggie wayne and pierre garcon, but I think browns recievers are better than people give them credit for

    Also he does pat shumer who came up as a qb coach.

    obviously luck and griffin and even tannehill have a much higher ceiling then weeden but I think he could be a darkhorse for rookie of the year

    if you dont agree or dont like him, say why dont just be ignorant

    6 AnswersFootball (American)9 years ago
  • What does Eli have to do for you consider him better than peyton?

    or is their nothing he can do?

    For me if he wins the superbowl i'll give him title of the best manning, but what would it take for you?

    a record breaking season?

    12 AnswersFootball (American)9 years ago
  • I want to get into hockey, any advice?

    So my whole Life i've been a Cleveland sports fan in Basketball, Football and Baseball, and say what you want but I love my teams, Now I figured I want to get interested in Hockey, I do watch espn shows alot so i know a little about the league, I like how they do the allstar game and what not

    Do you have any advice on how to really get into hockey? I assume I got to pick a team first, I don't want to follow Columbus team because I know they suck, Plus Im closer to Both Detroit and Pittsburg, so I would prob decide between the Red Wings and Penguins. IDK which to choose, I go to school in toledo so when Im there we get Fox sports detroit so I can prob watch most of the games, but in cleveland where I live in summers im pretty close to pittsburgh, plus they have crosby I believe

    another question would it be wrong to root for both? are they rivals or anything?

    7 AnswersHockey9 years ago
  • Should teams like the Indians and Redskins change their name?

    Do you think being named the Cleveland Indians or Washington Redskins is Racist?

    I know Miami of Ohio change their name from Redskins to Redhawks because they thought it was

    also im a cleveland fan and I know there are always people protesting on opening day

    I dont understand why this is considered okay, im not a native american but can you imagine if a team was named the Blacks? or Asians? the dark skins? everyone would veto that immediatly

    4 AnswersFootball (American)9 years ago
  • Should teams like the Indians and Redskins change their name?

    Do you think being named the Cleveland Indians or Washington Redskins is Racist?

    I know Miami of Ohio change their name from Redskins to Redhawks because they thought it was

    also im a cleveland fan and I know there are always people protesting on opening day

    I dont understand why this is considered okay, im not a native american but can you imagine if a team was named the Blacks? or Asians? the dark skins? everyone would veto that immediatly

    5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • Rent a Townhome any advice?

    I just finished my freshman year of College I lived in the dorm this year but next year I'm renting a townhouse with 4 other guys and a girl. This is my first time renting anything. The house is unfurnished but does have a fridge oven and all that. I'm only really friends with one of the guys, the other 4 i have met a couple times but not that close to, but they're all friends with my one friend if that make sense

    DO you have any advice on moving into a new house, what are some of the problems you faced when you first moved into a house

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • Rening a Townhome next year, any advice?

    I just finished my freshman year of College I lived in the dorm this year but next year I'm renting a townhouse with 4 other guys and a girl. This is my first time renting anything. The house is unfurnished but does have a fridge oven and all that. I'm only really friends with one of the guys, the other 4 i have met a couple times but not that close to, but they're all friends with my one friend if that make sense

    DO you have any advice on moving into a new house, what are some of the problems you faced when you first moved into a house

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • is there a way to see a list of where undrafted rookie signed?

    I know the four prosepct who came from my school all ready signed with teams, does espn have a listed somewhere on their website?

    2 AnswersFootball (American)9 years ago