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  • Job offered but no call back?

    After a small second interview last Wednesday (the first was at a job fair) , I was offered the job. He told me he would call me back the next morning with details. I have yet to receive his call. Should I be worried? I have called but he was either in a meeting and this time, the secretary told me he was having problems with his office phone.

    I have another interview tomorrow and I'm unsure whether or not to cancel it. Should I give the employer more time to contact me?

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • Why does my ex send me pics of herself but doesn't respond when I do?

    Last night my ex sent me a picture of herself. It wasn't a nude or anything, but it's not a picture she would send to her friends. She asks me to send one back and I did, but no response. Why is that? My picture wasn't bad either. She hasn't said anything to me since. I sent her a text saying I hope her labor day was going well but no response. It's odd because she's been sending me pics lately of herself for no reason. What's going on?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why does my ex send me pics of herself?

    My ex broke up with me almost 6 months ago. I went a few weeks without talking to her I ended up talking to her again around the end of May. In June I went to visit her and we hooked up while I was down there. She says she wants us to remain friends and whatnot, but I've noticed for the past few weeks, she would send me pictures of herself. She sent me one with a friend's baby she was babysitting and tonight she sent me one of her all dolled up. She's going out with a few friends. What's the point? I've sent her pics, but none of myself.

    I will admit that I do want her back, but both of us are going through hard times financially so I can't see that happening until I have a better paying job.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How do I say on a job application not to contact my employer?

    I want to apply for this job, but there is no question that ask "May we contact your employer?" I'm scared to fill it out because I don't want them to call my employer. Do I add "I do not want my employer contacted" or say nothing?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Should I apply for the job?

    I've been working as a teacher assistant for a year and a half making below minimum wage. I have a Bachelors in English and I am working on becoming a teacher. There's a job opening for a secretary at a school (in the same district I work in) and although the pay isn't great, the salary is about 4k more. The problem is I don't have secretary experience and I don't want to be at odds with my boss. Should I still apply?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Does she still have feelings for me?

    I was flirting with my ex a few days ago, and I asked did she miss a certain body part of mine, and she responds "I love love you." and "I wish we were closer to each other." (We live 2 hours apart.) What does that mean? Does that mean she wants me back? I never asked for clarification but now I wish I did.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Crafts for those with little patience?

    I love crafts but I get frustrated, I give up on it. I've tried knitting, crochet, and cross stitch but to no avail.

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts8 years ago
  • Ex no longer initiates good morning/goodnight texts?

    Earlier this month, my ex and I started talking again after I cut off all contact with her for a few weeks. She would sent me a goodmorning and goodnight texts everyday, but as of last week, it stopped. I thought it was because she was busy at work but it's not the case at all. Now it's at a point that she won't text me unless I text her. Why is that?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is it a bad idea for a landlord and tenants to be friends?

    My friend is a landlord and I found out recently that she has become the best of friends with 3 of her tenants. I found out she's been hanging out at their apartments and vice versa, and going to dinner with them and I found out today they are going to the water park. In my opinion, I don't think it's a good idea for her, but I could be wrong.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • The lower back of my gums is swollen, bleeding, and has an odor?

    Something I was eating got stuck in my gums. At first it became swollen and painful. It had my jaw hurting and my breath smelling horrible. I start using hydrogen peroxide 3 says ago and the pain in my jaw is gone and my breath no longer smells, but the gums is still a bit swollen, bleeding, and smells. I don't have money to go to the dentist. Is there anything else I can do?

    1 AnswerDental8 years ago
  • Why is my ex sending me mixed signals?

    My ex dumped me 3 months ago over reasons that could have been resolved. There was no cheating, lying, or stealing in the relationship. After we broke up, I continued to talk to her but stopped for awhile because I thought this was the way to get over her. It didn't work and we began to talk again a week ago.

    When we finally spoke, she admitted she was still attracted to me and misses me. She even admitted there is a chance we could get back together in the future. During that week we flirted and the way she spoke to me, it was as if we never broke up. Now for the past two days, she's been a bit distant and bring up how she's doing online dating (something I thought was very hurtful to bring up since she knows I'm not over her).

    Today we agreed to meet up in two weeks so we can both get out of our hometowns (we live two hours apart) and she didn't seem as excited about the plans.

    What is going on with her? I know she hasn't met anyone else yet so that's not the reason.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Can I get my ex back?

    My ex dumped me three months ago and although we talked a bit afterwards, I was still upset and stop speaking to her. After a month of ignoring her, we spoke yesterday because I wanted answers. She told me that she fell out of love with me and gave me reasons why. The reasons were understandable but it was something that could have been fixed (there was no cheating, lying, or stealing involved).

    I told her I missed her and she said the same. She wanted to see me so bad she said she would have driven up to see me right then and there but she had just had a long drive from the beach (we live 2 hours apart). She also admitted to me that she is still attracted to me.

    She's been trying to date and so am I, but I feel like there is a chance we can reconcile.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is this a good exercise program?

    Total body weight training one day and 45 mins of cardio the next. I really want to lose about 10 pounds a month. I'm a female.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Should I continue to ignore my ex?

    My ex broke up with me nearly 2 months ago. I continued to talk to her and for a few weeks, I thought she wanted me back. Well last Thursday, she told me that she considered me one of her best friends and although our feelings are different, she wanted me in her life. I was stunned. She was giving me signs she wanted me back. Even my mom and my friends thought so. She went on vacation last weekend and I decided to ignore her. She's been calling and texting me wondering why Im not speaking to her. Should I continue to ignore her or write her an email stating reasons why I want nothing to do with her. We can't talk in person because she lives 2 hours away.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How to respond to a written reprimand?

    My boss (principal) has given me a written reprimand for violating "policies and procedures." But on the day in question, I was off school grounds and I have four people and written documentation proving I was not there. Also, the letter has several grammar and spelling errors. Should I not sign it and put on the top of the letter as to why I'm not signing it? Should I write my own letter? Also, would it be wise to copy the letter and send it to human resources?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Still bleeding 2 days after period suppose to have ended?

    My period usually last for 5 days. I woke up this morning and went to the bathroom, and when I wiped, there was blood. It was light pink. My tampon however had no blood on it. I haven't had cramps since Tuesday (3rd day of period). Today would ne day 7. What could be going on?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Why am I gaining weight?

    Two weeks ago I started exercising every other day (4x a week). I would do cardio for 30 mins and weight training about 20 mins. When I started I was 288 and today I'm 291. What's going on?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Ex says she misses me?

    My ex broke up with me in the beginning of March citing she wasn't in love with me anymore. We still talk and she texts me that she misses me and she wants to hug me so bad but is scared she'll never let me go. We had a long distance relationship so I only saw her two weekends out of a month. The last time we saw each other was Feb 18th. We broke up through phone. Does that mean she wants me back?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Jobs where I can work with children?

    I am currently a special education assistant and because of the changes in my job (from co-teaching to diaper changing) and low salary (13k/yr), I am looking somewhere else with better pay. I went through the alternative teaching route but knowing what teacher go through on a daily basis, I decided that was not a job meant for me. I have a B.A. in English and I love working with children. I would prefer a job that has less diaper duty.

    2 AnswersSpecial Education8 years ago
  • Should I go back to college?

    In 2011, I graduated with a B.A. in English. Big mistake. It took me 6 months to find a job and it was below minimum wage. I took a few grad classes to become a certified teacher, but since working in the education system, I decided that teaching is not something I want to do. College grad unemployment and student loans are at a high and I'm not sure if I should quit my job and go back, but then again, working at a minimum wage job for the rest of my life is not what I have in mind. If I do decide to return to school, I want to major in Computer Science or Finance.