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Since I'm answering questions in green living let me say this. I don't need to state an opinion on GW or whether it is man made or not. I am for conservation and the reduction of needless waste. If by a one time modification of our lives we can save energy/money and make our lives more comfortable. How ignorant must we be to not attempt it? Not all items are for everyone and sometimes people use good ideas to create scams. Some honest people try too hard and their hearts outreach their minds. But really how much would be saved if we all picked a handful of the items on this site to start doing. Some of the things are very easy, some are very inexpensive, some even make you money, all are great for future generations and the environment instead of complaining how that one or two things your local tree hugger does are goofy or are exaggerated why not do something! ABOVE ALL ELSE REDUCE THEN REUSE
Good bet or not.....?
Frank Gore VS. Marshawn Lynch
Which will have more rushing yards this year, the deal is only rushing yards count and it is assumed Lynch will be out 3 games. (sus)
It is a league humiliation bet and I think Lynch's owner is talking to bold and will pay.
2 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade agoHow many of these green misconceptions do you fall victim to?
Reasoning with sites to explain further are below the myths.What I would like as an answer is your honest thoughts and if you are in doubt email me and allow for email back.
1. CFL bulbs cause a net increase in the amount of mercury that is released into our environment.
2. If I throw away a compostable/biodegradable item and it goes to the landfill it is ok because it will breakdown ok.
3. Water (potable) is not an item that needs to be considered a resource because nature filters it automatically therefore it doesn't need to be conserved.
4. If you leave a room and will be gone for less than 5 minutes it saves energy to leave a cfl (or almost any other light) on.
5. Green improvements are all costly or a scam to make someone money.
1. Over half of the electricity in the U.S. is generated by coal fired power plants which are the #1 source of mercury contamination in our environment not to mention many other pollutants. The less than 4mg of mercury that are in a cfl can and should be recycled so that it will never be released in the environment but even if they were all land-filled it would still result in a lessening of mercury in our environment due to the bulb using 4 times less energy.
2. For a biodegradable item to break down correctly it needs oxygen. When items are piled in a landfill these items don't break down even if they are biodegradeable and the areas that do break down often only become part of the landfill leachate problem that threatens to contaminate the water table.
3. Fresh water is a dwindling supply yes nature does renew our supply and if we were 500 million strong and nomadic we wouldn't have too many water concerns but seeing as how there are 6.5 Billion of us or more and in 2050 moderate estimates say 9 Billion we use it faster than nature replenishes it and when man renews it it is costly in money and energy. (Rain barrels for landscaping or even toilet flushing, $2 aerators and $30 showerheads can cut water use in half and are low to no maintenance)
4. Turn the light off yes there is a small spike no it is not enough to start worrying about present day ballasts are not the same as the ballasts in fluorescent of 20 years ago much like car starters aren't the same. The source on this is simple I bought a power meter and watched recorded it as it was turned on and off 20 times in a 5 minute interval vs. being left on for 5 minutes
5. The heart of green is sustainability which the #1 measure is REDUCE (not recycle) then it is followed by reuse and recycle. Common reduction techniques. Eliminating unnecessary waste (which often is free or has a short payback window) This can be shutting off water when brushing, using cfl and led lighting that will use 4-10 times less electricity than incandescents, using an a $2 faucet aerator that will cut water usage at the faucet by as much as %50, or installing weatherstripping and caulk. This one you just look at your bills here are some ideas. just do the cheap ones jeese
11 AnswersGreen Living1 decade agoWhat 3 things would you most like to FINALLY get people to fully understand about the environment?
For me it would be:
1. Instead of all the fighting, arguing, name calling over global warming it is simple. The people who believe it make changes that they know they need to make. The people who don't believe it look at cfl's and led lighting, aerators, low flow shower heads, smart strips, etc. and realize that all save money in addition to any "green cause" and implement them for that reason if nothing else.
2. CFL's put less mercury in the environment than do incandescents if like most of the U.S. you get your electricity from coal fired power plants.
3. "Going green" is a relative term, all it is, is an attempt in some way to be less wasteful and to make life easier for you and future generations. If you are uncomfortable with all but one of the steps that are listed below and you do one of them then you went a step in the right direction. Here are some sites that help, also if you want this clarified a bit read my profile it is all there.
5 AnswersGreen Living1 decade agoWhy would someone go into a forum marked for environment-green living and then act annoyed and suprised that?
people in this forum are discussing ways to aid the environment. I freely admit that as with any good idea you will have some people whoose heart outreaches their mind or their willingness to research what they are trying to talk about. But why would people go into this category and needlessly attempt to discourage someone from attempting to save money and resources and to experience a sense of accomplishment for doing so. As am example I cite this question (put it in your browser to read);_ylt=AuREe...
The individuals instead of responding to the question are they trying to make their lack of effort justified. Are they so ate up with the global warming/climate change war it spilled out of that battleground (Nothing was said about GW until a negative was added bringing it up) I would love to hear from both sides especially from people who want to discuss this (In other words e-mail enabled) Thanks to all
2 AnswersGreen Living1 decade agoWhat in your opinion is the best movie of all time?
What is your favorite movie that was made in the last twenty years?
What is your favorite movie that has been out more than twenty years?
And finally what is your favorite movie that was low budget went under the radar and not many people are aware of?
5 AnswersMovies1 decade agoWhat is the best restaurant to propose marriage?
I am proposing to my girlfriend in Vancouver and want to give her that "perfect moment" but also I need to impress her father who I got off to a rough start with. Any help would be a lifesaver.
12 AnswersVancouver1 decade ago