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Wat Da Hell

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I am a person who looks at everything as a joke....

  • I am a big fan of Chris Rock.?

    However, why is it possible for him to make the remarks that he does belittling the white race without the furry of the public?

    3 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Who has the right to control your life?

    As Jesse Jackson and Sharptounge are given forgiveness for their mistakes, they are always first in line to destroy someone else when they make a mistake Who can forget the remark Jackson made aboutte Jews Or Sharptounge calling for the prosecution of police officers in the T Brawey case. They were the first to defend the people that attacked Regnald Denny in the LA roits. Theur attempts to control the public is truly a money making route to glory for them Why do we allow people such as the raiders of the night to continue to scare and bully America?

    7 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Friendly fire?

    Today I read more information on the Tillman death. I am surprised that the family is pursuing the issue in the manner they are. I feel many men and women are killed by friendly fire that is never brought to light. My thoughts are that he died and nothing will bring him back. Hwe was no different than the many other soldiers who contrnue to lose their lives. Is it the purpose of the family to sue for money? He was a hero no matter how he lost his life. However, lets not make his death more important than the many orther thosands that have lost their lives. Lets not dishonor his death by attempting to capitilize on it. I believe that his death is being made more important due to his football status but ignoring the many deaths of the average working class G.I. Should the military be held accountable for the actions of a fellow soldier?

    8 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • When is enough?

    Latin America is being sent a ship to provide free medical help...but children and seniors here still awaiting the benifits of being in America. 380 mill is being sent to provide housing..and still we have to many homeless to count When does the generosity that is being displayed by goverment trickle down to those living here. Welfare is a joke..although epensive it does not meet the needs of the people. If we are going to spend money to better the lives of others lets begin with the people on our street, grandma and Grandpa, and provide a better medical system to treat everyone not just those who are rich enough to afford it. To hell we improving our image...fighting amoung overselves for that last slice of bread...stop putting the load on Americans and make them first.

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • A slur is a slur?

    New York is now attempting to ban the "N" word from beng used. It would limit artist from using it in rap songs. This would lead to future bands in other area.which techniclaly has already began in comedy clubs. However, other words are acceptable by the same standards. Hillbilly has always been associated with white people from the south. But it is completly acceptable for people to make slurs directed toward us without any question. I am not saying any slurs should be acceptable but why continue to raise issue about the "N" word when it is only one of many being used. I am proud to be the son of parents that were born a raised in the hills of Kentucky and I am tried of people protraying us as being a race of inbred people. Lets not just focus on the Black race just because it gains votes. Yes this includes Jeff Foxworthy's poor taste in making fun of"rednecks" Blacks are no more offended than white people. Lets stop the "R" word too. Whats up my "R necks". Kinda catchy ain't it

    4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Sex with under age teens?

    Ok granted young children need to be protected...but I have a problem with the show trying to catch "predators" that is being aired. Just as the men who hope to gain acces to young teens through the internet...NBC is also using the same teen to gain ratings...pimping teen girls for viewers. Would they be as quick to air the problem or sponsor the idea if no rating were there? I believe that the sex with young girls is not the ultmate goal for is the conquest It is like with any prostitude is like a drug and to continue to advertise it in this mtter makes it more of a challenge. Sure continue the stings...but lets take Reality TV out of the picture. Furthermore, stop allowing Network TV from making money from a crimial act that victimizes teenage girls. Do you really hink the problem has decreased due to the program.

    5 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Why is it if I take a job offered to me because I am white it is labeled an act of a racist society...?

    People of color and minorities get a break and it is called affrimative action?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • When you die who will care....?

    I guess Ms Smith's death is an eample of my reason for the question. My parents died 7 years ago. And their accomplishment were great also. They raised 3 children with little and sometimes nothing. The never complained. hen they dies the normal outpouring of grief was noted at the funeral. Notably missing from the funeral were members of the media. I checked and no day hadbeen set aside to remeber their passing. Washington,King and even a fake Angel named Cupid are honored. We celebrate a day for witches and numerous other persons who have died. I think I may have to pay people just to say they knew me. But what about all of you who are good parents, teachers, lawyers, social workers, and the list goes on. Who will remember you?

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • The Star system is a early failure?

    Very few stars are given from what I can see in the general questions. There are a few that wee cited as examples that gained numerus stars...but the questions were simple and lacked depth. I can see no purpose in using the system. What ar your thoughts?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why are older people viewed so negatively?

    When answering a question aout beauty the aswer is "I guess she is ok for an older women" Or if it involves a older man the response in normally "ewww". Keep in mind beauty is not just for the young...and all men were the handsome boy you first fell in love with. If you olny find beauty in youth.... your days are numbered.

    9 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Are parents today held to the same standard as previous generation?

    Children today have many agencies to protect their rights. Having worked CPS for five years I totally agree with their mission to savechildren from abuse. However are we going to far? California is considering making spanking a crime. How many of us were spanked and came out ok? Are we now making parenting a crime? I don't think our parents were a that bad. Why are time outs, sitting in a corner, any less abusive?

    10 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Have you ever been with a partner that was just too much for you?

    You begin to think Dumbo was her last partner...what did you do?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Should I be leary?

    I can not believe what has happen! I read horrific tale of a baby that has been burtalized... I am heart broken that anyone could get away with an act such as this.... I type in my support and find out their is a request for money. Now I am thinking how can someone take tragety such as this and ask for money. That makes me distrustful of the whole situation. Maybe Yahoo should investigate a story such as this to verify it rather than delete questions that they feel are not appropriate! Am I wrong for not trusting it?

    5 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago