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Jeremy P
What makes Treyvon case so special from any other case?
We have Black on Black crime we have Black on White crime and Hispanic on Black crime which this was yet they never say he was. The media says he is white but never mention the real race of Zimmerman. There have been countless of Black on Black crime in other states yet that never makes the front page news and people never riot over it or make signs over it or never picket over it. This kid Treyvon came along suddenly they care why?
Ps. I believe what they both did is stupid to me and I believe this personally if you where part of a neighborhood watch you should of known some self defense like judo or Karate Tea kwon do. For using a gun is the last resort if he couldn't control him.
6 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years agoIs General Petraeus a scapegoat for Obama fail on Benghazi?
4 people died and one was a ambassador and all I get it was done because of a video bull crap I still want answer and the guy who was put in jail free because of what nothing I thought libs loved free speech oh wait if you speak against muslims you get 1 year in jail guess that taught him a lesson right.
6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years agoWhy Not Jr Black Belts?
At the school I go to we have Jr Black Belts thoughts who are young 8 -13 who are young enough what a black belt means when they turn 13 they can get a full fledged black belt Teenager. I don't mind it plus its are grandmasters standards on how old you can be for certain black belts. I also don't mind the paid belt system one for sure if a long term contract they don't give you a fine for color belts but black belts is another story. This is just my opinion thats it you can make your own if a child at the age 8 who put his time into it doesn't deserve it I seen them work hard for it. Oh by the way I take W.T.F not A.T.A. but I have respect for them.
14 AnswersMartial Arts9 years agoWhy is American taekwondo Association called a joke by some?
Just wondering I take W.T.F but my nephew takes ATA I am just doing some research on it and might go check out some of his classes some.
15 AnswersMartial Arts10 years agoWhy In the Immigration debate the only person who is never mention are the ones who come in the right way?
My Opinion in the legal illegal immigration debate is no one has talked about how people who used the right way to get into the system they been waiting years to get in but only to be shoved into the back of the bus for amnesty for Illegals. What for votes a way to put more people dependent on government what and why forget the people who went to collage and might help the private sector? No ones never discuss the issue all I here is you be a racist if you do or they try to skip the question.
1 AnswerImmigration10 years agoWhat would happen after The Dr reaches to life 13?
I read that the Dr only has 13 lives that says for any timelord there not immortal do they grow old and die after there 13th reincarnation and live a normal life and die or since the way they age is different they age slower then humans.
1 AnswerDrama10 years agoIs Naruto better then Bleach now or is One Piece better then both.?
Since the Anime Bleach likes to not follow the manga here and there with fillers like the new captain arc Naruto seems to have like little fillers like one little one and then the story continues like Sora character from Naruto Shippuden is the Artist listen to the fans on fillers and following the manga. While I know why there doing fillers for bleach more money or . Although One Piece is doing a lot better without fillers and by sticking to the manga a little.
8 AnswersComics & Animation10 years agoIs Viz media asking more money for box sets?
From what I seen I see a lot of little box sets for bleach for more then $30.00's or more coming out from Viz while from Funimation I see 13 box episodes or the whole first part if 13 episodes or more for $24.00 or more depending on the title or how popular it is. When bleach is more then 200 episodes I would of think they start with the big box sets for more then $40.00's like they first did why the change?
2 AnswersComics & Animation10 years agoWhy do Democrats like to pick and choose?
Take Joe Biden he claims Iraq is Obama achievement when they them self's where against it yet they blame Bush for there failures for the economy when it was there policies like the stimulus failed.
4 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoCharacters you like to see in Batman Brave and The Bold?
That has not shown up.
Ryand'r Star fire's Brother which is never seen much(Or the whole Omega Men)
Shining Knight even if he was in JUL still I like to see him in BABB
Star Girl
Forager Is another good one.
1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade agoHow come its not ok for Corporation's to endorse but when Unions do it all the time?
The supreme court finally killed McCain Feingold Bill yet democrats hate the idea of freedom of speech but they are willing to take money from Unions.
9 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWould Palin still be a big part in the 2012 election?
I don't think she will run and there are two parts to it.
One:You see every liberal trial lawyer trying to dig up dirt on her and her family as well I don't think she want's to put up with that?
Two:The hate for her will still go on from the media tell the day she dies but she doesn't want to be put on a bigger spot light to me she is safer where she is.
That is what I think I would like to see Romney/Demit run on a ticket. Romney is a better speaker than McCain but still has liberal voting record on Universal Health Care in Mass remember Romney care?
8 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoAre liberals hypocrites on social justice?
They talk about how other people money besides there own they want to take away other people money because they dare to make to much makes me wounder how much of there own money they give up for Social Justice.
6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoHow can Obama's health care bill lower the debt when the democrats just raised the debt ceiling?
I just like to know oh and by the way are debt is in the trillions now Hope and change.
6 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoCan we say the there are no Blue dog democrats anymore?
Since Reid Bribe easily Joe Liberman and Ben Nelson and they both get sweat heart deals in the bill and oh how transparent Reid was in the middle of the night without us knowing 1.00 am I may ad. Is this stuff even Constitutional?
7 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoAre democrats spending like drunken sailors?
They say its for defense but I am not buying it to much pork.
Guess what all of the stimulus went to Democrat states more than GOP.
Then is cap and trade which is mainly for America paying up to lesser countries.
Oh how I remember that democrats complained about Bush spending I haven't seen anyone complained about Obama yet beside the American people.
I wounder how much Money Ben Nelson has right now since they had to bribe for his vote oh and don't say Government Option is out I don't believe its out.
9 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoSince Obama and democrats spend 1.1 trillion does this mean its there economy now?
With no republican support Obama just spend 1.1 trillion of are money on his pet projects that look good on paper and we all know that spending are way out of a rescission never works Only creates more debt. Now the question is well people stop blaming Republicans on are debt since they had no part in this. Since this is an Obama bill he can't really blame Bush on it the bill has his name written all over it. Plus we have Health Care and Cap and Trade coming something tells me taxs are going up again.
11 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoDo you really want democrats running 1/6 of are economy?
I don't want democrats running 1/6 of are economy ya they did a good job on Social Security and Cash for Clunkers and don't for get that h1n1 vaccine yes they where so great at those projects why not give up 1/6 of are wealth to them. I believe anyone who vote for this bill sold us out on there projects by bribing them it reminds me of the mob. If they care about us in any way shape or form let us spend are own money instead of thinking we are to stupid to know what it is.
10 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoShould I get the PSP Go or PSP 3000?
I am debating on getting the PSP Go or PSP 3000 now I know I don't use the umd's that often but I would like to save money on games just by downloading them from the psp store. Also the factor is breakable how does it fare from getting scratches on the surface and screen. Then we go to size does the matter for a counsel the screen would be better for me because its small and want give me any problems. I just need some help I am still debating on it.
1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade agoWhy did Obama jump to conclusions on the white police Officer at Cambridge but?
Want even say the Muslim who shot the innocent soldiers a terrorist even the evidence is stack up against him. Heck even the media is sticking up for this guy.
7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago