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Lv 618,775 points

Kris H

Favorite Answers8%

I am a 25 year old married stay at home mom to a beautiful little boy.

  • Returning a Barnes & Noble Nook?

    I have a Barnes and Noble Nook ereader that I purchased about 6 months ago. It has worked great until the last couple of weeks. When I go to turn it on it resets to the factory settings and I have to completely re-register and re-download all my books. I called tech support last night and they said it's a hardware issue and will send me a new one. I just received an email that says they are sending me a certified pre-owned Nook, when the one I am returning I bought brand new. I just called tech support back and they said that's standard procedure, and according to my warranty I am not guaranteed a brand new replacement. I have taken excellent care of my Nook, because it cost so much money, and I am worried that I am gonna get some piece of junk that someone returned. I asked the tech support guy if there was any way I could get a new one, and he said no. So, my question is, is there anything else I can do, because I don't feel like I should receive a used product, and what do I do if the Nook I receive next week has some sort of cosmetic defect and they won't take it back? Also, the tech support guy told me that pre-owned is better than new because it has gone through extensive testing before being sent back this true?

    3 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • What kind of flowers are these?

    I was just stumbling and came across this picture. My grandmother used to have flowers like this in her yard and I would love to get some. If you recognize the flowers please tell me what they are.

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Taking 2 year old to the movies for the first time?

    My son is 2.5, and today I wanted to take him to the movies to see Shrek. I think he will really enjoy it, but I have never taken him to the movies before. How old was your child when you first took him/her to the movies, and how did it go? Did you actually make it through the whole movie? I'm just looking for other people's experiences and tips on how to make it an enjoyable experience for him.

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Financial question for parents of more than one child?

    My husband and I currently have a 2 year old son. We have been talking about having another baby within the next year. But, we are worried about the expense of having another child. So, when you had your second child were you hit hard financially, or were you so used to being frugal that another child wasn't that hard financially?

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Nice Christmas gift for preschool teacher?

    My 2 year old son goes to a church preschool a few mornings a week. He loves his teacher and I would like to get her a Christmas gift. This is our first year having to buy a teacher's gift, so I am at a loss as to what is an appropriate gift for a teacher. What do you get your child's teacher, and what are your suggestions for a nice inexpensive gift?

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How common are 3 negative pregnancy tests if you are pregnant?

    I have always had a regular 28 day menstrual cycle. Now, I am currently one week late. I haven't been stressed or anything, and I have taken 3 pregnancy tests this week which all came back negative. When I got pregnant with my son a couple years ago I got a positive test the day after I was supposed to start my period. So, are negative results common in very early pregnancy? Has this ever happened to you, and did you turn out to be pregnant or were you just late? Should I wait it out or go to the doctor for a blood test?

    I should add: My husband and I did have unprotected sex this month, but the negative tests are just throwing me off.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How much would you charge to babysit an infant?

    I am going to call a friend of a friend tonight because she needs a babysitter for her 5 week old when she goes back to work. I already watch a 2 year old and I charge $75 a week for about 20 hours a week including picking her up from preschool. I called the local daycare and they charge $95 a week for an infant. I was wanting to charge $100 a week since it will be in home care instead of sending the baby to daycare and I will be watching her 40 hours a week. What would you charge? Would you try to stay competitive with the local daycare center or charge your own rate even if it was higher?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What age did your child start preschool?

    My son will be 2 years old next month. His best friend is the little girl I babysit, who is 2.5 years old. She will be starting preschool 4 days a week soon. I was thinking about letting my son start with her because I know it's going to be a big shock for him to be out of the house several days a week and I think having her familiar face go with him would help. But, I worry he's too young to go. So, what age did your child start preschool? Did they go to daycare before preschool or did they stay home? And, how well did they adjust and did they like it?

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What made you want one more child?

    I have a 22 month old son. My husband and I have always said we only wanted one child. But now that my son is getting older some days I would like to try to have another baby. So, if you said you were going to stop after your first child but went ahead and had another what changed your mind?

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • A question about exercise?

    Moms...between kids, chores and if you have an outside job, how do you find the time and energy to exercise? Do you wait until nap time or do you involve the kids? And what type of exercises do you do? I have been wanting to get more in shape, but once the baby is down for a nap I just don't want to get off the couch. How do you get the motivation to get up and move?

    2 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Removing crayon marks from a sofa?

    My son just made a big purple mark on my white sofa with a crayon. Does anyone know how to get it out? I didn't want to start scrubbing because I was afraid it would smear. It is made out of a soft fabric like chenille.

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Birth control and weight loss?

    I am on Yaz birth control and have been since my son was born almost 2 years ago. I lost about 40 pounds before I got pregnant through diet and exercise and the weight came off easily. Now, I have been dieting and exercising but the weight won't come off. I am thinking it's the birth control. So, have any of you ladies had problems losing weight while on birth control? Also, if you don't use birth control pills what kind of birth control (if any) do you use.

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What do you consider fully potty trained?

    My friend has a 2 year old little girl. She told me the other day that her little girl is fully potty trained. Then she said that she asks her every hour if she has to go potty and the little girl always says no, she puts her on the potty, and she will usually go pee. Well, she has to pull her pants and pull-up down for her and sit her on the potty before she can go. I did not think this counted as being potty trained. I thought the child had to be able to do everything themselves (like pull down their pants and get on the potty) before they were considered fully potty trained. So, what are your thoughts? Do you consider your child to be potty trained when they can pee on the potty with no accidents but you still have to help them, or when they can do everything by themselves?

    15 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Baby getting tubes put in tomorrow?

    My 18 month old son is getting tubes put in his ears tomorrow morning. I am very nervous because he has never had surgery before. If your child has had tubes put in can you tell me what it was like the day of the surgery and how their recovery went.

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Birth control and antibiotics?

    I am currently on an antibiotic called Bactrim for a kidney infection. I also take Yaz birth control. I know the antibiotic can affect my birth control, but for how long. Today is the last day I am taking the Bactrim, but for how long will my birth control be less effective? My husband and I have been using a back up birth control...would it be a good idea to keep doing this until I start my next pack of birth control or am I in the clear as soon as I stop taking the antibiotics?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Birthday gift for a 5 year old boy?

    I am going to a double birthday party this weekend for the 2 year old girl I babysit and her 5 year old brother. I already have the 2 year old's present picked out, but I have no clue what to get the 5 year old. He loves video games, but his mom has been trying to get him to play outside more so something for outdoor play would be nice. Does anyone have any ideas on what a 5 year old boy would like to play with?

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Has anyone used formula for toddlers?

    My son is 18 months old. Ever since he switched from formula to whole milk at one year old he has had problems with having really hard bowel movements. He is to the point now where he is getting fissures from straining so hard. The doctor has had me try soy milk, Lactaid and now he has started my son on formula for babies up to 24 months old. Has anyone used formula for their toddler after them being on cow's milk? Did they like it? So far my son will barely drink because it doesn't taste good.

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Sand box for toddler?

    My son is 17 months old. I was thinking about getting him a sandbox this summer. But, is he old enough for it? I think he would enjoy it, but I'm not sure about the appropriate age for a sandbox. So, if your children have a sandbox, at what age did you get it for them?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Does your baby have a higher fever at night?

    My son has a double ear infection. He is on antibiotics and he is on Tylenol and Motrin. I took him to the doctor the other day because his fever has been getting really high at night (around 104 degrees). His pediatrician said to alternate the Tylenol and Motrin and he will be okay because most children run higher fevers at night. This made me wonder, do your children run higher fevers at night when they are sick?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago