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  • In the Blade movie's, how doe's Whistler return in Blade Trinity?

    Whistler definitely die's in Blade II, because he shoots himself, so how is it, that his character, returns in Blade Trinity?

    5 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Is it common for males to have OCD?

    The man I'm seeing has a mild case of OCD, and even though it's not severe, it kind of still freaks me out. He told me he has Asperger Syndrome, which is a high functioning form of Autism.

  • Is my friends way of thinking, stupid or what?

    My friend is convinced, that at her age, of 41, she can't get pregnant! When she was married, over a course of about 14 years, she suffered several miscarriages, one resulting in an ectopic pregnancy. She is now divorced and in a serious relationship, the man has told her, that he does not want any kids, he asked her if she was on any protection and she told him yes, which was a lie. I asked her why she lied and she told me, she can't get pregnant at her age and he'll never know she's unprotected. I need all the answers I can get, so that she can read them and see how ignorant her way of thinking is. Try not to be too harsh, on your answers, thanks!

    5 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Would you have my back, or would you abandon me, if anybody tried to jump me?

    One on one, I don't expect you to jump in.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Do you think these are red flags?

    If you are seeing someone and you tell them that you don't drink or smoke, even if they do, is it strange that they would try and introduce you to those things? He smokes marijuana in a pipe, but he buys these packages of it, that he says, is legal, I guess it's some type of herbal thing, but it sure get's him high, like it's the real thing and even though he does'nt force me to try it, I get the feeling, he wants me to, he never pulled out the pipe and smoked it in front of me, until I told him, I did'nt mind, as long as it is not illegal, now he doe's it constantly, in front of me and now I do it with him, just not all the time, like he does. I drink with him now, but nothing serious. He carrie's cigarettes and cigars, which I now find myself smoking, only when i'm around him. Doe's it sound like he's bad news or is he just trying to get me to enjoy the things he likes, so it does'nt make him feel guilty doing them in front of me? We have so much in common and i'm not even referring to the smoking and drinking, it's the things we do outdoors, we both love nature and being out in the woods, etc..

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • I need to reinstall Windows Vista, do you know where I can buy a genuine disk?

    I called the place where I got the computer and they told me, they no longer sell them, but, there are websites that actually sells them, do you know of any websites that sells genuine Windows? I have had my computer for 3 years,Thanks!

    3 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • Why does applications on my phone start back running, even when i stop them?

    It's irritating because it's using up my data

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • Was I wrong for asking my brother's girlfriend this question?

    We watch my brother's 2 and 8 year old kid's. I picked them up last Friday and the 2 year old has a nasty bruise on her back. I called her mother up and asked about it, very nicely and not in an accusatorial manner. She smarted off at me, blew the whole thing out of proportion, my brother called me up and sent a hateful text message to me because his girlfriend, made it sound like, I was accusing them of child abuse.

    Now keep in my mind, we are good to these kids, we pick the 8 year old up from school, during the school year and on my way home from work, I pick the 2 year old up at their house, we feed them real good and everything,I mean, my brother and his girlfriend have it made, we don't charge them a penny for anything, (they don't even offer to pay) these kids are in good hands with us and everybody knows it.I have'nt seen the kids since last Friday, I guess they don't want us watching them anymore, well, that's fine, i'm not kissing their butts about anything, I asked a simple question and they reacted so foolishly. I feel like that's their loss, these days, where can you find people, that will pick your kids up from school, from your house, feed them, keep them however long you need them to be kept and just genuinely, all around care and love them, as if they are your own, at absolutely no cost! They are hurting themselves, I love my niece and nephew, but I will not take back a simple question, that got us to this point, now they don't bring them around anymore, absolutely mind boggling to me, they are crazy, to mess up such good babysitting arrangements. My husband and I are going to stand our ground, we will not apologize for caring! We love those kids and deep down inside, I feel like they take advantage of us, they don't offer us gas money, for picking the kids up, they don't send snacks or anything for the kids, I mean, they don't send stuff, that the average parent's, would send, but because we love them so much, it does'nt matter and they know this! I don't understand why this is'nt bothering them about the kids babysitting arrangements!

    Sorry for not breaking the second paragraph up, i'm just so upset and typing away.Oh by the way, those kids are just as crazy about us, as we are them. The 2 year old says "Nay Nay is here"

    , so excitedly,when she see's me, Nay is what my family call me! This is killing me and tears are flowing as I type this.

    6 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • How can someone claim to be your friend, then turn around and get mad at you for a very stupid reason?

    She has'nt spoken to me in 3 month's, but yet, she has'nt deleted me from Facebook, I took the step, of deleting her myself, why have someone on your page, that you see everyday, five days a week and they act like you are not there. I'm not one to apologize, for something I did'nt do, she is mad at me for a very stupid reason and three people can verify, that she was the one who blew the issue out of proportion. She is expecting me to start speaking back to her first, I got news for her, it's not going to happen, I was a great friend to her and I did'nt deserve, how she treated me. She's a grown @ss woman, acting like a kid!

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • Should I tell my ex boyfriend to stop e-mailing me?

    My ex boyfriend and I had a bad break up, he cheated on me and sometimes hit me, even though I treated him good and loved him, like no other. Everybody knew how good I was to him, even he knew it, but he did'nt appreciate it. I made up my mind to leave him alone, after nine month's, of no contact, he e-mailed me, back in November of 2011, saying he just wanted to bless my family and me and say hello. I e-mailed him back, simply saying thank you and nothing more, which i'm sure surprised him because he used to have me wrapped around his finger, so tight!

    I did'nt hear from him anymore, then all of a sudden, 4 month's later, he e-mails me again on March 5th, 2012, basically saying the same thing, that he just wanted to say hello. It's getting old, why won't he just stop e-mailing me and let me live my life, without him in it. What doe's he want from me? I was so good to him and he did'nt apprecate me, it's hurtful hearing from him, I don't understand, if he has a girlfriend, why doe's he keep bothering me, i'm doing so great, without him! I don't want that life with back!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • In the movie, "The Grey", what do you think happened, between Liam Neeson and the alpha wolf?

    Do you think he died, the alpha wolf died, or they both died? Also, what was Liam Neeson's occupation, why did he carry the rifle?

    5 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Can you please answer my question, concerning a full hysterectomy?

    I got into a heated disagreement, with a friend of mine. A long time ago, when my friend was about 33, (she's 49 now) she told me, that she had a full hysterectomy, due to cancer. We have no problem, being bold about our questions to one another. The other day, I asked her, if having a full hysterectomy, caused her to have dryness, when it came to intercourse and she told me no.

    I find that hard to believe, if a women has a full hysterectomy, I don't see how, they are able to get the natural moisture,that a woman normally get's, if she has'nt had, a full hysterectomy. I feel, there has to be a substitute,to replace what she's lost, due to the full hysterectomy. Is it possible to get that natural moisture for a woman, during foreplay, if she's had a full hysterectomy or is my friend, more than likely, being a bit dishonest with me?

    7 AnswersCancer9 years ago
  • What's the recommended time, for brushing your teeth?

    I brush my teeth for 3 minute's, is that too much?

    4 AnswersDental9 years ago
  • What do you think my ex boyfriend's motive was, for contacting me, after 9 month's of silence?

    The last time I saw or spoke to my ex boyfriend, was back in February of this year, we were together for a little over a year and a half. I had enough of him doing me wrong, in every way, you can imagine. He hurt me bad, especially emotionally.When we would argue or get mad at one another, it was so routine, for me to ALWAYS call him and make up first, but back in February, my last contact with him, I vowed never to give in to him again, enough was enough. On November 16, of this year I got an e-mail from him, saying and I quote, "I hope God has blessed you in every way, you don't have to respond, I just wanted to say hello". I could'nt believe it and for a minute, all my feeling's for him, came back, but I did not let him know it, instead, I stuck to my guns and I simply responded to his e-mail by saying, "Thank you", and that was it, nothing more. I had to let him see, i'm not the weak person anymore, that you took for granted and I definitely was'nt going to respond to him and tell him, how much I missed him, even if I really did. It's been a little over a month and he has'nt contacted me, in any way. I just often wonder, why after 9 month's, would he decide to contact me, when i'm doing good without him and trying to move on. Everybody told me I was too good for him, but I had to find out the hard way and I got hurt by him, real bad. I I remember telling him and I quote, "one day you 're going to miss me and I won't miss you", I often wonder if that rings true, but I know, i'll never ask him. I just want him to leave me alone, I wasted a year and a half of my life, to him, friends stopped talking to me, because of him, they told me it was painful to sit back and watch me allow him, to treat me bad. I was emotionally and physically hurt by him, but most of all, he broke my spirits and day by day, i'm getting my spirits back. Everybody knew I was good to him, why could'nt he see it?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • On the Real Housewives of New Jersey, what happened between Caroline and her sister Dina?

    On the preview for part 2 of the reunion, Teresa said that Caroline betrayed Dina and if i'm not mistaken, I thought Caroline said something to the effect that she and Dina are'nt on the best terms right now. Must be pretty bad, because that family is thicker than thieves. Just wondering if anything has leaked about why they are'nt speaking.

    1 AnswerReality Television10 years ago
  • In the movie Cowboys & Aliens, why were the Aliens harboring humans and did Daniel Craig's wife die?

    Everybody but Daniel Craig, got their loved one back, why did'nt he?

    1 AnswerMovies10 years ago