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  • Should I contact him after 3 weeks of no contact?

    Exactly 3 weeks ago I told my bf of 2 1/2 yrs not to contact me wheather its weeks or mnths later after he realizes what he lost.

    We had issues going a month back where we were both fed up with one another. Then to top it all off a girl who he claimed was a friend from out of state messaged me on fb & asked if I "used" to date him, how they're getting engaged & married soon & how he only loves her. Which all upset me a lot, when I confronted him he said were both stupid and wouldn't discuss it. He is the type of person who doesn't like discussing things so idk if it's true or not. I saw they are no longer friends on fb, so I'm thinking she just wanted to break us up. But Im still really hurt by the fact that he wouldn't explain anything.

    Ive never gone this long w/o talking to him, I miss him so much and dream abt him every night for the past week.

    Should I contact him, should I try to purposely run into him? I feel so depressed idk what to do.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • What does this mean in farsi?

    "khuda spand ko ke nazar bashe"


    1 AnswerLanguages6 years ago
  • What does tana tana mean in farsi?

    I posed a picture on snapchat by poolside and someone I met in Afg said that, not sure what it means or how to reply

    1 AnswerLanguages6 years ago
  • What should I reply after he told me I can't see him?

    My bf of a yr & half and I have been very rocky lately. He pretty much said that he doesnt want a relationship anymore which left me really hurt. After that he called me a few times & even asked to see me Fri night I said no bcuz I knew he just wanted sex, I told him since we're not together we have no reason each seeing each other. He texted asking the same last night & I didnt reply, after 20 mins he send me 3 "?" texts and I said "ok" he never replied.

    Tonight I called bcuz I really needed someone to talk to, he didnt pick up. He called an hr later & I told him to nevermind, he said ok bye. I texted him later asking if I could see him, bcuz I've just been down all day & wanted to talk to him he replied saying "no!"

    Wht should I reply, if anything? Should I let him know I had a bad day & just needed someone to talk to?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Should I set up my ex?

    My bf of a yr and 1/2 & I just broke up 3 days ago. I dnt trust him anymore, he made cry at a bar by talking to other grls (claims friends) after I asked him to stop. I took him outside to talk to him & he just left me & went back inside to drink. The next day when I tried to talk to him he told me theres nothing to talk abt & tht hes choosing partying & getting wasted over me.

    He tried calling me 3 times since then, but I just couldnt pick up. I texted him asked

    whts up & he said dnt wrry.

    I made a fake Instagram & started talking to him to see how he'll act. He said he was single & asked to hang out today.

    I cant believe he's moving on so quick. Wht should I do? Should I set him up? How do I play this off? Thx on all ideas

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Please help me solve this statistics problem, I've been trying to figure it out for hours and am still very confused as what to do?

    The following data represent a sample of people for which the height in inches has been measured. Using the appropriate EXCEL formulae, calculate the statistics in the YELLOW areas.

    The sample are found in column B (rows 9 through 93). Use 1 decimal place to format all the numerical results.

    Do not sort the data.


    Height Sample Size _

    68 Mean _

    72 Median _

    65 Q1 _

    64 Q3 _

    69 p20 _



    61 Variance _

    66 IQR _

    67 Maximum _

    68 Minimum _











































































    1 AnswerMathematics6 years ago
  • Should I just ignore him or say something after he lied to me?

    We have been together for 15mnths, I love him & can't imagine my life w/o him. At 1st he was all into me but lately doesnt give much attention, which I can understand bcuz he knows he has me, but I'm starting to feel unwanted. Lately I have to force him to hang out & he when I asked him if hes seeing anyone else he strongly denied it. He also has started to lie abt little things, but Sat night it wasnt so little

    Early evening after so many calls I finally reached him & asked to see him since I only saw him once last week. He stated he just got off work was tired, & would let me know after he showers, eats, rests but told me if I had stuff to do to go ahead & not wait for him. After abt an hr I checked back w/ him & he kept ignoring my calls/texts. After another hr he texted me saying hes tired & will just stay in. At that time I passed by his house & his car wasnt there, I passed by a bar (20 min after his text) seen him parking there w/ a friend, tried calling he ignored my calls. I confronted him & he said he had planned to stay in but had just come out for a lil, we argued & I just sped off while his friends were there watching. I find out he was out till past 3 w/ his other friend. I told him before its ok if he has a guys night once in awhile, but not to lie to me abt it

    He hasnt said a word since, I'm thinking about just ignoring him for a while even if he calls/texts or should I say maybe something to him? I'm just hurt & speechless. Thanks on the advice

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • My bf chose his friends over me again, how should I react when he calls?

    We've been together for a yr, never had issues in the beginning but recently been arguing a lot.

    We hung out on Mon, I asked him to hang out on Wen but he never said no instead went to hang out with his friends, same thing happened Thursday night even after I called/texted a few times, Friday he was with his friends again, I asked to see him for a few mins but he said no cause he was mad that I went off on him the night before, Sat when I asked to hang out he waited 4 hours to give me an answer then said no, but I ended up seeing him a lil later in the night, I kind of begged him to do something tonight even gave him 4 options of what we could do, he said he was getting in the shower then would let me know. After an hr I texted & asked if he made up his mind, if not I was going to sleep, but no reply.

    Passed by his house cause I had a feeling he went out with his friends, & he wasnt home, he went out to a hookah bar again. I called eight times but he didnt pick up.

    How do I react when he calls? Do I just ignore him for a couple of days? I dont even know what to say to him anymore. I really love him & dont want to lose him

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Should I contact him first or wait for him to do so?

    My bf & I had a great relationship, but recently started arguing quite at bit. Been together for 11mnths, & I feel like he's the one. Theres nothing I wouldnt do for him.

    He never wanted to post any pics of us on his fb, 1st one I posted he was ok with, 2nd one he gave me a lil trouble but got over it. Its been over 7 mnths so I wanted to post a new pic, he told me not to "bcuz he didnt like it" which was his excuse for the last 7 months. So Monday I finally decided to post it, he sent me a mean message asking wtf didnt I get, reported it (didnt get deleted), then blocked me on fb. I called him & tried talking to him but he was yelling to the point where I started crying then he just hung up & hadnt called since. He unblocked me on fb about 20 hrs later (but now we're not friends), but hasnt said a word to me. We're still friends on snapchat & instagram.

    He also deleted a cute post I wrote on his wall abt a month ago & didnt want to add our relationship status when I sent it to him 2 weeks ago. I asked him if he was talking to anyone else & he strongly denied but didnt let me see his phone.

    We've never been this long w/o talking & it's so hard. I figured this was his fault so he needed to contact me first & apologize since he made me cry and hung up. Its been 4 days but no word. I want to contact him & ask to talk just to see where we stand cause this way I have no idea whats going on. Should I contact him or wait for him to do so?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is it time to break up with my bf?

    We have been together for almost 11mnths, we were perfect in the beginning always got along really well & I was the happiest girl alive.

    Recently I feel like he changed, we feel open with each other so that might be the problem. Not only does he tell me to shut up, shush, & things like that after I ask him to stop because its rude, I understand joking around sometime but its turning into a regular thing

    But also, he doesnt want to upload any of our pics on fb, I wrote something cute on his wall & he deleted it just because he's friends we're commenting saying things like he's the man, I sent him a req to change relationship status he denied it cause "he can" I told him I'm uploading a pic of us he got mad & said I better not, just cause he believes he doesnt look good but thats the excuse he used for the other 400 pics, I only got to upload 2 for all these months.

    Also he doesnt ask to see me as much as he asked before & he's gone out clubbing with friends without even letting me know.

    I feel like he just isnt the same guy that I met almost a yr ago, I tried talking to him abt it but he always puts the blame on me somehow. I'm unhappy, but just care for him so much and dont want to lose him.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How to ask him to become fb official?

    We've been seeing each other for over 9mnths, never made it official but ppl refer to us as a couple & I've heard him say I'm his gf, while I claim him as my bf.

    He's not a big fb poster. Never wanted to post any of our pics on his fb, he was ok with the 3 that I posted & tagged him.

    We never put that we're in a relationship on fb currently our status is hidden & I feel like we should make it fb official so that we can let others know not to bother messaging us. But, idk how to ask him to change our status cause we never really became official.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How should I explain this to him & what should I say, I dont want him to feel over controlled?

    My bf & I have a good committed relationship been together for over 9mnths & usually tell each other what we're doing at all times. We never went out to bars/clubs without each other. Last week he told me he was going to watch the fight with his bro but ended up doing so with his friends at a bar, came home at 3:30 a.m.

    Last night I was talking to him & he never mentioned anything abt going out, this morning I happened to find pics he was tagged in from last night with a few mutual friends (guys). He was also on fb this morning at 5 then again at 7, which I found unusual. I guess thats when he came home. I trust him for the most part & am ok with him going every once in awhile though would not like it to become a habit, but I would like him to let me know not just be out without me knowing.

    How should I explain this to him & what should I say, I dont want him to feel over controlled

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Please help me solve these 3 calculus problems?

    If y = 1/x^6, find dy/dx| x=2

    dy/dx|x=2= _______


    Find an equation for the line that is tangent to the curve y=3x^3-3x at the point (1,0).

    The equation is y=_____


    The position,s, in meters, of a rock in free fall near the surface of a certain planet if given by s(t)=9.75t^2, where t is the time in seconds. Find the rate of change of the position of the rock with respect to time.

    The rate of change in position with respect to time is ______

    *** Please help me solve these problems, thanks in advance

    1 AnswerMathematics7 years ago
  • Please help my solve these 2 calculus questions?

    By determining f'(x) = lim f(x+h)-f(x)/h

    h>0 (this goes directly under lim)

    find f'(6) for the given function.


    f'(6) = ____ (Simplify your answer.)


    Use f'(x) = lim f(x+h)-f(x)/h

    h>0 (this goes directly under lim)

    to find the derivative at x for the given function



    I've been stuck on these 2 problems for hours, please help me solve I'd greatly appreciate it.

    3 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • How to deal with finding a message about him wanting to hang with another girl?

    So I've been with this guy for 5 mnths, we never made it official but always hang out & I really like him a lot. We've had some arguments in the beginning but never abt a 3rd person, we got over all the little things & have been really good lately.

    Today I was looking through his fb newsfeed & chat, then accidentally pulled up a message from a girl which he messaged abt 2 mnths ago asking to go grab coffee. Seemed like she kind of rejected the coffee part but kept the convo going. He said he knows her sister & they were supposed to get coffee with a group of friends, but nowhere in the message did it say that. Plus also seemed like they were kind of hitting on each other. Then he also hit on another girl, but that conversation didn't go nowhere.

    That made me mad & I just kind of kept quiet. He asked me whats wrong & I said he's messing with other girls, he said he's not. I said I should start grabbing a cup of coffee with my guy friends & he didnt like that idea.

    How do I deal with this? I've been through liars & cheaters before & I'm not ready for this again. I want to be able to trust him like I did from the beginning. What do I say to him, its hard to talk to him cause we're not even official. Should I ask for his fb password to check up on him for now until I feel I can trust him again or should I ask for him to delete that girl from his friends list? Should I ask to become official after 5 months? Thanks for all the advice!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How to deal with finding a message about him wanting to hang with another girl?

    So I've been with this guy for 5 mnths, we never made it official but always hang out & I really like him a lot. We've had some arguments in the beginning but never abt a 3rd person, we got over all the little things & have been really good lately.

    Today I was looking through his fb newsfeed & chat, then accidentally pulled up a message from a girl which he messaged abt 2 mnths ago asking to go grab coffee. I then scrolled through the convo while he was next to me & seems like they talked about it in late nov (before we started talking) then in dec again (when we started talking). Seemed like she kind of rejected the coffee part but kept the convo going. He said he knows her sister & they were supposed to get coffee with a group of friends, but nowhere in the message did it say that.

    That made me mad & I just kind of kept quiet. He asked me whats wrong & I said he's messing with other girls, he said he's not. I said I should start grabbing a cup of coffee with my guy friends & he said no.

    How do I deal with this? I've been through liars & cheaters before & I'm not ready for this again. I want to be able to trust him like I did from the beginning. What do I say to him, its hard to talk to him cause we're not even official. Should I ask for his fb password to check up on him for now until I feel I can trust him again or should I ask for him to delete that girl from his friends list? Should I ask to become official after 5 months? Thanks for all the advice!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Catchy name for a auto repair/auto sales?

    I need a good catchy name for an auto repair & auto sales company, I want something that makes it sound like a big company. I'd like it to have"motors" in the name, but I'm also accepting other ideas.

    As in big company I mean something like: National Auto, which makes it sound like its a nationwide company but cant use that cause a friend has a similar name

    thanks in advance

    2 AnswersBuying & Selling7 years ago
  • How do I get him to believe me?

    Last night at 12:25 I texted this guy I've been talking to for over 3 mnths. Then he texed me back at 1:58 saying "where were you?"

    This morning he tells me & even took a screenshot to show me that he got another text message from me at 1:00 saying, "I'm home" I didnt sent him that text & it had nothing to do with what I said at first. I have no idea how he got it ... Funny thing is last Saturday when I texted him saying, "I'm home" he never got it.

    Now of course he doesnt believe me, he thinks I was out probably seeing someone & then wanted to text them saying, "I'm home" but accidentally texted him.

    I know I didnt text him for sure because I was sleeping at 1:00 & my phone was right next to me, I know no one else could have texted him from my phone.

    I know its hard for him, but how do I get him to believe me?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Can I be pregnant after negative blood test? Has this happened to anyone?

    My period is 12 days late, which isn't normal for me. I have my regular periods every month sometimes a couple of days late, but never missed a period. The latest its ever been was 5 days.My boyfriend and I mostly used condoms this past month, but there were a few times where he didn’t have the condom on from the start.

    I took 6 HPTs, all turned out to be negative. Yesterday I got a negative urine test at the doctors office & a negative blood test.

    This morning I woke up feeling nauseous, I feel hungrier throughout the day & been a lot sleepier within the past 2 weeks, also my breast are very tender (which is unusual for me).

    Can I be pregnant after negative blood test? Has this happened to anyone?

    1 AnswerPregnancy7 years ago