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Has anything anyone has said on here actually changed your opinion?
Just wondering, or is it just a soap box to shout from?
10 AnswersPolitics9 years agoDoes "strawman A" prove that all liberals are evil?
After all, we all know they are fascists/ want to impose sharia law/ have invented global warming/ have invented every bit of scientific "evidence" ever/ hate America and Israel right?
Its not like I just made crap up to try and justify my own ignorant and dogmatic views?
And while we're at it, all conservatives are racists/inbred/ in the pocket of corporations/ incapable of having a thought ghat wasnt put there by Fox News?
2 AnswersCivic Participation9 years agoWhy dont muslims protest against terrorism?
Hang on a second, it looks like they do
13 AnswersPolitics1 decade agohow do you square putting your country before you with individualism?
I mean, isnt say, dying for your country something that is inherently collectivist?
6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoso what about those muslims who love the USA?
you know, in Bosnia and Kosovo
9 AnswersPolitics1 decade agois it hypocritical for Brits to complain about immigrants not integrating and not learning english?
you know, given the number of retired british people on the Spanish costas who dont speak a word of Spanish, dont mix with the locals at all, keep their British culture without even attempting to pick up some Spanish customs and leaching off the Spanish health services?
I think its only right they try and integrate as least as much as immigrants in the UK
4 AnswersImmigration1 decade agois conservatism a mental disease?
is liberalism?
does claiming either is just show that you have no better arguments to make and that your views are not based on rational understanding and critical thinking, but rather that your views come from moronic, mindless populism?
is there not something quite scary about the claim that opposing views are illegitimate to the point they cannot even be put forward as they are "retarded"?
12 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agodoes the srebrenica massacre show christians are incapable of living in democratic peace?
8000 bosniak muslims killed by orthodox christian serbs 15 years ago, thats three time more than were killed in 9/11.
Does this mean christians are all violent, racist, segregationsists, of course not. so why accuse muslims of the same bcause a tiny minority are involved in terrorism?
1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago