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  • Are you ready for the US economy to take a nose dive?

    Are you ready for hyper inflation and then the market crash months later? The market is acting very, very strange the last couple weeks. The market going UP is not a good sign. Something bad is about to happen shortly.

    8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Flip flop McCain? Socialism?

    Is McCain a flip flopper? Watch the youtube video and decide.

    4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • This is the week when the fan starts to stint?

    .25cent increase in fuel this week!

    5.00 gallon gas & 6.00 diesel in 2-3 weeks!

    its starting this week, are you ready?

    **This is the dawn of humanities darkest days**

    1 AnswerCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • American public going to allow Bush to start WWIII?

    Seriously, only the american people can stop his crusade which will kill billions! Americans are giving Bush the free reign like Germany did with Hitler.


    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • With a good pair of binoculars is it possible to see space station?

    Say with a 30x80mm or 50x100 lens binoculars and a very steady hand is it possible to see any kind of detail of the space station or satelites as they pass overhead?

    9 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Would it seem plausible that a vacuum would attract dark matter?

    A vacuum stronger than space itself would attract dark matter. Gravity can trap dark matter but won't attract dark matter as it would repulse gravity (anti matter)? So to use a vacuum would attract dark matter and allow the dark matter to builded up a mass of antimatter and using the vacuum to hold it together.

    Seems a bit star trek though. lol Just shooting from the hip

    6 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • During a supernova is dark matter trapped into the singularity?

    When a star explodes into a supernova does it trap dark matter inside of the newly formed singularity or does the supernova tself create dark matter? Due to the intense gravity it is unable to escape.

    Also does a blackhole suck in dark matter and maybe that dark matter would accumulate on or in the singularity...

    Is dark matter stuck inside of a neutron star?

    5 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Forex market opens in a few hours... you think the USD will sink or swim?

    Do you think the USD will sink or correct itself and bounce back today as the market normally does after a big loss.

    Today is going to be interesting to see how the dollar does as it will be the crystal ball for tomorrows open on the market.

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Is this a war for oil or a war for the dominate currency?

    Is the US really after the oil or the US just trying to keep the dollar as the settlement currency? Iraq changed to the Euro the same year they were invaded. Now Iran is dealing with the Euro and now Israel is doing the dirty war or payback for the US.

    This is going to get nasty folks! WWIII in the coming few months. Isreal IS attacking Iran in a matter of weeks and months and it may be nuclear and certainly chemical.

    Read this first and it will make sense. VERY VERY Interesting article written in 2006 and knowing what we know now you can make the connection and see what is coming.

    then others if needed

    1 AnswerCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Gas prices for july to be $4.60-$4.75/gallon with Diesel at $5.75-$6?

    (Assuminng your current local prices of gas is $4/gallon and $5 diesel)

    Do you believe when this $139 barrel of oil for July delievery hits the refinery will be see an equal increase at the pump? Aprox 15%?

    Todays jump of expensive crude won't be delivered till July so the increase won't occur until it reaches the refineries and the oil companies set the price.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Are you ready?

    In two month's time when the 139+/barrel of for july-august delivery of oil reaches the refineries it will raise diesel prices to or above $6 a gallon. When that occurs then NO trucking company will be able to afford to run, even the biggest trucking company. That means you won't have any food at your grocery store or medicines. You have to worry about the price of food because there won't be any to buy!! 40% of American's will be out of work & starving w/o a home because of costs or lack of supply due to lack of trucks to deliver them.

    Are you ready? Because in two months the United States will be finished as a superpower and the market is going to crash. It happened to the USSR and its now happening to USA.

    How to be ready? Grow your own foods & stay healthy and be smart. Teach yourself what you need to know and be self reliant because if you are not... you'll be a statistic and most likely not survive.

    This isn't years away...its months

    4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • does bernoulli's principle apply to curved space?

    does bernoulli's principle apply to curved space and the constant of time. Just like an airfoil where the air on top which travels further will speed up to stay 'constant' to the air under the wing and lift is the result. In space imagine mass as the wing and time is the air. Mass distorts space and time stays constant to its surroundings. In order for time to stay constant to its surroundings while going around mass it will need to speed up. As time 'speeds' up like the air on the upper side of a wing gravity is the result.

    It just appears bernoulli's law also applies in the fabric of space & Time in a similar manner. Am I totaly off base on this or is there a connection?

    2 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Majority of social ilks result of neilson ratings?

    Make no beef about it, its a fact that the neilson ratings determine what is popular and what isn't on the tv. Only a select few(1000's) have a neilson box. The people who are moulding the world and your nation are couch potatoes that sit at home all day with nothing better to do. Its these people that determine the ratings and force everyone else to watch what they want to watch. Its these people that determine to declare it popular or not. Because it is declared popular then people watch it.

    Neilson ratings are the devil in the tube.

    2 AnswersSociology1 decade ago
  • Chho was and is continuely misdiagnosed?

    Cho has Post traumatic stress disorder. Cho's PTSD was brought on from a physical disability directly affecting his ability to fit in the social circle. His disability caused him continual stress through public riducle & embarrasment. His only option was social withdrawl which also creates its own problems.

    Cho's parents & mental councelors were misdiagnosing him and giving improper treatment. They were trying to force Cho into society and fit in and that is like forcing a suffer war vet back to war while they are suffering ptsd.

    Cho should of been offered a speach theapist and or surgury to fix the ailment. His condition was physical in nature, not mental..... until it was too late, the day he died.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • If I am bullied and teased to the point of causing mental illness do I have right to sue?

    If I was teased and bullied to the point of causing a mental illness do I have a right to sue? The teasing and mental abuse caused irrepairable damage to my personal and profession life.

    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why is the USA stalling? Do they want to fix the NK issue or no?

    :A diplomatic source said North Korea had demanded the United States and four other countries provide it with 2 million tonnes of heavy fuel oil annually -- worth about $600 million"

    Only $600 million? What the hell, that is peanuts compared to the hundreds of billions a year Bush is spending on Iraq. Why Doesn't Bush allot $600 towards NK as the money would be spent on Terror, right?

    USA doesn't want the issue to go away because they will make more money with NK as a threat. Japan and others will buy Billions and billions of military equipment from the USA only as long as they have a threat over there.

    NK is America's cash cow, why shoot it?

    4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Bush treats war like a sport.. Atleast he acts like it.?

    Because when he starts to lose he resorts to making trades. I am affraid making trades in war by kicking out your commanders won't help the affair like it does to trade for a good pitcher or a homerun hitter in baseball like he did when running the texas rangers.

    The biggest problem with Bush.... His ego.

    7 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Only one way to win Iraq?

    Make Iraq another US state. Iraq would then be under US government and US laws/consitution. Then America can straighten out the country and maybe 20 years later gve it back just as MANY MANY countries that were taken over by the british and others only to be given back after decades of theft.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Who was in denial longer and who was the better liar?

    George Bush or Baghdad Bob?

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Eiher fight them there or you'll be fighting them here?

    Well, that is what Bush keeps on telling everyone. What I would like to know is how the hell they are going to get here? On plane? boat? swim?

    Seriously how are all these terrorists going to come here and start fighting in America? The airline hijackings were a problem with airline security and could happen anywhere.

    American's are freeking duped into thinking fight them there or they will come here. They have to damn way to get here!

    11 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago