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Lv 781,957 points


Favorite Answers60%

I am enjoying my life in Spain, moved to Javea (Xabia) (from the U.K.) with my husband just over 5 years ago. No regrets. I have lots of leisure time which is just as well because I love socialising, cooking, swimming, walking, reading, emailing to name but a few. Formerly employed in a civilian capacity within the police force. I have taken a career break. I must admit I do, on rare occasions miss my work (how sad is that !). Now I must learn to enjoy my leisure time in the company of new friends I have made. I am also kept busy with family and friends who visit regularly to enjoy the Spanish hospitality and the sunshine ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ******Due to the recent suspension of my account (now re-instated) I have no option but to make my Q&A private. (I was always against doing this), but need to protect my account (as much as I can). If you want to be added to my contacts list, please feel free to email me first.******

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