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I am a democrat. Can't stand republicans! lol(most of them anyway) i am really fun to be around or so people tell me. i write a lot of poetry and read classics. i'm a natural blonde but dye my hair a lot. people label me as emo. but i don't put myself in any specific group. if you wanna know more, just ask
Pic. :) what do you think?
I just want to know what you think. What do you like/ not like about me?
Honest answers please. ? Thanks :)
5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago18+ opinions on this?
I have been with my bf for three years...I suck his **** fairly often...he never wants to give me head...ever. I think the last time was like four months ago and prolly the same amount of time before then. Trust me there is nothing wrong with me...but why doesn't he want to return the favor? It makes me feel really insecure...whatt are your thoughts ?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoPeople who have had their lip pierced...?
well i just got my labret done about a month ago. i had a stud instead of a ring and the ball kept coming off. so two days ago i got a ring there. and now it's hurting again. anyway, people who have had theirs done please let me know how long it hurt fer and how long it took to heal fer you.
1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style10 years agoGrowing weed-how to make it more potent?
i'd especially love to know some natural ways to make it better. but any tips r appreciated :)
4 AnswersOther - Environment10 years agoNeed Female opinions plz?
okay so my period fer the past few months has gone 9th, 11th, 11th, then last month it was the 15th, and this month didn't come til the 27th. and this time i had a lot of...i dunno thick clumps. like tissue er something. what do u think the reason could be?
3 AnswersWomen's Health10 years agoPregnant women/moms plz answer i need tips?
any helpful info will be appreciated. i want all the tips u can give me for a healthy happy pregnancy?
7 AnswersPregnancy10 years agoI need pregnancy tips plz?
as many as possible :) especially about early pregnancy. thanks :)
3 AnswersPregnancy10 years agoHow much weight should u gain in the first month?
just wondering. i think im pregnant cuz im a week late.
5 AnswersPregnancy10 years agoAlmost 17&i myt be pregnant plz answer?
i have quite a few q's.are your breasts around your nipples sore&sensitive in the first month normally?my last period started on the 15th of last month(it's usually the 11th) and now it's the 21st of this month and it still hasn't. so how likely is it that i'm preg? (my bf came inside of me may 25and27 and june 3rd. with that info could u tell me how likely it is that i am?& if i am how far along do u think? how much weight gain, if any, is there usually in the first month?is there any way, if i am, to increase the chances of the baby being a girl? any advice wld also be appreciated. thanks :)
3 AnswersPregnancy10 years agoPlz answer-how likely is it that i'm pregnant?
okay so here's the deal. fer the last few months my period has been like this. starting on the 9th, the 11th, the 11th again, but then last month it didn't start til the 15th. on may 25th, 27th, and sometime in the first week of june. i think the 3rd, my bf came inside of me. and now it's the 21st and it still hasn't happened. i don't rly understand the whole ovulation thing abt when it happens and everything. so could u plz tell me how likely it really is according to the info i've given?
2 AnswersPregnancy10 years agoPlzzz answer How likely is it?
okay so my boyfriend came inside of me on may 25,may 26th and i think june third. i know it was in the first week of june. well fer the past few months my period has started on the 9th, then the 11th, the 11th again, then last month it was on the 15th. now it's the 19th and i still haven't. i don't rly understand the exact science of ovulation and everything. so could u plz give me a legit answer about how likely it really is that i'm pregnant??
2 AnswersPregnancy10 years agoHow likely is it that i'm pregnant? plzzzz answer?
okay my periods have went from starting on the 9th,then 11th,then 11th again, then last month it didn't start til the 15th, and now it's the 19th n i still haven't started. i don't really know how to pinpoint when i ovulate cuz i rly dnt know how long my cycle is n what not.but my boyfriend came inside of me on may 25th, 26th, and i think june 3rd. i know it was sometime in the first week. could u please tell me exactly how likely it is that i'm prego?
5 AnswersPregnancy10 years agoPlz likely is it?
okay so one month my period started on the 9th, then 11th, and the month after that it was the 11th. but last month it wasn't until the 15th. and now it's the 19th and it still hasn't started. my boyfriend came inside of me on may 25th, 26th, and i think june third. er sometime in the first week of june. i know it's likely tht i'm pregnant because of tht. but i don't know how to tell when i ovulate n the exact science of all of plz tell me how likely it really is?? thanks
1 AnswerPregnancy10 years agoPlzzz answer my questions abt ovulating? ?
okay. long does the egg stick around n wait to be fertilized? long can sperm live inside ur body? 3. if i had my period on april 11-14 and may 15-18 then when do u think i ovulate this month? 4.when u do ovulate, is it the only time u can get pregnant, or just the most likely time?? ----sorry abt all the questions. just rly need answers
1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade agoPlz tell me which name sounds better to u?
robin genevieve berry
Edie genevieve berry(ee-dee)
kaliah genevieve berry (kah-lie-uh)
16 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoWhy r my nipples discolored?
there's a dark circle around my areolas(sp?) does anyone know why?
4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoI can't remember what it's called....?
what is it called when someone er something can use both their hands and their feet to pick something up?
1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoHow many days after u have sex should u take a pregnancy test?
i really want to find out if i'm pregnant. i kind of hope i am cuz i love my man :) and i can hardly wait to actually know haha i wanna find out by the tym he gets out of jail :p
2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoA guy came inside me the day after my period ended?
i feel so different and have almost every early symptom of pregnancy. but ppl keep telling me i'm tripping n say tht u can't get pregnant then. cnt u get pregnant at any time??
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago