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Favorite Answers49%
  • Are their any biological test to prove a chemical imbalance in the brain?

    Are their any biological test to prove a chemical imbalance in the brain? Has anyone ever diagnosed with a chemical imbalance ever been tested. Samples taken to confirm their is a chemical imbalance in their brain?

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Are there any biological test to confirm that mental illnesses exist?

    Are there any biological test to confirm that mental illnesses exist?

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Is happiness just a chemical ?

    Just your thoughts?

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • How many people believe in a chemical imbalance?

    Again easy question , plus could you please explain to me why you believe or if you don't believe please give me a short reading. And please just give me your own thoughts no definition just your own thoughts. On why you believe in a chemical imbalance or why you don't .

    9 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • How do you define mental illness?

    Please no laundry list, just how do you define what is mentally ill. . What is mental illness? Just your thoughts not definitions. Plus what's the first thing to pop in your mind when you hear the word mental illness?

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • If ssri are not similar to a drug why does your body go through withdraw/ discontinuation syndrome?

    If ssri are not similar to street drugs why does your body go through withdraw? You may not crave after it , but obviously your body becomes dependent on it like a drug. Please tell me the different from street drugs which alot of pharmaceutical end up becoming and psych drugs. like ecstasy, Valium, Ritalin, LSD at one point in time and much more these are just a few drugs that are used to treat psych problems. and some no longer used for psych problems. What is the difference between the two? It doesn't matter if your psychologist or a psychiatrists or none. So please don't flash the badge of importance when answering this question. Going to school and getting a degree means little if all you do is follow the directions. So please just give me your thoughts without pushing any badge.

    7 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever read wikipedia about antidepressants especially the controversy and law suite section?

    Has anyone ever read wikipedia about antidepressants especially the controversy and law suite section. Do you think a placebo is just if not more effective as the original study that was never shown stated?

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Is it me or does it feel like the need to pop pills to feel good is alot lilke taking illegal drugs?

    This is not a shot ,but what is wrong with being depressed. Alot of people seem to have the idea i'm alittle depressed and stress take some pills to solve the problem. Even if your extremely depressed why don't they try to find ways for people to express , examine and deal with their issues instead of poping pills. Their can be beauty in sadness too. It's just an emotion like any other. It's just seems like where almost being taught to fear it instead of trying to explore and come to deal with them. Any thoughts. To me it seems like the same reason to some degree why people smoke dope to any other hard drug to feel good and escape their problem. I'm not trying to be little people's issues I've just notice one person says their depressed . You'll end up getting alot of people saying take a pill to help.

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Do you think people give to much of their own personal power away to psych pill?

    I'm not trying to be insensitive to people is it just me or do people give their own personal power away to these psych pills to easily. You can be depressed and still deal with your issues while feeling depressed. If you give into the victim mentality you will continue to feel depressed . I"m not going to argue people may feel depressed , but I also think they allow their unconscious to be influence by the media and these med companies it just feeds the need to feel like a victim(to blow it way out to hand). I know people are going to take it as an attack which right away makes you question do they really want to feel like a victim. All I'm really asking is do you need a pill to feel happy. It's not like taking aspirin for a headache. Am I wrong or do people give to much power to a pill? Instead of realizing depression maybe a natural state from time to time or trying deal with certain issues that can influence that feeling.

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Why do people continue to believe in the old chemical imbalance line?

    I never realized how easy it is to fool people into believing something. It' s kind of like the pet rock everyone wants one. Their is no such thing as a chemical imblance. How can their be , think? How can they measure the chemicals in your head? They stick a needle in your head and tell you that your half full? Try not to fall for the bs, seek professional help, but also do your own research(via looking inside yourself). All a psychologist is just a person like you and me nothing special. They can only help you as much as you wish to help yourself. Dont' give your personal power away to a pill. It may go against everything your taught and told in life. Remember with PR, they can sell you anything even a pet rock.

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago