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  • why do muscular people look fatter when they gain weight?

    I studied dance for over 30 years and weighed 100 pounds since high school. When I stopped going to dance classes I gained weight and now am up to 113 pounds. I've gone from a size 0-2 to a size 4. I don't mind the weight gain but hate the fact that I have back fat and jelly rolls. It just doesn't make sense to me. I've seen people that weigh alot more than me have a curvy waist with no back fat and weigh over 120 pounds. It's really discouraging especially since I don't weigh that much. I eat twice a day and no longer eat very many carbohydrates or chocolate. When I danced, I ate that stuff every day. I craved it. I do cardio exercise but my waist just won't go down. Underneath it all I have a 4 pack with very defined muscles. Can someone please explain what's happening? Why do muscular people look fatter when they put on an extra 10 pounds?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • boyfriend acts like every question is an accusation. help!?

    My boyfriend gets mad every time I ask him a question. Even if I ask him ,"what time is it?", or "are you hungry" or "what do you think of..". So I try not to ask questions anymore. Unless they're really important. Unfortunately, that's leading to not having information about anything ahead of time. I can never tell when it's a good time to ask a question. He watches the tv, is on the computer and texting at the same time. When I ask if it's okay to ask a question, he gets angry. He says he's always in the middle of something or it's not a good time to ask. Since all this media is going on at the same time, I can never tell when it's okay to talk to him. When he does answer, he usually yells the answer back to me which make me feel bad for asking. He's always been this way but he gets better from time to time because his friends and myself let him know that he shouldn't really speak that way. It causes me to shut up or shut down. I've tried humor, writing things down or waiting until commercials to speak to him. He's kind of a loner and I believe everyone has the right to be themselves. This is who he is and I accept that but at the same time, I believe that everyone can improve. I constantly look for ways to improve who I am and am patient with others through their growth process. Any ideas on ways to talk to him so that he can speak to me respectfully? People always give me accolades on how nice I am but at the same time tell me I'm "too nice". I'm at wits end. I love him dearly and understand that not everyone communicates that same. That is what makes us individuals.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I buy bacon from the deli and would like to flavor it on my own. Any suggestions for spicing it up?

    I prefer buying bacon in the deli since it has less fat on each slice, cooks better and costs the same as the pre-packaged kind. I'd like to add some spices to the slices before I bake them for extra flavoring Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink10 years ago
  • Got hired for full-time work then the company cancelled. Help!?

    I interviewed and was chosen to work at a full-time temporary assignment and was supposed to start tomorrow but the temp agency called and told me that the company cancelled the assignment. I've already given notice to my current part-time employer. Today was supposed to be my last day at work and my boss had planned a nice lunch and everyone was wishing me well on my new job. I plan on asking if I can stay in my current position but am angry and disappointed. How do I approach this? What if my current employer already hired someone? That would mean that they would also have to tell someone looking forward to working my position that they can't start either. This is really messed up. Any advice?

  • Does anyone have a photo of a 2002 saturn radiator drain plug? I'm trying to drain my radiator?

    I'm draining the radiator on my 2002 saturn sl2 and am not sure which is the radiator drain plug. there is a plug on the passenger side of the car that is white and has notches in it. The plug is horizontal facing towards the rear of the car. Is this the plug?

    I've been searching photos on the internet and haven't had any luck.


    There are also two plastic knobs on both sides of the radiator that look more like a bolt and think that may be it also.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • How can I fix a whirring sound in steering column on Saturn?

    I have a 2002 SL2 and the steering column makes a whirring sound whenever the wheel is turned. What would cause this? My boyfriend would like to try to fix the problem himself.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • My girlfriend was due to give birth last Tuesday but hasn't let anyone know if she's delivered?

    My girlfriend was due to give birth last Tuesday and hasn't let anyone know if the baby has arrived. She is a very private person and didn't inform friends and relatives (except her mother and father) that she was pregnant until she was 3 weeks from her due date. She's 37 years old and both her and her boyfriend have been retired for several years so she's pretty secure. I want to ask her if there's a new baby to celebrate but want to respect her privacy and wait until she's ready. What is the best way to ask without being invasive? I'm worried in case there were complications or problems. I'd like to be there to celebrate or support, whatever she needs.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Should an ex-wife attend a new wife's funeral?

    Should an ex-wife attend the funeral of the current wife? I know someone who is planning on doing this and want to try to talk her out of it. She's been divorced from this man for over 20 years and hasn't been in touch with him for over 10. Her presence is only going to cause drama since noone in her ex's new family likes her. She feels she need to be there to support her ex-husband. What advice can I give?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I've been told that I resemble Charlie Chaplain's daughter but can't find her photo via the internet.?

    I've been told by 3 different actors that I resemble Charlie Chaplain's daughter. Unfortunately, noone remembers her name and I can't seem to find photos of her on the internet. I find this comparison interesting since I'm an African-American female with a milk chocolate complexion. Does anyone have suggestions of sites I can search? If not, I'll make a trip to the library. My curiousity is piqued.

    3 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Gave friend ad on a home for sale but she was offended. Why?

    If I see something that I think a friend might like, I'll tell them about it. A sale at their favorite store, a play that's coming to town that they might enjoy, etc. I'm recently out of work and had to move in with relatives because I could no longer afford my apartment. I'm registered with employment agencies, go onto Craigslist and have been on several interviews. Once I start working again, I'll get a place to live and get back on my feet.

    A friend of mine is looking for a house and I saw an ad for an "eco-friendly" home that I thought might intererest her so I cut out the photo and info and gave it to her. She was extremely insulted and told me so in a passive-aggresive way. There's only one reason I can think of why this happened. I'm recently out of work and had to move in with relatives because I could no longer afford my apartment. I'm registered with employment agencies, go onto Craigslist's job board and have been on several interviews. Once I start working again, I'll get a place to live and get back on my feet. Even though I'm in this situation, I still think of my friends' interests. I believe everyone has something to offer irregardless of their current situation. It may not be money or favors but rather time and friendship. So I didn't think it was a big deal to make suggestions even though I'm not in the greatest position myself.

    Was I out of line?

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • I got my blood test health results from my doctor today. Can anyone help me interpret them?

    I recently had a physical done and I've received the results from the tests. It revealed a low reading in everything from "ferritin" to "glucose" to "urea nitrogen". I have no idea what most of these descriptions mean or what I need to do to increase the levels to normal.

    My doctor is sending iron pills to me since the results show that I'm anemic.

    Can anyone suggest a website that would be able to define and explain the other items on the list? I'd like to start doing what I need to raise my levels so they're higher by the time I go for my next semi-annual check-up.

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Can you send one thank you letter to a group of interviewers?

    Yesterday I had 2 job interviews at the same company.

    Two employees were present for the first interview and three employees were present for the second interview. I'm sending thank you letters today.

    Is it acceptable to write one for each group instead of 5 individual letters?

  • Does a job title automatically entitle you to a higher salary?

    I interviewed for a job as a Human Resources Assistant that was posted on Monster. At the first and second interviews the job duties were explained to me thoroughly and the job seemed like a great opportunity. Since there are only two people in HR at this company, myself and the HR VP, I was told that I would also be getting limited assistance from the mailroom clerk and the receptionist.

    I got hired and on the first day of work the HR VP told me that my job title had been changed to HR Manager and that they would be able to give me 2K more a year in 6 months.

    I realize that the Manager title carries more weight but does that mean that I automatically deserve a higher income? I was willing to do the job under the title of "Assistant".

    4 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • Three ex-boyfriends are going to a mutual friends' B-Day party on Sunday. Yikes! Any advice?

    In the past 10 years, I've had 3 boyfriends. We're all friends of a woman who is having a birthday party this weekend. I want to go to wish her a Happy Birthday but I'm nervous about seeing all three of my ex-boyfriends at the same party! Any advice on how to handle this?

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Job Interview Question - How do I explain that I've been unemployed for 4 months by choice?

    How do you explain to an interviewer that I haven't worked in 4 months because I just wanted some time off to breathe. My last job was a temporary assignment through an agency.

    I've decided to start applying for jobs again and am getting called for interviews. Do I tell them I was on hiatus? Took a leave of absence?

    I don't want them to think I'm unstable or unreliable.

    11 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • I'm having a hard time coping w/life now that I'm no longer pursuing a dance career. Help!

    I decided to stop trying to become a professional dancer and am having an awful time coping. I'm depressed and feel like my right arm was cut off. I've lived in NY for 10 years taking countless classes and auditioning but never got picked for any shows or companies.

    I tried leaving the city for a year to start a new life working 9-5, volunteering in the local theatre and opening a new chapter in my life. That didn't work out for several reasons so I moved back to NY.

    Being here again w/o dance in my life is killing me. I'm not able to hold down a job, feel lost and don't know how to make things better.

    I attempted teaching class but didn't enjoy it at all.

    Dance was my life, my breath, my soul.

    2 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • How can I change the guys that are attracted to me?

    I want to date a different type of guy and need suggestions. Over the past few years I've been changing things about myself such as clothing, and the types of places that I hang out. I've heard that's supposed to be a good method.

    I used to like "laid back" types during and after college. Now I'm interested more in the "metrosexual" type.

    Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Date was short on cash at dinner. Who goes to the ATM?

    My date was short on cash (restaurant doesn't take cards) and so I offered to help pay but told him I would need to go to the ATM to get money. Should he have offered to go instead and allow me to pay him later? I'm unemployed but not broke, he has a $100k income. Was it wrong for me to get upset? I felt ashamed and 3 inches tall as I walked out of the restaurant. I feel he should have gone to the ATM, not me.

    12 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago