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  • Dying bleached hair.. Too thicken it?

    Last month I bleached my dark brown hair to then use a purple on after, as the purple wasn't showing much on my dark hair. Now it shows more but still not that vibrant considering I've bleached it!!

    I'm a bit annoyed, as this has obviously stripped my hair and made it thinner... For not much effect.

    My question is if I dyed it a light brown as if to rectify the bleaching back to my natural colour... ( I've read up in this) Will this thicken my hair a little with adding the colour pigments back to my hair??

    I use special shampoo/ conditioner/ masks/ leave in conditioner sprays and heating sprays... All in all my hairs lovely and soft considering I bleached it.... It's just thin now!


    1 AnswerHair8 years ago
  • wrong bank transfer.. whats the deadline to claim back?

    If a payment has been made by a bank tranfer incorrectly, how long do you have to claim the money back??

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance9 years ago
  • what is this song?... 90`s electro `absolutely flawless` line....?

    ive been racking my brains to think of what this song is called and who did it..

    its from the 90`s and was dancy/electro pop......

    some of the lyrics were....

    absolutely flawless, just like perfection...

    i know this isnt much to go on but if anyone knows it please tell me..


    5 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • how to cut pictures in the design master 2 software?

    Ive imported some toppers and printed them off with the registration marks but i cant for the life of me figure out how to now cut these pictures out, ive clicked and tried everything i can think off in DM2 but can get it to cut them out! ive searched the internet too for instructions/a manual.. and cant find a thing..


    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • how do i save a jpeg picture file in a GSD file format for my robo craft machine?

    I have lots of pictures and artwork in pjeg that i want to open in my robocraft software i have the basic software and the digital advanced one, how do i convert my pictures to GSD so i can use them? thanks

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • what temperature is cold water from the tap?

    What is the average temperature of cold water?

    3 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • help!- obaby buggy with a lie flat cocoon underneath..?

    I saw a woman the other day with a 3 wheeler obaby buggy with a 2/3yr old in it and then underneath/behind it there was a newborn baby in a lie flat cocoon that fitted under the foot rest of the buggy and the top was under the handle bars, it then had straps up and over the handle bars holding it in place... does anyone know what buggy/accessory this is, as we have a 14month old and a new born and this looks a brilliant way to transport our little ones for now.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • pregnancy - thrush - bleeding ... anyone had this?

    hey everyone,

    need to ask a not so nice has anyone suffered alot with thrush during this pregnancy or another in the past? I did with my last pregnancy once and have done with this pregnancy a lot worse, Im 35.5weeks pregnant.... I like to wash with clean water down there and make sure im clean and have no problem mostly until... I have a flare up with thrush, I get really red raw,sore,dry,itchy down there etc, and then have some (sorry tmi) stringy lumpy discharge, I wash myself out to get rid of the discharge and to help as im so hot down there the cool water really soothes.. well the last 2 times i have done this i have bled a bit afterwards, have anyone else had this..? I was a bit alarmed at the amount of blood last time, not loads but it wasn't a spot or two either, and it soon stopped literally as soon as it started.

    Im just wondering if anyone else has had this and if it is due to the thrush and being so tender down there.? as it seems weird it doesn't happen the other times i wash. I have spoken with my midwife who wants me to go to the local hospital for a check up, but i dont want to have to stay in for 24hrs for nothing .. i would if i bled every time or for no reason etc... dont worry i will ring my local hospital 2moro anyway ....

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 18w pregnant got a 9 month old baby and boyfriend just walked out on us!!!! :(?

    I need some advice please.....

    im 27, have a 9 month old baby boy and am now 18w pregnant, 2 weeks ago my boyfriend walked out on us.... :(

    Im really struggling with what to do now and best for the future.. he has only seen his son twice in 2 weeks, says he wants to be a father etc. but is then out every night drinking and gettin up to god knows what!!! while im stuck at home looking after our son.. who he doesnt seem to be bothered about...

    im thinking is an abortion the best idea for our future, ive got my son and have never ever agreed with abortions... but when your in a situation like this it makes you think.... how the hell am i going to cope with a 14month old and a new born baby!!!! ive got family around but there not going to be there for the night feeds etc when im knackered and my boy wants to play or is ill etc and the new baby needs feeding.. i cant see me getting any help from him!!!

    and then again it means me staying at home again for the next 16months with the 2nd baby, putting my life on hold again.. all by myself while he gets to piss around and act like a 15yr old again without thinking about me or our babies....

    no abortion haters please im really struggling with this all as its is, its only been 2 weeks since he walked out on us im still in shock and hurting so much over that.... i just cant see how im going to cope with having another baby so soon...... :(

    13 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • which car is this advert?

    hi all, what is the car where in the advert people come along and pull like a cover off the car to reveal a new model under it....

    hope that makes sencse.....


    3 AnswersOther - Car Makes1 decade ago
  • bi father of my children has left saying hes gay..?! please can i have some advice from bi/gay men?

    hi all, well i will try and keep this short....

    im all over the place new my boyfriends was bi that he had had gay rels in the past etc. everyone else knew his family etc.

    we have a 9 month old and im 4months pregnant now, he walked out on friday saying he `cant do anything`


    then on monday after ignoring me and not talking to me, cutting off all contact with me, internet, phone text etc. saying hes gay..

    how can we have been so happy together decide to have a family and then this out the blue!!

    the last 5 months have been difficult as his neice dies at 7months old, and then we found out we were expecting and his sister in law caused so much trouble and stress about it, threatening me! getting her family involved etc...breaking the family up, this naturally had affected our rel. and our sexual rel.

    he said he keeps thinking about being with men, ive said to him is it just that cos our rel has been in a low and our sex life has not been as good as it was.. ( we used to have an amazing varied liberal sex life) that he is now just looking else where..? he has stopped all contact with me only came to see our son yesterday for an hour!! and wouldnt talk about us! and why hes left... hes broken all contact on facebook changing his status to single and looking for rels with men! deleted all pics of me on his profile, including ones with our son!... he cant even face talking to me about the future or how the hell im going to cope by myself with 2 small babies...

    its like hes trying to pretend i dont exist... :(

    can i have some advice of some bi men who have been in a hetrosexual relationship... is this something that sounds normal as such... or is he just running away from our rel cos of the stress and cold feet all fathers get when having a baby.?

  • boyfriend just walked out on me my son and baba on the way!!!?

    Im in shock, we have been together nearly 4yrs, have a 9month old son who we tried 6months for, and im pregnant again 4months yesterday, not planned but still loved, I have my own house he moved in with me, we both worked full time, things had been rocky this last 6months cos his niece died at 7months old in april after an operation and the mother, his sil decided to take it all out on me as she has never liked me etc. caused lots of stress for the whole family, said some awful things about our son and unborn baby got all her family involved threatening us etc.....

    well my bf has just come home from work said he doesn't want to be in this relationship anymore, hes not been happy for 6months and he doesn't want to talk about it cos he doesn't want to change his mind!!! he said he has to be his own person!........ that he cant do things.. i asked for examples he couldnt give any..!!!! as he does go out yeah maybe not as much as b4 but christ what does he expect!!! hes been to an all day concert festival while i was at home with a 2month old baby!... so selfish!!!!....

    he just packed his car and left!!

    he says he cant be in a controlling relationship or a trustless one by text.... well he was the one messin around with an ex the first 6months we got together he promised it wouldnt happen again, naturally this made me a bit weary, but then he started to act like i was the one up to no good!!! when i have never done anything while i have been with him....

    i just cant believe he has done this and acted like this!!! how can a man just turn his back on his family for no real reasons :(

    now im panicking about what im going to do financially etc....

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • sweat/irritation rash down there in pregnancy!?

    I had this with my last pregnancy and now seem to have it again I think its a sweat rash down there, or a irritation rash from excessive discharge down there.

    im 15weeks and this has just started about a week ago, i so sore on the inside of my labia lips, all the way down to the base of my vagina all the way round to my bum, and around my anus, my anus is fine and i go to the loo fine, its the skin around it that's red raised like got a rash/heat bumps and so sore. I try to pad myself dry when i go to the loo, but can feel the delicate skin inside my labia is torn as it stings when i wee!.....

    I have NOTHING wrong with myself down there, no sti`s etc....

    I wonder if its is from the excessive discharge you get with being pregnant, as I know i have this i can some times feel it.. ( sorry TMI) after i had my boy and the midwife was checking my stitched she said i had a irritation/sweat rash which was made worse by the pads i was wearing at the time. I never bothered to see or tell the midwife about this during my pregnancy so dont really know if this is normal to suffer with or not..?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • pregnant and have PCOS..... help please?

    I had my 1st baby 15th dec 08. and nothing was said about having PCOS last month I found out I was pregnant again! ( this one not planned but still as much wanted and loved..) had our scan last week where the sonographer said I had PCOS... and it was fairly bad as both my ovary's were like 3x size of baby!....

    she said theres nothing to be worried about but i am a bit about it all, will this effect my pregnancy..? is it possible i have had this for years? I was on the pill from 17y-25yrs till i came of to try for my first baby.

    Will I need to go for further testing after I have had this baby? what does PCOS actually mean to me..? it explains my awful acne ive had for years and still do now even tho i have had roacutane, and since i came of the pill i had put weight on, what else do i need to look out for please?

    thank you everyone for your answers xx

    i have already posted this in pregnancy and someone in there suggested to try here even though i am already pregnant she said lots of women here had more experience with pcos...


    10 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • pregnant and have developed PCOS.....!!!!?

    I had my 1st baby 15th dec 08. and nothing was said about having PCOS last month I found out I was pregnant again! ( this one not planned but still as much wanted and loved..) had our scan last week where the sonographer said I had PCOS... and it was fairly bad as both my ovary's were like 3x size of baby!....

    she said theres nothing to be worried about but i am a bit about it all, will this effect my pregnancy..? is it possible i have had this for years? I was on the pill from 17y-25yrs till i came of to try for my first baby.

    Will I need to go for further testing after I have had this baby? what does PCOS actually mean to me..? it explains my awful acne ive had for years and still do now even tho i have had roacutane, and since i came of the pill i had put weight on, what else do i need to look out for please?

    thank you everyone for your answers xx

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • can you go 2/3 months with no period but get pregnant the last month?

    hi guys,

    well Im currently on maternity leave with my gorgeous 6.5month old boy, and haven't had a period since 17th april,! In may i didn't think much of it as we have had a lot of stress, my 7month old niece died after an operation in april, so w were all very shocked and stress levels have been very high since then as the mother blames the hospital and is very bitter about it and causing trouble with her partner and our family. anyway... I know periods can take time to come back regular as well so just didn't think much to it, in may i hd no symptoms at all of being pregnant they only started in june, all the same things i had with my Little boy, morning sickness, feeling faint, having to have food/water with me all the time, not sleeping well retching when brushing my teeth, being very over sensitive to upsetting things etc.

    the reason im asking if i could have gone thru may and not had a period but got pregnant in june is i had my symptoms with my first pregnancy literally 3 days after my period was missed, it just feels weird that i have onlt had symptoms the last 6weeks or so. Is it possible to go a month being pregnant and not have symptoms and then developer them? going by my last period date would mean im 11 weeks already!!


    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • patient dies after operation, is surgeon to blame like family think..?

    ok heres the situation:

    baby 7 months old needed a major brain operation first one of 5! all seemed to go ok, then 4hours after she had a massive bleed on the brain (haemorrhage- no where near where the operation was) and heart attack they revived her and tried to operate again but there was nothing they could do she was brain dead so the parents turned the life support off. What she had was life threatening,she would have died 100% very soon if she hadnt had the operation. her parents were told the operation might not work as always and that there was a risk of her dying from it due to the seriouseness of the neurological disease. so the parent gave them permission to do the operation.

    now the parents have requested an inquest in to her death saying the doctor killed her, they are so irrational about it all saying the hospital have killed her, she was in great olmand street about the best hospital! but because the surgen who did the operation had never done it before by himself they blame him.

    they have had the coroners report back and it said she died from complications from the operation and a water on the brain, which was one of the neurological problems she had.

    they have just ignored this last bit and say the operation killed her and they was to sue the hospital and get the doctor struck off!!

    can they do this? will the coroner say they cant do this at the inquest as there is no evidence to support there case?


    5 AnswersOther - Health & Beauty1 decade ago
  • 7 month old baby just been diagnosed with hydrocephalus!?

    my niece has just been diagnosed with hydrocephalus at the age of 7months old, we have always thought her head was too big from about 2 months onwards, but her parents didn't seem worried so was not our place to say anything. she was born at 36weeks, and weighed just under 6lb so was very small.

    Ive read loads on the net and am worried if she has had this all the time then will it have an effect on her cognitive ability...?

    she has always had a big head big deep set boggley eyes, always crying and screaming, always unsettled and doesn't feed very well.... the mother hasn't taken her to see the health visitor since her 8week check up so this is why it has been left so long. she developed a rash on monday took her to the docs and then the health visitor asked her to come to clinic where they said they thought she got this, then went for a ct scan next day and now has been transferred to a children's hospital for a mri scan, they have said there going to drain it off, but nothing else has been said yet..

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • oscar wild -The Importance of Being Earnest ?

    hi everyone,

    Im going to see the above play but there is also a talk about the play and oscar wild on at the same time and im wondering which would be best to see first..?

    the play then the talk on the play, or the talk first and then the play..?


    3 AnswersTheatre & Acting1 decade ago
  • 6week old baby- BF being distant and standoffish?

    this baby was planned by the way, 6 months ttc..

    im so unhappy, our boy is only 6weeks old! and my bf is completely distant from us, this has only just happenned in the last week! just so quickly out of no where he has gone all quiet with me, no emotion, feelings, affection nothing...

    he doesnt do much around the house i do just about everything, plus caring for our baby 24/7 im so tired all the tired and emotionally drained, he says he feels left out and i try to include him telling him what to do with the baby ie cleaning him/feeding him etc... but i cant see what else i can do to help him, he just doesnt think off his own back! he is pushing us away not the other way round.

    he then said maybe we need time just us two and to go out with friends.. i check his mobile and find out a mate of his asked him out for a night out at the weekend .. which he never mentioned to me about!! so its like hes trying to manipulate me..

    even though we have been out 3 times in the last 3 weeks to the cinema and a drink with mates! so its not like were not doing things together just us.. i said the last thing we need is to go out and have alcohol involved!

    im feeling rejected alone and miserable and worried about the future now as he hasnt reassured me at all, ignores me basically, and then snaps at me when he does talk to me...

    i have no idea what to do... hes just clammed up and not talking about whats up with him and what he wants....

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago