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Lv 44,133 points

Bob Bobery

Favorite Answers44%
  • How is it possible for space to be discrete?

    i.e. how is it possible for empty space to have a minimum unit of distance? someone mentioned that the planck length is the smallest possible length you can measure in but i dont see how this is possible. like if you have a right angle triangle with the adjacent and opposite side being 1 unit then the hypotenuse would be root 2 (not a whole number). how would u resolve this?

    2 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Anyone know the name of the super massive black hole at the centre of our galaxy?

    (i assume there is only 1 at the centre) Also anyone know roughly how many black holes in our galaxy? or is this liek asking how many grains of sand there are on teh beach?

    9 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Have black holes been mapped?

    There seems to be a bit of mystery/doubt about black holes. Everyone seems to know of there existance, but do we actually know where they are? Wouldnt u just look for a large gravitational pull and a bit where no light comes from/gets distorted?

    7 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Why have we mapped stuff in 2 cone shapes only?

    i just watched which is a very good video. And it showed the parts of the universe weve mapped. It is in 2 distcit cone shapes. any1 tell me why?

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Christmas pressie Ideas?

    Didnt rly no where to post this... Can som1 give us some ideas for presents, i got a mum, dad, sis and her bf i gota buy presents i hav to buy for. Suggestions can be broad or specific, or even a link to a gd site would be useful. i was gonna try making an infintiy (youtube it) but coudlnt get my hands on the materials, ill also be buring DVD's for all of them...

    4 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Is the angle you run at proportional to gravity?

    Watch this from about 1:30-2:00:

    Notice how runners lean forwards? As i see it the force from friction on the ground creates a torque around your centre of mass which is counteracted by the force due to gravity when you lean forwards. So my question is if gravity was lowered, such as on the moon, would u run forward at a larger angle to counteract the force from friction on you? This leads me to believe that if you were under micro graivty with magnetic boots, or gd studs that you would run almost horizontally. Is this rite?

    i realise there ave been astronauts on the moon and they didnt seem to experience this but a) they werent trying to run b) a doubts there bulk suits would allow them to.

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Is the angle with the ground when you run proportional to gravity?

    Ok so when you run u lean forward in order to balance yourself, this is due to friction from the ground pushing you forward which is counteracted by the force from gravity from your centre off mass being infront of your feet. So my question is if gravity was lowered, such as on the moon, would u run forward at a larger angle to counteract the force from friction on you? This leads me to believe that if there almost no gravity you would run horizontally, mind u, u would need some special shoes...

    3 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago