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Just for fun, your pregnancy experience so far?
I just like seeing these questions.
-how far along are you...I am 36 weeks
-when is your due date...March 17
-boy or girl...boy
-how much have you gained so far...24lbs
-how have you felt through your pregnancy...I have been pretty miserable and cant wait until this little one is here.
10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoQuestion about the Group B Strep test during pregnancy?
I go next week to get my group B strep test, does anyone know if it is okay to have sex the evening before getting that test or will it affect something with it. My fiance will be getting home the night before my appointment and he has been gone for 6 weeks so I would like for me and him to be able to have sex but I was unsure of whether I could since I am getting this test done. Does anybody know?
3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoVaginal pain during pregnancy?
Okay I know that vaginal pain and the sharp pains that shoot down through is normal later in pregnancy but what exactly causes them?
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoPlease help..35 weeks pregnant..miserable...any suggestions?
I am 35 weeks pregnant and I have been suffering from insomnia. I have tried everything warm bath, warm milk, reading, I have a pregnancy pillow plus a bunch more for comfort, watching tv, relaxing music, I cant find anything that helps. I know it is supposed to be natures way of getting me ready for baby but I need sleep. I used to be able to nap in the day but now I cant even do that. I try to stay active in the day so I will be ready for bed and that doesnt work either. I am so exhausted I just need some sleep. Any suggestions please?
7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoWhen you were pregnant, when labor was near?
When you were pregnant and close time to due date did you know you were going to go into labor soon just by a feeling. Just by knowing your body was feeling differently. I know my baby has already dropped and I am feeling a lot of pressure in my bottom and private areas, and my back is killing me, and I just have a feeling it is almost time, anybody else experience this and were you right and how far along were you??
11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoBaby dropping and labor...please give opinions..?
My little boy dropped about a week and a half ago, I can tell by how he feels that he has dropped even more since then. When he moves I can feel him down in my private area so I know he is pretty low and I feel a lot of pressure from his head and sharp pains from where he is laying I guess. My question is generally how long after the baby drops does labor come? I realize its different for every woman and it is hard to say I am just asking in general. How long after your baby drop did you go into labor and how far along were you? I am 35 weeks but I have thought the whole time that I might be a little farther along.
8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago34+3 days pregnant, what is going on, please give your opinion?
I asked earlier but I just want to get some more opinions.I am 34 weeks pregnant and dont have another appointment until next Friday. I have been having period like cramping in my stomach, a backache, when the baby moves a stabbing pain in my private area, and it feels like my cervix isnt as hard as it was, increase in discharge like I feel wet all the time and last week I was told he has already started to drop, and cant sleep anymore. What is going on with my body, I am going crazy? Please give your opinions.
4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago34 weeks pregnant, whats going on, please give me your opinions?
I asked earlier but really didnt get much respons.I am 34 weeks pregnant and dont have another appointment until next Friday. I have been having period like cramping in my stomach, a backache, when the baby moves a stabbing pain in my private area, and it feels like my cervix isnt as hard as it was and last week I was told he has already started to drop, cant sleep anymore. What is going on with my body, I am going crazy? Please give your opinions.
10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago34 weeks pregnant, what is going on, opinions please?
I am 34 weeks pregnant and dont have another appointment until next Friday. I have been having period like cramping in my stomach, a backache, when the baby moves a stabbing pain in my private area and last week I was told he has already started to drop, cant sleep anymore. What is going on with my body, I am going crazy? Please give your opinions.
3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoTo all you pregnant women, advice please?
I am 33 weeks pregnant and having a really hard time feeling attractive. What have you found that made you feel better about yourself and made you feel sexier. Not feeling attractive makes it hard for me to want to be intimate with my fiance and I would like to take advantage of the last few weeks we have before our baby boy is here. Please give me your opinions on what I can do. Thank you.
10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoPlease give your opinions, 33 weeks pregnant?
Sorry to bother people but I asked this earlier and I didnt really receive any answers, I just want some peoples opinions or what they have went through at this point in pregnancy.
I have started to lose my mucus plus and have had diarrhea and loss of appetite for the last week or so. Is this normal? I have also been having a lot of braxton hicks contractions and I have started leaking colostrum. Is all this normal at this point in pregnancy? This is my first so I just want to make sure this is all ok. Thanks.
3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoopinions please, 33 weeks pregnant?
I have started to lose my mucus plus and have had diarrhea and loss of appetite for the last week or so. Is this normal? I have also been having a lot of braxton hicks contractions and I have started leaking colostrum. Is all this normal at this point in pregnancy? This is my first so I just want to make sure this is all ok. Thanks.
3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoHow do you know when your water has broke?
I was lying on the couch watching TV and I got a few sharp like stabbing pains in my lower right abdomen closer to my pelvic region and then I got up to use the bathroom and my underwear were wet. I changed them and a few minutes later I went to the bathroom again and they were wet again not really wet but still wet. Did my water break or is it my imagination, this is my first pregnancy so I dont know what to expect.
3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago26 weeks pregnant with stomach cramps?
I'm 26 weeks pregnant with period like stomach cramps, tightness, and increased discharge. I have felt like this all day Is this normal to feel this way or should I call my midwife. This is my first pregnancy so I'm not sure what is and isn't normal. Thanks for your help
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago26 weeks pregnant with stomach cramps?
I'm 26 weeks pregnant with period like stomach cramps, tightness, and increased discharge. I have felt like this all day Is this normal to feel this way or should I call my midwife. This is my first pregnancy so I'm not sure what is and isn't normal. Thanks for your help
1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade agoHigh risk pregnancy, earliest to hear the heartbeat??
I recently found out I was pregnant. This is my second pregnancy, the first one ending in miscarriage. I then had problems conceiving after the first. I am not 7 weeks pregnant and I go to the doctor this week for my first ultrasound to make sure things are going good so far, what is the earliest the heartbeat can be detected by an ultrasound. I will be 7 weeks and 5 days on the day of the ultrasound.
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agopregnancy symptoms??
If your pregnant when would you get the syptoms of sore breasts. I have been trying for a while now. My period is due in about 5-7 days but my breasts are extremely sore. I was pregnant once and had a miscarriage but I can remember that they got sore I just cant remember when they got sore. If anyone has an idea please let me know.
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoMiscarriage and pregnancy? Any answers are appreciated.?
I was 10 weeks pregnant, started bleeding on 2/3. Went to hospital and the baby stopped growing at 6 weeks. 2/8 started taking pills to help me have the miscarriage. I stopped bleeding on 2/14. I havent bled since then. Yesterday 3/6, I had one spot of blood when I went to the restroom on my tissue and nothing since then. I am not having any period cramps or any other sign of my period. Am I pregnant again or is my period coming and just being weird because of the miscarriage. If anyone has experienced this please let me know what happened to you. Thank you.
10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoHave blited ovum can I have kids in the future?
Has anyone ever had a blited ovum pregnancy where the baby didnt grow, only the sac did? Did you have healthy pregnancies after that? I was in the hospital this week and was told they think I have a blited ovum. I have more appointments scheduled this week. Will I be able to have a healthy pregnancy in the future?
6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago9 weeks pregnant?
I am 9 weeks pregnant and I have already gained weight. Most of my clothes are tight on me now, I can only wear 2 pairs of my jeans now. Is this normal? I am not eating more than I used to, if anything I am actually eating a little bit more healthier than I did before I got pregnant. Is it because I have a small build?
11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago