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Favorite Answers22%
  • Do you use sex as a bargaining tool?

    Is your sexual activity a result of negotiations or passion? How often to you withhold sex with a partner to gain some advantage in another not sexual area (control, gifts, influence, etc.)?

  • Which Camera?

    I presently own a Canon 30D with many lenses that go with it (Tamron11-18, 18-200 and Canon EF 50 mm Macro. I know I will need to buy a whole new set of lenses as the ones I presently have don't cover the full frame. However, I am looking to upgrade as I want full frame, high quality images that allow the d/f control I used to get with my film cameras. I mainly do portraits and commercial work, and sell many images up to 24x30. but I don't do much sports photography nor do I do too many weddings anymore that require high ISO's.

    O.K., now the question. Would you recommend the Canon 1Ds MK III or the Nikon D3? I know there is a tremendous price difference, with the Canon coming in at about $5K more than the Nikon. But is there a significant difference in quality to justify the extra expense, and are the lenses I will need going to effect the overall decision? Since I am a professional, it ain't an ego thing, just one of practicality.

    4 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Is "bi" acceptable in the homosexual community?

    Many gay people I know feel "bi" is a "cop-out" and really don't want to have relationships with bi's. I would like a consensus on how both bi and gays feel about this here as this forum is such a cross sample of the whole world community I feel I can get better insight into the actual feelings that just in my small corner of the world.

  • Why is it that most of the questions about "Men's Health" are related to sex?

    It seems most questions posted on here are repetitive and cover the same topics again and again. They relate to genital size, performance and the like yet "health" is never a topic. What is your opinion on this? Is it just a bunch of pubescent curiosity or angst without any knowledge or is there some other reasonable explanation?

    If you do answer this question, please give it some serious introspection, not just some mindless blabber.

    17 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Is a TESOL certificate worth the investment?

    If you've completed a TESOL course in either Crete or Barcelona and taught in either China or Taiwan, what is your viewpoint on the program and its advantages or disadvantages?

    2 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • Kicking a non-renter out of the house.?


    Woman who owns house in California, San Diego County, had a brief relationship with a man who started moving his stuff into her house. He also started "helping" her repair her bathroom and did some odd jobs around the house. He has been in the house over 30 days, but he has paid no rent, nor has any document stating he is a renter.

    She decided to end the personal relationship, and asked him to move out. He refused and got all upset.

    She believes he is mentally unstable and is afraid she may have difficulty removing him.

    She served him with an eviction notice, but he states he isn't ready to leave.

    She is afraid, if she calls the police, she will be responsible for all his belongings and would be liable for storage of them.


    What can she do and how should she proceed?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Off-label use of Neurontin (Gabapentin) new data?

    In 2004, Pfizer admitted guilty to promoting Neurontin for use in many different off-label use. Have any recent valid studies supported use of the drug as a off-label treatment for depression and anxiety in conjunction with Zolft (sertraline) or other SSRI's?

    Professionals only replies requested with documentation

    4 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Syllabus for Digital Photography Course?

    I am planning to teach an introductory and advanced digital photography class in the spring at the High School and Adult levels. Students will have some cameras (both SLR and “point and shoot) as well as PhotoShop CS available to them. Each course will be for 18 weeks with meetings of 110 minutes every other day.

    I need a complete syllabus and course of study outline that should include goals, objectives, activities and performance indicators. A recommended text book and reference material would also be helpful.

    6 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Syllabus for Digital Photography Course?

    I am planning to teach an introductory and advanced digital photography class in the spring at the High School and Adult levels. Students will have some cameras (both SLR and “point and shoot) as well as PhotoShop CS available to them. Each course will be for 18 weeks with meetings of 110 minutes every other day.

    I need a complete syllabus and course of study outline that should include goals, objectives, activities and performance indicators. A recommended text book and reference material would also be helpful.

    1 AnswerTeaching1 decade ago
  • What % of media is controled by what % of the media owners?

    Rupert Murdoch owns a whole bunch of media stations and hence controls a lot of what we hear and see. Who are the other power players and what percentage of the media we have available are controlled by them?

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Why don't we vote in the US in the numbers seen in the rest of the developed countries.?

    It has been proposed that our population has been demoralized and has been made to be afraid due to their inability to provide a standard of living for themselves and their families that they would rather hope for the best than take the steps to change their existence. Do you believe that is true?

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago