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3D Modeling: stick an arm to a torso?
If you dont know this answer, can you at the least direct me to a popular 3D modeling site where i can likely find someone who does know?
Okay so I'm new to 3d modeling and have ripped some game files which include the torso and limbs of a character. How to i put these files together and form one model, with limbs and head attatched to the torso?
I'm using 3DS Max
1 AnswerProgramming & Design7 years agodo/did you grab your moms butt?
I've been visiting my family and realised my 13 yr old sister loves to play with my moms butt. My mom will just stand there as she grabs her cheeks and wiggles them around for a good 30 seconds or more or comment on how much she loves it.
Now I think its gross. Ive known girls who will complement their mothers but not frequently play with their *** like its the coolest toy.
My mom thinks its totally cool and nothings wrong. I think its disgusting.
Am I right that its innapropriate or am I wrong because I don't understand daughter/mother relationships?
6 AnswersFamily7 years agoIn Photoshop how do I lighten this up?
If you look at this picture:
you can easily note that Pikachu looks like he was cut and pasted into the background. Actually he's not and is in the same scene as the other 3D model but thanks to the lightning affects i added in photoshop, he now contrasts too much with the background which the lightning has made brighter around him. My main goal is to make him look like he belongs in the picture and im guessing that lightening him up would help.
I tried the Dodge tool (which just made him fade), changing pikachus layer options and all options under image>adjustments. I'm not sure what to do. If it matters, all of the electricity is from stock photos which are purple but their layers are set to Linear Dodge (Add) to change them from purple to blue.
Im new with photoshop and have been searching all day for tutorials on it yet cant figure out what to do with pikachu. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
3 AnswersSoftware7 years agoHow long until i have to register in state?
I was living in Washington state 2 months ago and since then have been visiting in California. I was in the military so the entire time i was in Washington my residency and drivers license were allowed to be from Texas. What i need to know is; how long do i have until i must register in California for auto insurance, drivers license, and home address?
I might end up living here for another 4 months before i move to a whole new state, Florida, and just need to get as much information about this as i can. I've searched google but cant find a good answer.
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years agoReal life and computer sculpting degrees?
Originally i wanted to become a game designer but later on realized i really just wanted to create the look of my own characters and wanted to do 3D modeling. After more thought i realized that i want to create with my hands more than i do with 3D, although i still am interested in 3D since it's much more popular with CGI and video games. Movie props such as movie monsters and scaled down vehicles constructs interest me as well as video game characters and monsters and i was wondering which degree would give me the best education overall.
So if money weren't an issue, which colleges and degrees should i look at? Are there any specific websites that have more information on the type of work Im hoping to do?
1 AnswerSculpture8 years agoCan 3d glasses from theaters be used elsewhere?
I still have my pair from the theaters, the black ones not the red and blue. Can i use them to view anything on my computer in 3D?
1 AnswerOther - Computers10 years agoDeciphering my traffic ticket?
I'm trying to find the exact location of my traffic violation through google maps but I'm having difficulty finding the spot. The location is clear but somewhat broad being on a state route so i was wondering if the "beat" or "area" sections could help me at all. They are 11 and 325 respectfully. maybe it says 3hs, officer wrote that part bad.
2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police10 years agoIs this considered an opinion or fact?
My room mate claimed that "wrinkled clothes look like s***" and that it's a fact.
Just to mess with him i said no, its technically an opinion. Then it became an argument where he tried to prove it's considered a fact because "no one likes wrinkled clothes" and i argued that it's an opinion because A) it cant be scientifically proven and B) there's got to be at LEAST one person who likes wrinkled clothes out of the billions on earth.
So, since he communicates through peoples opinions to make something a fact, can you guys give in your two cents so i have something to show him? Yes i realize this isn't important and I'm only doing it to prove him wrong but hey i come out happy :)
4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years agoWhat are those things that hang in caves called?
they look like icicles but made of...dirt/rock i guess
4 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade agoTransitions in Adobe After Effects?
I', trying to make a video that starts out with an introduction of text and then goes on to showing numerous clips i have on my camera. also i plan to add more text in between some clips. The problem is that i dont know how to move from one clip to another. The first text effect is in composition one and the second in comp 2 but i dont know how to put them in the same movie sequence. i tried by putting cmp 2 into comp 1 which worked BUT since i already used the opacity effect idk how to get rid of the text from comp1 so that comp2 wont be written on top of it. Can anyone help me please?
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoHow long can milk stay out before you notice a change in taste?
My grandparents are accusing me of making up stuff because i say that the milk tastes gross after it sits out for half an hour. They cant taste a difference but i can so i was wondering how long it takes everyone else to taste a difference. Also how different it can get before you dont want to drink it anymore.
if needed, the room temperature is generally around 80 i think
1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade agocan xbox players fight pc players?
i have battlefront on pc and a friend has it on xbox, so can we fight each other? well actually he cant right now because he doesnt have xbox live but once he gets it can we fight eah other?
5 AnswersXbox1 decade agoWhere can i find music without words included? like speedmetal or hard rock? ?
Songs like those by Slipknot, Disturbed, Slayer, etc. but i want the instruments NOT the singing. I dont want any techno stuff(cuz its usually without lyrics) but i want some fast paced and sorta heavy so that i can incorporate it in a project im working on.
If you cant/dont want to help me, can you at least give me a usefull name/word that will tell google what im really looking for? because typing in "duality slipknot no vocal" hasn't helped me so far :s
6 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agoHow can i open sprite files for Mugen?
There's cahracters ive downloaded that i want the sprites to, so is there a way i can get them?
Also if you know this, i have Vista and when i open sprmaker it says its stopped working and closes immedietly. If you know how to fix this, please tell.
But first questions the main one i wanna ask
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoWhere can I find out how sexual harassment is treated in the Navy?
That's it. I need to get as much information as i can about sexual harassment in the Navy and i'm having trouble looking. :(
any help would be greatly appreciated!
2 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoHow do i host my HTML document online?
I made html pages on my computer and i want to put them online, hopefully for free. They have code that will say liek when you click on home it will go to "homepage.html" which is on my computer. Will i have to change that if i want it online? and yes ive already searched online for a solution but i think im terming it wrong or something.
6 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade agoHow do I reset controls in jedi outcast?
They got totally messed up and im having lots of frusteration putting them there a way to change it back to the default settings?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoHow do I check what my graphics card is?
ok where can i go on my computer to read what i have? i have a vista emachine if that helps at all and i have teh card that it came with
i want to start playing 3d games on my computer but idk if i can...
and the game says this:It will be possible to play the game but we would recommend that you lower the graphical resolution
to give your system the best chance to run smoothly.
how do i change it as said???
3 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade agoI have questions about college...STILL!!!?
I', not sure if any will ever take me... I'm a senoir in high school (yes i am aware i should have picked a colelge ALONG time ago but i cant) and i still dont know which college i can go to. Is there a place i can go that can evaluate my GPA and such and tell me what im worth?
its just that i dont have extra cirricular activities, my grades arent that great and whenever i ask for help about what i want to get into, no one knows about it. I want to get into game design, BUT not the kind that they advertise. I'd liek to get into the writing part. I'm also thinking that the animation part would be pretty cool as an add on but mainly the writing i want. Ive been told by designers that for the writing, i dont nede to go to a college that holds game design programs, because loads of schools hold the writing part.... should i go to a community college first? or become a hobo at your nearest train station? any questions at all, please email me and help :(
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago