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  • Is Obama really asking Congress for approval?

    Not for "Constitutional" purposes, but if **** goes to hell and he starts WW3 he can spread out the blame?

    Oh and remember kiddos. It's Bush's fault, and you are a racist.

    12 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Shall we all take a moment and remember right before Obama starts WW3?

    That it is Bush's fault and you're a racist?

    8 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Does Obama's decision to attack Syria based on the chemical weapon usage make any sense?

    So Assad supposedly killed like one thousand people with chemical weapons... Obama wants a war.

    So Assad for a fact, killed like 100,000 people with bombs, guns and tanks... Obama isn't in sight..

    How does this make any sense?

    Is this just a ruse, an excuse for the special interests that pull the strings on Obama to get another war?

    13 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • How does it make you a traitor for exposing governments criminal actions against it's own people?

    How does that even make sense?

    Manning gives INFORMATION to the American people that shows Washington's crimes against humanity, not to mention the fact that they are DELIBERATELY PUMPING UP OUR ENEMIES?

    How is he the traitor?

    How stupid can you people be?

    8 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • When employers are forced to pay minimum wage workers more in wages?

    How do you think these employers will ultimately pay for this?

    Do Liberals actually believe that the employers will pay for this?

    The answer is no. They will pay for this by putting the new costs on their costumers.

    Costs of goods and services will go up in value. So what good will raising minimum wage due people when cost of living increases with it?

    The problem doesn't lie with how many dollars you make an hour, the problem is weak purchasing power of the dollar due to out of control spending, and inflation.

    America is printing out money when we don't have the assets or commodities to back it -- which decreases it's value.

    Raising minimum wage doesn't remedy the situation of stagnant prosperity, it just makes it worse. Liberals are delusional to think this will cut into corporate profits and put more money into the working class because Liberals forget the little detail that businesses ALWAYS offset additional costs by passing it off to the consumer.

    10 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • If exposing the criminal nature of your government makes you a criminal?

    Then is it true to say that you are ruled by criminals?

    Manning exposed our governments crimes against humanity, as well as our own government pumping up and aiding the very enemy our soldiers are fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq -- yet he is the criminal and not those sitting in Washington.

    Is that a true statement?

    4 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • When you're not giving an actual choice when it comes to health care doesn't it make it fascist?

    Under Obamacare you don't have a "choice" to opt out.

    You either buy insurance, or pay a tax penalty with your tax return.

    If someone simply opts out of health care because they literally can't afford it, what makes people think this new law is going to help them when they have to pay a tax or buy insurance whether it's from the government, your employer, or some private company?

    Or maybe those who support Obamacare don't look at it this way because they just think of it as just a bunch of free health care for everyone, right?

    Well it's not free. People will pay for it and those who seriously can't afford health care due to financial reasons will REALLY pay for this.

    Once Obamacare goes into affect nobody will have a choice. You either have insurance or pay a tax. Either way you pay, either way it's wrong, immoral and government completely crossing the line.

    It's fascist no matter how you slice the cake.

    11 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • So in what world do we live in where a murderer aids a family escape overturned vehicle?

    Murders don't do that.

    Now why would a "racist" murderer do that?

    Huuh. *Scratches noggin*. I'm sure that's what the Liberals are doing right about now.

    11 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Washington sends 1.3 billion each year in aid to the Egyptian military, do we own the coup?

    You could say so. We own the military after all.

    Continuing to spread Democracy by pumping up military forces across the region that overthrow their elected leaders.

    Such a sad day. Especially on America's Independence Day nearly all Americans have forgotten the principles that use to define us.

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Is Washington going to back the new Egyptian government (Military coup of Democratically elected leader.)?

    We believe in spreading Democracy in the Middle East after all.

    Sounds like 1953 Iran happening all over again, or 2001 in Pakistan where we backed Pervez Musharraf who was a military dictator that overthrew Pakistan's elected president.

    Long live freedom and democracy!

    2 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Will Chicago be a safer place with the concealed carry ban ending?

    Criminals have been concealing their weapons regardless of the laws.. So now actual citizens finally get the opportunity back to arm and protect themselves, their families and their assets against thugs and criminals. Will you feel safer?

    I know I would.

    Guns are not the enemy people, it's those who abuse them. And in Chicago's case... Criminals running rampant like rats.

    It's illegal for them to own, buy, or carry guns period. Yet these laws only stop one group of people from exercising their rights, and that's actual citizens who adhere to the laws.

    12 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Correlation between America's woes getting worse with growth of registered voters in Libertarian party?

    Is there a correlation between Americas problems continuing to worsen as trust in the two-party system erodes, and the huge surge of growth for the Libertarian party?

    Since 2007 the amount of registered voters in the Libertarian party has MORE than doubled. It's now recognized as the 3rd largest party in America as well the fastest growing party in the country. Growing at a faster rate than the Republican and Democratic parties, and as a matter of fact both of those parties are shrinking.

    Here in Kentucky Dems increased .03%, Republicans increased .19%, and the Libertarian party increased by 2.59% in recent voter registration data, these voter trends are not just localized with KY - it's nation wide.

    So those to continue to claim that Libertarian philosophy simply won't work, then how is such a "unrealistic" political platform growing at astronomical rates?

    11 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Did Snowden really commit espionage against America?

    He shared that information with the American people, not foreign enemies.

    So does this confirm the fact that our government sees the American people as the enemy, since he exposed the fact that our government illegally spies on us and shared that info with US?

    More exposure of our criminal government and the government reacts by calling for more heads of those who exposed their criminal nature of being against Liberty and against the people.

    When are Americans going to STOP smiling and accepting everything and just walk away from the actual reality of things?

    If being a Patriot turns you into a "traitor" committing treason, then it's obvious a revolution is needed.

    9 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Liberals and supporters of the health care law?

    How do you expect people to afford health care, or to get out of the slums of this shitty economy when in King Obama's health care law starting in 2014, if you're not insured (And chances are if you're not insured you are a middle-lower class American.) you will be subject to tax penalties that will hit your tax return.

    How is that suppose to help people acquire insurance? And how does this help the Middle Class??

    The Middle Class is suffering under Obama because our taxes are going up, and hell even recent statistics show that even minorities are doing worse under Obama than they did under Bush!

    Even CNN admits that millions will be subject to Obama's health care fines if they don't have insurance.

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • How many Americans are aware that the terror group behind the most suicide bombings?

    Isn't even a Muslim, or Islamic faction?

    It's often believed that suicide bombings are restricted only to the Middle East.

    I bet none of you can name the group I'm talking about.

    You don't know because it's irrelevant to the war propaganda.

    3 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why does Israel expect something from the UN but gives nothing to the UN?

    Israel continuously cries and moans over Iran's nuclear progress and pretty much wants America, UK, or another power in the UN to take care of "their" national security problems

    But when the UN questions Israel's human rights travesties, or simply asks for a little bit of corporation as the world examines the Palestinian-Israel conflict -- Israel cries a river, talks about antisemitism, and then puts the world on ignore.

    It seems that every time Israel wants something from the West they shed crocodile tears and ask for assistance, but when the West ask Israel to give US some leeway, it goes directly to the voice-mail and we hear jack-squat back.

    7 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • If Democrats care so much for the Middle Class and Poor Class?

    Then why did Obama and his croonies in Congress raise taxes? Or as Liberals like to put it, allowing a tax cut to expire. Either way you look at it, Americans are still losing 2% of their pay.

    I remember when Obama said those making 250k and under will see no tax increases.

    Well, he lied.

    What's your damn excuses now?

    13 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Will Obama wage war on Kentucky?

    On February 27th, 2013 the Kentucky state senate passed SB 129. Which makes any new Obama gun control laws unconstitutional and void in the state of Kentucky.

    It also makes it illegal for any federal agent to enforce these laws within the state, and it also makes it a crime for them to do so.

    This is definitely a victory for the Constitution. Protecting the 2nd and the 10th amendment, respectively.

    14 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Now that Afghan President Hamid Karza admits US is colluding with the Taliban deliberately?

    How justified is Washington's little War on Terror now?

    It's been part of the foreign policy since about 2004 to actively promote Anti-American sentiment in the Middle East so that the American public would be more supportive of the wars and even support spreading them further.

    And what more perfect way t do that -- as the media shows various Islamic countries around the area burning flags, chanting death to America, and not only that the killing of US citizens and soldiers in these countries?

    Such controversy has been exposed numerous times throughout the years, yet the media doesn't touch it. And now that President Hamid Karza comes out and admits openly in front of the whole world that our government is in bed with the enemy can Americans honestly still allow these wars to continue?

    Our government might as well be the terrorist organization. They worked with them in the past and still do to this day.

    When we invaded Iraq we armed the Sunni Insurgency because they promised to fight against Saddam, and now we're arming the "moderate" Taliban in Afghanistan which deliberately creates instability so that we will never withdraw our troops -- which was the whole game plan from the beginning. Keep the countries we invade in shambles by stirring up the radicals so that we will never withdraw.

    5 AnswersPolitics8 years ago