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Aaron's mommy

Favorite Answers9%
  • Help with a wheat free, dairy free, and rice free diet on a 3 year old?

    My son is really allergic to milk, wheat, peanuts, rice, black pepper, mustard and lobster. Can anyone give me any meal ideas? Thankfully he is not allergic to any fruits or vegetables. He's been drinking "almond milk" (non-dairy) and been fine with that. It's just hard b/c he loves things like macaroni. He can't have butter or anything now... I am trying to think of things he CAN eat that won't trigger his allergies.

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • If I see a psychiatrist, can I write things down?

    I would rather write things down, so I remember what to discuss. And the fact I have a bad case of social anxiety.

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Tray of 15 baby items, any ideas? (for baby shower decoration)?

    My sister's baby shower is coming up. My job is to get 15 baby items on a tray. Her theme is going to be Dr. Suess... But is there any ideas of things I can include? Small items, such as a rattler, pacifer, etc???

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • good cheap anti virus for iphone and pc?

    any recommendations? i can download from itunes?

    2 AnswersPC9 years ago
  • transferring i-tunes songs off my i-phone onto my pc?

    how do i do that? through icloud? i have had my iphone a week so i don't know much about it. i downloaded a few songs on my phone in i-tunes. but when i try to re-download the same songs on my pc stored in my i-tunes... it is saying i have to wait like 90 days? isn't there a way to transfer them? getting songs of my pc is the only way i know how to load them onto my ipod. any help is greatly appreciated, thank you in advance!

    3 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago
  • Iphone 16GB or 32GB, which do you think is best for me?

    I do like to take pictures and videos. But I usually upload them somewhere to print out and then delete them. I do plan on using i-tunes on my phone, but 100 songs at the most probably over time. I don't download a whole lot of music. And I use maybe 20 apps on my phone or so. I download and delete games a lot too lol. Right now I have a Droid X and I have never had a space issue problem.

    7 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • anyone with an iphone 4s?

    are they really worth it? how pleased are you with it? also, is it important to have more memory like the 32GB versus 16GB or 8GB. sorry i do not no much about them. can you skype on them?

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Suggestions on how to get your toddler's attention?

    To read him a book or something? He doesn't seem to ever want to sit still!

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Should I cut my son off the pacifier cold turkey?

    My son loves his pacifier. Any suggestions to help take him off of it without too much of a battle? He's 25 months. I may still let him have it at "bed-time only" for just a little longer. I do not let him take it stores because I feel he is too big for it now. And he throws everything out of the cart!

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Brushing my toddler's teeth?

    Is there any easier way to do it? My son is 21 months old and he HATES having his teeth brushed!! It's a war every night and then he gets mad at me. I have tried a powered toothbrush for kids (he liked for 2 days that was it) I just got him a musical toothbrush, he hates that too. I try to make it fun and make it a game but he just has one big tantrum and fights me on it so bad. Any more suggestions?

    11 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • At what age did you start potty training?

    My son is 18 months and I know it's going to be getting that time soon.

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • How big is your 18 month old?

    My 18 month old is 20 lbs. (he was up to 22 but stays around the 20 lbs. for months) he is 30 inches. he seems so much smaller than other babies his age (but perfectly normal) i was a small baby as well. i am just curious about what other babies his age actually do weigh and their height...

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • When can I start letting my son sleep with a blanket?

    My son is almost 15 months. He loves blankets. But I always take it out of his crib at night when he's asleep before I go to sleep. I think he gets cold sometimes. I have just always been scared of his face being covered up in his sleep....??

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Babies and whole milk a must?

    My boyfriend INSISTS our son has to have whole milk right now? He is 1 yr old. But currently he is on soy formula instead of milk. I don't think the whole milk is a big deal like he thinks it is! So far my son is taking after me on having to have the soy... When I was a baby and a kid I could not have whole milk due to allergies! It made me sick and made me vomit every time I did have it. Just want some opinions please... or personal experiences, thanks.

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Does Gripe Water work?

    My son is 8 months. He usually gets the infant's gas drops in his bottles. I just started using Gripe Water (wellness brand, organic kind) since it is also for teething and upset stomach? I just want some opinions on whether you think it really helps? My son seemed to get in a better mood the 2 days I tried it, but his mood didn't last. He was sleepy and he is very crabby when he is tired.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Lower back pain and chiropractors?

    i've had back pain for the last 10 years. sometimes i get days where it doesn't bother me at all. but since i had my son 7 months ago, it is worse (having to bend over more and carrying the infant seat around) and the other day i carried him around all day long almost while i was out, till my back hurt. and the last 2 days my back is sooo sore i cannot bend or anything right now. it hurts to sit. the slightest bend frontward, backward or sideways its very very painful. it's very stiff! i've tried heat patches, icy hot, advils.. i don't know what else to do. i refuse pain pills!

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • my son allergic to formula? what to do? they quit making his!?

    he was taking the SIMILAC ADVANCE ISOMIL SOY. the ready to feed kind in the jug. (he never did well with the powder kind) well in the last couple weeks it has been really hard to find. well i talked to the pharmacy one day in walgreens and they said it's basically the same thing they are changing the label. well i remember seeing both brands out. now his kind is gone from the shelves everywhere. i checked the ingredients, they are pretty much the same thing. he is not on the SIMILAC SENSITIVE ISOMIL SOY. but he has little red dots on his belly & face since. he doesn't seem to like it as well. unless he's not hungry. sometimes he won't eat as great a couple days, other days he eats A LOT! now he did try a yogurt juice the other day. i don't know if that has anythign to do with it. or he just finished an antibiotic this morning he's been on 10 days for an ear infection. any help or suggestions. opinions needed. thanks! by the way he is 6 months old.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • the meats in stage 1 baby food?

    how did your baby do with them? right now i've just been giving my 6 month old the fruits and vegetables. the meats just seem a little soon to me. is it just me?

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • when did your baby start sitting up on his/her own?

    my son just turned 6 months. he's been trying to sit up for the last 2 months at least! i put him in his boppy pillow (which he gets mad quickly) he also has those seats he sits in that have toys all around them (but he's too short for his feet to touch the floor i have to fold a blanket or put a pillow under it) he hates belly time still. he just in the last couple weeks started rolling over to his left side only. his pediatrician said that is why he is not rolling over like he should b/c of the lack of belly time. so i have been making him get on it a few minutes at least once a day now. is that maybe why he is not sitting up yet? he sits up fine supported. he does everything else he's supposed to be doing at his age. i have notice, he seems like he gets lazy. he wants everything done for him. he is very impatient and gets really mad if he can't do something the first try lol.

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago