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  • Should Yahoo Answers create a new category?

    This new category would be "PLEASE DO MY HOMEWORK FOR ME". Getting tired of all the requests in YA to do their thinking for them. Please, I want to help dumb down America even more.....lets get them even lazier.

    8 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Should Yahoo Answers create a new category?

    This new category would be "PLEASE DO MY HOMEWORK FOR ME". Getting tired of all the requests in YA to do their thinking for them. Please, I want to help dumb down America even more.....lets get them even lazier.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Are background checks against the Constitution?

    If you do have to pay for a background check to assert your constitutional Second Amendment right, is that any different than a "poll tax" for voting?

    Requiring an ID to vote is being deemed as unconstitutional because the poor can not afford to go and get their FREE ID at the DMV, or it is too hard to get a birth certificate.

    How is requiring payment for a background check any different, you are levying fees to grant a Constitutional right?

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Women required to register for the draft.?

    Now that combat jobs will be open to women, should they be required to register for the draft the same as men?

    If yes, how will John Q. Public deal with sending little Susie Q. off to war if there is a draft.

    If no, how can you justify sending Jimmie Joe off to get killed while capable women, who fought for the right to be in combat, are excused.

    Let the flaming begin.

    12 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Holding politicians accountable?

    How about only vote "Yea" or "Nay" (not abstaining) on 75% of the roll ONLY GET PAID 75% of your salary. You miss 50%...lose 50% pay. How can you expect a full salary and only actively vote in 13% of the measures? If you run for President and you are not in your office (Congress OR Senate) doing your job, you forfeit your seat. Run again for it next election, why should you take a spot and salary for 12-18 month to campaign and not do the job you WERE ELECTED FOR!


    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Would this be feasible or a pipe dream?

    Here is a dumbed down version. Sit all world leaders at a table. Tell China we owe them $300B, they owe Germany $300B Germany owes the USA $300B. Cross multiply/divide/add...whatever. Debt resolved.

    I know this is oversimplified but the concept is valid. Then we could find out the TRUE debt owed, and all it would take is some honest accountants.

    We may even break even on that deal.....who knows.

    4 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • How about a Clinton / Obama ticket in 2016?

    Bill C. for SecState, Barak for SecDef, Kerry for Treasury and Pelosi as ... well wherever they can fit her.

    4 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why do people assume offshore banking is bad?

    The reality is, you are required to report your income from ALL sources. Those that don't are committing the crime, not the banking institute. There are many countries that have tax agreements with the USA, allowing you to pay taxes in the host country while receiving credit in the USA for the taxes paid. I bank overseas and declare any money earned overseas on my taxes. Due to the agreements, the first $106,000 earned is US tax exempt. People need to actually understand what they are crying about before the open their mouths.

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Why should I have to buy health insurance...or pay a penalty/tax?

    Why should I have to buy health insurance...or pay a penalty/tax?

    I do not want to pay for a policy I may never use.

    I earn enough money to pay my own doctor bills, hospital bills and Emergency Room visits if needed. I can negotiate and pay my own bills, why should I have the government interfere with my business.

    Please do not reply with the "what if you get XXXXX and the cost is $$$$$". There is Catastrophic Coverage available for those events. I am talking about basic health care coverage. And leave politics out of it.

    5 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Why should I have to buy health insurance...or pay a penalty/tax?

    I do not want to pay for a policy I may never use.

    I earn enough money to pay my own doctor bills, hospital bills and Emergency Room visits if needed. I can negotiate and pay my own bills, why should I have the government interfere with my business.

    Please do not reply with the "what if you get XXXXX and the cost is $$$$$". There is Catastrophic Coverage available for those events. I am talking about basic health care coverage. And leave politics out of it.

    3 AnswersInsurance9 years ago
  • Should AAFES ban the sale of a video game...?

    General Casella issued an official statement on the decision to keep Medal of Honor off of exchange shelves because the game includes the Taliban as a playable faction.

    You can play the Nazis in other games, should we ban them too? Should all future games only have "good guys", how do you play against each other?

    I understand the sensitivity of the subject, however the legal and moral consequences of his actions will be reviewed. Before you haters start, I am retired with 22 years service and think this is a foolish knee jerk action.

    Should AAFES ban the sale of a video game?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Should AAFES ban the sale of a video game?

    Should AAFES ban the sale of the new game Medal of Honor.

    General Casella issued an official statement on the decision to keep Medal of Honor off of exchange shelves because the game includes the Taliban as a playable faction.

    You can play the Nazis in other games, should we ban them too? Should all future games only have "good guys", how do you play against each other?

    I understand the sensitivity of the subject, however the legal and moral consequences of his actions will be reviewed. Before you haters start, I am retired with 22 years service and think this is a foolish knee jerk action.

    8 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • What are your thoughts on a "Professional Jury"?

    Under the current system anyone, an educated adult to a babbling moron can be, and are jurors.

    What are the PRO-v-CON of having a professional jury. These members would be selected from a pool of individuals who are educated in highly technical fields. There would be people trained in forensic accounting, engineering, management, law, biology, chemistry and so forth. These people would be required to maintain a continuing education program to ensure they are current in their respective fields of expertise. Additionally, to be selected for this career there would be a required background check and/or a security clearance.

    The "Jurors" would be on a government pay scale similar to any other government employee.

    To answer a few concern I know will be voiced;

    1. The jury is paid by the government so they will always side with the government - There are independent government employees who's job it is to investigate the government, so this should not be an issue.

    2. "A jury of my peers" - we do not do this now. How many of Bernie Maddoff's jurors were billionaire investment brokers? I think none were, I may be wrong.

    3. It would be easier to tamper with a jury if you know who they will be - Nothing says this has to be a small pool of people, by necessity it must be large. Jurors could be called from across the country. Additionally, jurors would be subject to continuing background checks that could and should include financial disclosure and review.

    4. "More government" - True, but fewer individuals would be required to do jury duty. Not all juries would be drawn from this pool, only if it was a highly technical case. There could also be just one or two experts in the jury to assist or help explain the intricacies.

    I realize that there are glaring problems in this idea. I'm not looking to nit-pick it to death, just thoughts on the general concept of a professional jury.

    Only well thought out, coherent answers please. No texting shorthand, and spell check is free here.

    Thank you

    6 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • How do people think a college education is a RIGHT?

    The US government requires that you attend school, either finishing high school, or until you are 18. Since it is mandated, they must provide a public education system (no debates on how good or bad it is).

    However nothing REQUIRES you to go to college. Yet most people feel the government should subsidize their education, and complain about having to pay back the loans, or god forbid...WORK while taking classes. Why should tax dollars be used to pay for your education.

    Should FEDERAL funding for universities, to include scholarships, grants, and subsidized loans be withdrawn? Can that money be better spent elsewhere?

    7 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Should women have to register for the draft?

    Should it be a requirement that women register for Selective Service at age 18, like men, or face the same consequences.

    Why or why not?

    13 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Why is profiling wrong if it works?

    If it works use it...

    If you are looking for - a serial killer - HE will likely be 35-45, WHITE MALE, middle class income, married and educated. (This is the group I fall into)

    If you are looking for - a prostitute - look at a WOMAN, as most prostitutes are women.

    If you are looking for - a crack dealer in LA - HE will usually be a young BLACK MALE.

    If you are looking for - terrorist - HE is most likely MIDDLE EASTERN/ARABIC, 18-40 yrs old, strong ISLAMIC beliefs.

    There are plenty of examples that could be provided. Some are very stereotypical, however just like myths, there is usually a kernel of truth to a stereotype. Using race, sex, gender, age, political and or religious beliefs to identify a criminal is not wrong. If something looks wrong, ie: me cruising the streets of Harlem NY in my BMW at 3 am, odds are there is something wrong. If there were a serial killer in my local area, I would WANT the authorities to talk to me (I fit the PROFILE).

    I know this question will piss off a lot of people, and I don't really care. Those people (whomever I offend) need to "get over it". Before someone makes the statement..."you don't know what it is like to be _____" (fill in the blank), I currently live in a third world country. I know that when I enter a taxi, bar, small (family) store or conduct business with the government/authorities I will pay MORE, wait LONGER, be questioned FIRST (if it is detrimental to me), be expected to pay the bribes (2-3 times the normal for a local) etcetra. I know this and expect it. I chose to stay here knowing this, if I don't like it I will leave. If someone is being profiled and doesn't like it they can chose to live elsewhere.

    Smart, well thought out answers appreciated. Spell check IS free here.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Lets get RACIST! Or SEXIST! Double standards?

    So here are the questions.

    1. Why is African-American acceptable, either you are African or American?

    2. How is Black Entertainment Television (BET) not racist, a White Entertainment

    Television would never be allowed on air (the name alone would keep it off air)?

    3. Is NAACP fair / just / needed?

    4. Women only universities are allowed yet VMI (one of the last male only

    establishments) was forced to accept female cadets?

    5. Why are men required to register for Selective Service (the Draft) yet women are not? Please don't use "combat" excuses, women are in roughly 97% of military jobs.

    I know there are many more examples, these are just a few quick ones.

    I am a white (European decent) male, 40-45yrs old, lower middle class income, retired military (23yrs service). I try judge people based on their actions and abilities.

    Well thought out answers appreciated. Leave the texting shorthand out.

    7 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago