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  • Guy I'm seeing stopped texting?

    I've been seeing this guy for 2 months and we have texted back and forth almost everyday. He usually texts in the morning and at night, just cute stuff to say hi. Things have been going seeminly pretty well, I care about him a lot and we had some issues in the beginning but those were smoothed over. Anyway, yesterday evening he didn't text to say good night and I thought it was not a big deal. This morning he didn't text me, either. So I called him and he didn't answer. Then when he called back he was just like 'Is everything ok? I'm really busy'. He ended up calling back a few minutes later to talk and ended the conversation with 'I'll talk to you later', but I haven't heard from him all day. Am I overreacting here or is this a slight sign that something is changing?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • New guy I am seeing is hot and cold?

    I met this guy through a dating website a few weeks ago and have been spending the past few weekends with him ever since. Our first date was a little nervewracking, but he came on really strong, was very affectionate and complimentary, and seemed way into me. He wanted to hang out again immediately the next day and the day after that, and we hung out the following weekend, as well. I think after our second time hanging out he texted me later that night that he missed me. It was very sweet and of course I reciprocated because I do like him quite a bit, he's an interesting guy and has a pretty good career and home life set up for himself.

    The thing is, he seems always very hesitant to make plans everytime we say goodbye. I'll leave his apartment and he'll just give a kiss and hug and that will be it. He'll text random cute things, but anytime I try to ask him when we should hang out he seems like he doesn't want to set anything in stone. Just last night he texted me that he missed me again, and so I called him today and I felt like I was talking to a different person. He was very preoccupied with work and when I asked him if he wanted to hang out this weekend he said he had plans with one of his female friends. He did the same thing last week, too, saying he had a 'complicated situation' with a female friend who needed to stay at his apartment for a few days. I like this guy and have given him the benefit of the doubt but I don't need to be strung along or toyed with. I don't want to get hurt.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Negotiating shift change with boss?

    I have been working the graveyard shift for the past three years, and after having some health issues I decided to request a change to daytime hours. I felt like since I have been a loyal and dependable employee, and also since I have worked this very tough shift, and have hardly been able to have a life, my boss would understand this and give me a decent daytime schedule.

    I was so wrong, though, because she threw me back in the late evening shift and then tells me I wont be able to have my same days off. This is important to me because I need these days off for family reasons. I have sent her another email about this and am waiting to hear back.I don't want this to get ugly, but I feel like this isn't a big deal and she is acting like there is nothing she can do. Also, she has done special favors for other employees who are also her relatives in terms of good schedules and overlooking things like excessive absences. I will be meeting with her this week and am not sure how to proceed with this.

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • Stressed out over meeting someone over the internet?

    So I joined a dating-type of website one night when I was bored and wasn't really being too serious about it. Eventually, I thought it was worth a shot and I ended up making a connection with a guy who lives close to me. He wanted to talk on the phone right away, so we ended up chatting one night and despite initial awkwardness, it was a good enough conversation. We made plans to meet in a few days. We've been texting a bit, and then he called me last night. The conversation was horrible, so awkward, and pretty much all on my end. I was getting ready for work and trying to be nice and attentive to what this guy was talking about, but I just wasn't into it. I felt bad because I came off rather harsh. Anyway, we are still supposed to meet and I'm pretty nervous. I don't know what to do or how to act, this is really stressing me out. I need advice from someone who has done this type of thing before!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Should I find another tattoo artist?

    I had a cover up tattoo done almost 2months ago and the old tattoo is somewhat visible. The artist told me I could come back in a month to have some more shading done. So about 2 days after I got the tattoo I sent the artist an email asking her if she thought adding more color to the tattoo would make a difference. She never responded and I figured she was busy because the tattoo shop is in high demand and they have a waiting list of about 1-2 months. I waited another month and then called the shop and spoke to another artist who told me all he could do was take my name and number and have her get back to me. He also said to try email again but I explained to him I already tried that, and he said she had been very busy and had been travelling. So another day has gone by and still no response. Is this artist blowing me off because she doesn't want to tattoo me for some reason? I'm surprised because we had a good rapport and I was asking her about doing more cover ups for other tattoos I have that I don't like.

    4 AnswersTattoos8 years ago
  • Why is my Comcast wireless internet not working?

    So Comcast installed a modem a couple days ago in my apartment, and the connection has basically been spotty ever since. I have maybe about 3 to 4 hours of uninterrupted internet per day if I'm lucky, and then at all other times there is no connection and the lights on the modem are off or flashing. I called Comcast and was met with the absolute worst customer service I've ever experienced, too. I think I had to speak to about 10 different people before I could get a straight answer. Finally the Level 2 tech I spoke to said my modem was defective and they would send a tech out to install a new one. And then they proceeded to give me the wrong date for the service call! So I'm waiting an extra day for the new modem. My question is, could it be a problem with my apartment building that is causing the spotty connection? I live in a very old, kind of crappy small building and I thought maybe the wiring is bad or something. Other than that I have no idea. Any help would be welcome, I desperately need the internet at home.

    5 AnswersOther - Internet8 years ago
  • Cover up tattoo didn't come out exactly as I expected?

    I had a semi-large tattoo that I just got covered up by an artist I found via Yelp. Their tattoo shop was highly recommended and they also have a long waiting list, so I decided to go there for my cover up piece. The artist did a good job, but towards the end of her work she said to me 'oh you can totally still see the old tattoo' like it was a good thing! I was confused and wondering if she overshot her promise that she could cover the tattoo properly. It looked good enough when she finished, but a few days later I can see spots of the old tattoo coming through. She did mention she could go over some shading again in about a month, but I was obviously kind of antsy about this, so I sent her a polite email thanking her for her work and mentioning that I would like to have more of the tattoo filled in with some color. I still have heard no response from the artist, and realize that they are probably very busy, but I was a good client and paid a lot of money for this tattoo. If I still haven't heard a response in a few more days should I call the shop or just find another artist to finish the work?

    1 AnswerTattoos8 years ago
  • How long to get tax refund after using TurboTax?

    I e-filed via Turbo Tax a few days before the deadline (4/15) and it's now been 1 week since. Everytime I check the 'where's my refund' website, it says 'return is still processing'. Is this because I filed so late, or is something potentially wrong? I feel like last year I received a direct deposit date for my refund after only a few days of e-filing. I already received my state return so I'm hoping that it's just taking long because I filed very late.

    3 AnswersUnited States8 years ago
  • What to do about an employee who breaks rules at times?

    I was promoted to a supervisor position at my job a few months ago, and so far it has been a pretty good transition. However, there is an issue with an employee who is somewhat new, having been at my companyfor a few months now. I noticed the past few nights she has been leaving work a few minutes early every night and then fudging the time on her timecard to make it look like she left at the correct time. The first time I didn't notice this because she simpy walked out of the building 5 minutes early without saying anything. I thought it was a fluke, but another night she walked out and said to me "im leaving a few minutes early" and I, trying to be nice, said it was ok. Im worried other employees noticed and may say something to a manager or something. Should I tell a manager about this, or just address it to the employee the next time I see her? I feel like she is taking advantage because I'm a nice person and somewhat younger than she is, too.

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • How to recover from mistakes made at work?

    I was promoted to a supervisor position at my company a few months ago, and had very little training to prepare me for the new duties I took on. Despite that, I think I've done an acceptable job, especially given the fact that I work overnight hours, and have been working overnights for a few years now. However, over the course of the past few months I've been really feeling the lack of sleep and stress of managing overnight shift hours taking a toll, and I've had a few errors with my work here and there. The last one was somewhat of an issue, but I wasn't directly told or approached about it, I learned of it through company emails. I'm not sure if this was a good or bad thing. I'm also ready to request a shift change.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Is it rude of someone to bring a friend along to a planned vacation?

    I've had plans set for a 3 day vacation coming up in a few weeks, and one of my longtime friends is going to be meeting up with me for a few days. I've known her since junior high and we are both in our 30s now. I have a hotel room booked for 2 people and everything is basically squared away. It's also a relatively short plane ride for me and she's driving from her home to meet me. So the other day she calls me and is so excited over some guy she just met. She then says to me she wants to bring him with her when she meets up with me in a few weeks. I'm not down with this because I have no idea who this person is, and she has only known him for a matter of days. Plus I'm not ok with sharing a hotel room with a guy I don't know. She seems to think it's totally cool and basically just invited him along without even asking me. Am I overreacting or was this extremely rude of my friend?

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • How is living in Portland, Oregon?

    I'm taking a trip to Portland in a few months and if I really like the city I would consider moving there. Right now I live in California and it's just too expensive and I feel like it's a good time to move. I'm curious about things like rent, public transit, jobs, etc. If anyone has any experience/stories to share, I'd appreciate it a lot!!

    5 AnswersPortland8 years ago
  • Is it possible to have a new puppy if you work nights?

    I work overnights, graveyard hours, full-time and live in a small apartment, and I'm just curious if anyone has ever had a similar schedule/lifestyle and brought home a new puppy to raise. I know there is a lot of work involved, but some people have told me they've managed it just fine.

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Laser tattoo removal didn't work?

    I recently stopped going to a dermtology spa for laser tattoo removal b/c it just was not working. I tattooed my hand about six years ago, which I know was extremely stupid, but now I'm just trying to get rid of it. I had about eight sessions and there was only very minimal difference on one part of the tattoo. The technician kept saying it was because there was a lot of ink, but after a while I felt like he was just BSing me to death and saying how much lighter the tattoo was getting. (it really wasn't). After the last session, I had such a horrible blister that took a long time to heal and I decided to cancel my treatment. Should I seek a 2nd opinion at a dr's office? This place I went to was more of a boutique spa. Any advice is helpful.

    8 AnswersTattoos8 years ago
  • When should you stop agreeing to work on your days off?

    I've been employed at my company for 3 years and have been promoted to a supervisor position recently, with a small raise. I have also been working the night shift for nearly 3 years, primarily with only one other person who routinely calls out sick and falls asleep on the job, making sometimes serious mistakes. She never seems to get in trouble, though, they just write her up and forget about it. Another thing is that she routinely ignores the procedures for requesting vacation time and just asks one of the bosses if she can take the next few days off. It's really annoying because at times they ask me to cover her shifts. Whenever I take vacation and then come back, she tries to squeeze in a few days off even though she has zero paid time off left due to so many absences. I was asked to cover her next week I said no, that i had plans I was unable to break. This is extremely annoying to me b/c I feel like since I have a different position now they should just ask another employee, I've been really dependable and still feel like it doesn't matter to anyone.

  • Do I have an ear infection and should I take medication?

    I had an ear infection 3 months ago and was prescribed antibiotics and painkillers. After a day or two, the infection cleared up and my hearing was back to normal. Now 2 days ago I woke up feeling the same vibrating sensation in my right ear, which I am pretty sure signals an infection. There was some sensitivity and a bit of pain at times. So I called the nurse line for my insurance and they put in a request for another round of antibiotics. Right now I'm feeling the pressure go away, but should I take the medication anyway? I want to make sure this infection doesn't come back again.

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • Why is an inspector coming to my apartment building?

    My landlord sent notices to all of the tenants in my building, stating that an inspector would be coming by in a few days, at a certain time. I wasn't surprised, b/c there were problems with bugs about a year ago that caused a tenant to move out, and they have had ongoing issues w/ electricity and plumbing problems. I had to move to a different floor b/c my apartment had roaches. My landlord never called exterminators, he just said, 'we'll move you upstairs." The newer apartment has been ok, but its smaller and is old and worn down. I'm hoping to move soon, but I'm curious as to why this inspector is coming out now. Could someone have filed a complaint with the city? Also, there was a restaurant that was recently opened in a downstairs portion of the building, so maybe that has something to do with it?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • Should I disown a family member?

    Lately I have been feeling a lot of anger towards my older sister. Our parents died when I was young,

    high school age, and she was my guardian for a short time until I turned 18. She has never treated me that well, talks to me like I am perpetually 5 years old (I am 30), and did really nasty things to me when I was younger: ie, refuse to relinquish insurance to me on a car I drove, which belonged to our mother. Then she stopped paying insurance for a few months and the car was impounded when I was driving to college classes one day. The real issue is a trust that she oversaw for me, which she lied to me about and said there was only so much money. I was naive and broke at the time, and signed a deal with her that I never should have. Basically, I received part of the trust before I was 25, when I was legally entitled to it. She kept the rest for herself. Even the financial planner who held the trust was somewhat shady. He refused to tell me how much was in the trust over the phone aand whenever I called him, acted just plain shady. I want to really never speak to my sister again. Everytime she calls me to chat, I feel so enraged just listening to her voice I want to let her know just how much she has hurt me over the years. She's a vile woman, and a vicious alcoholic. I really hate her. I never want to speak to her again.

    4 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • How to treat an open blister?

    I have a broken blister on my finger, about 1/2 inch long, and the skin on top rubbed off. So it had begun to scab over, but it seemed slow to start healing. I have been noticing some clearish brown fluid at times oozing out, and then today a kind of pus discharge. There was some redness around the wound. After I took a shower, the scab came off, so I cleaned the wound again, and put antiseptic ointment on it and have kept it bandaged. I really do not want to have to go to a doctor for this, because the blister is a result of laser tattoo removal I'm having done. I just want to be able to take care of it so it heals quickly. Also, this has been going on for about the past 7 days now.

    2 AnswersFirst Aid9 years ago
  • How to deal with scary harassment on public transit?

    I work odd hours and am usually taking the subway around 9-930pm, which isn't that late, but lately have been experiencing a lot of harrassment from men. Usually some guy will sit down next to me and try to talk or touch me or something. Tonight some guy sat down and repeatedly asked me if he could use my phone. I said no a few times, and he wouldn't move. I was actually quite scared this time because he was a bigger guy and was acting so hostile. Then his friend came and got him and he was like, 'I just wanted to see if you were a nice person.' Should I call the subway cops the next time or what? I'm looking for a car so that I will no longer have to deal with this type of thing, but it's going to take a few months.

    3 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago