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Lv 44,330 points


Favorite Answers22%

I love most sports, music and collectibles..........I'm a true blue NY Yankee fan and for football I've always been a Cowboy fan.......(Strange for a native New Yorker right).........Sandi

  • Will You Give This One A Lot Of Thought Before Answering????

    What constitutes a friend to you???..........Is the word "friend" used too frequently when we're talking about an "acquaintance"????...........What makes a person a friend and not an acquaintace........While we're at it in cyberspace are we "friends", "acquaintances" or correspondants???.......Share your thoughts..........CAT

    12 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What Do You Do?????

    After you've answered a question here do you go back to that question to check for other answerer's comments or comments from the questioner???........If so, do you go back to it for the duration of the question???.........Even though this isn't really a chat site I notice people do try to chat but is that ever noticed and if it is, as an answerer what can you do about it once the question is resolved???...........CAT

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How Do You--------?

    If you've been hurt by someone you've cared very much for and your trust was badly betrayed how do you trust again???.......Do you???............Can you???..........How do you trust someone with you again???............CAT

    15 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Will You Play What If With Me????

    On my site we like to play What If..........Mostly it's hypothetical but this one has possibilities, not probablities but possibilites..........Ready???? - WHAT IF Joe Torre took the next year off and then decided he wanted to manage again...........An offer is made to him from the Boston Red Sox as Francona's extended contract is over at the end of 2008........Joe takes the offer...........How would Yankee fans, Red Sox fans and baseball fans in general feel about this???.........Do you think Torre would take the offer if it were made???...........Remember this is a What If........No real facts to it but it's something I've been thinking about.........CAT

    14 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Have You Heard Yet??????

    Just in on TV..........The Yankees offered Joe Torre a 1 year contract..........Joe turned it down and the Joe Torre Yankee era has come to an end..........Now what can we expect from the Yankees in who's going and who's staying???........Who will be the next manager???...........Any thoughts???.........CAT

    19 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Can I Get An Honest And Knowledgable Answer On This One Please????

    I would like to know what constitutes a question being deleted after it has gotten several answers.......I've had many messages that someone in my network has asked a question so I check the question out...........Sometimes I don't answer it right away and plan to come back to it when I have more time to spend on the computer.......When I do come back to it the question has been deleted..........Why????.........The questions are well written and not filled with stupid or argumentative comments, nor are they filled with name calling and labels........So why would posts like that be deleted???..........I have my own chat site (link is available in my profile) and I've run and been a member of chat boards for years.......Am I wrong in thinking this board is heavily moderated???......I moderate my own board and so far I haven't had to remove any posts as people have discussions and not arguments or unsavory posts..........What makes the good posts different here???.....CAT

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Which Bothers You Most?

    Baseball fans, Which Bothers You Most..........Your team leaving men on base, especially "drunken" sacks several times during a game OR when your pitcher walks in the other team's winning run????..............CAT

    15 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Calling All Yankee, Cubs, Angels and Phillies Fans.........?

    Whichever of these teams you were rooting for is now wearing that all too familiar "Wait Till Next Year" sign............For me it's the Yankees..........OUCH it hurts!!!!...........Yet we're all baseball fans and the World Series is the crowning glory of the sport.........Now that your team won't be a part of that are you going to root for another team to become the champs???........I'm sure baseball fans won't turn away from the W.S. because their team isn't in it.........I know I won't......That having been said which team will get your support for the rest of the playoffs and thru the Series???.....I'm going to root like hell for the Colorado Rockies..........They came on like gangbusters and I would like to see them win it all.............How about you???..........CAT

    20 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Did You Hear????

    This just come over the airwaves........Roger Clemens has been dropped from the Yankee roster for this series and the next, if they get that far..........Roger is said to be irate........Do you think this is the end of Roger's career???.....Keep in mind he's hurt and 45 years old...............CAT

    22 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Food For Thought........What Do You Think????

    After what Steinbrenner said about Torre today I'm thinking that win or lose Torre might quit..........Steinbrenner's words were extremely harsh to the man who has given the Yankees 13 straight playoff years and have won 4 World Series........I'm sure Torre is a proud man and has to be seething over the way Steinbrenner came out with this and the timing of his remarks...........The timing, when the team is fighting for their playoff lives was horrible and had to dampen the team's spirits.........Did George think maybe those remarks would spur the Yankees on???.......Does anyone think Torre might just quit no matter what at season's end????..............CAT

    11 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Do You Know The Answer????

    I put this trivia question on my chat site and no one has been able to get the right answer...........If you're the first here to get the answer right you'll get best answer and 10 glorious points.......READY??????

    There is one day in the year where no major sport is played......No baseball, football, basketball or hockey........It happens every year.........Do you know when this occurs???.........CAT

    11 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Can Anyone Please Tell Me What A Georgie Porgie Is?????

    What is a Georgie Porgie???........I went to read one of IT'S questions and found out that it blocked me..........I don't think I ever had any posts between myself and this yutz so what's his major problem????...........How about a little insight folks........BTW I blocked it too just because it seemed like the thing to do...........Thnx...........CAT

    8 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • How Do Today's Players Stack Up Against Yesterday's Greats????

    No matter who your favorite team is, no matter who you're rooting for how do these GREATS stack up against baseball's finest of today???............For those who might not remember yesterday this video will help refresh yesterday's memories.......I love it because it's the only music that really immortalizes baseball's greats..........Enjoy....... .......CAT

    12 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Is This Board Interesting Enough To Make You Want To Join?

    What would make this board more interesting???.........It is family oriented so kids are welcome as well..........What topics do you think would suit this forum???........ ........CAT

    1 AnswerOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • What Other Categories Would Fit Well Here???

    Are there any other Categories that would enhance this board???..............I would like it to be of interest to everyone.....Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated....... .........CAT

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How Do I Get Noticed?

    I just started a new chat site which I'm hoping will do well and yield a lot of members...........I don't know how to get the word out about it and bring in members..........Word of mouth is limited...........Does anyone know/have suggestions as to how to get the word out on the net without it costing me money???........It's a good site and I think folks will enjoy it.......Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated..........Thnx.......CAT

    3 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • How Do I Get Noticed?

    I've created a new chat site (had a very large one for 5 years but had to give it up due to illness) and I don't know how to get it noticed and bring in members........My last one was in connection with my website and folks viewing the website had a link to the chat site (which was over 400 members deep).....I had to give up the website as well and now I'm starting over with just the chat site..........Any ideas would be greatly appreciated............CAT

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Starting A New Chat Site........Would You Be Interested???

    After having one of the most successful chat sites on the net for several years I'm now thinking of starting up a new one........The last one was part of my #1 collectible site called Bobbles And More.......Unfortunately due to a very difficult illness, and not having the time needed to devote solely to both sites I gave them up a few months ago........My last chat site had almost 400 members and I kinda miss it now so I'm ready to start again.......

    I'm going to name it CAT'S LITTERBOX and I'm wondering what topics you would like to discuss on a chat site........We did sports, music, movies, collectibles, current events and life in general........Would you join a site like that???.......What topics are missing that you would like to chat about???........CAT

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Would You Please Rate My Poem?

    Hi.............Would you all please be so kind as to rate my poem called BRING BACK YESTERDAY???........I'm trying to win an IPOD for my son and if this poem gets a good enough rating that's the prize they're giving out...........I really appreciate it and if you like the poem it will add up quickly in the ratings.......

    Here is the link - ..........Sandi (First Name) Kilpatrick (Last Name)..........After you read it there is a place on the bottom of the poem that says RATE MY POEM.......Just click that on and it will give you the option of a 1 to 10 rating......Click on the rating you want to give the poem and then the "enter" button...........Thnx so very much, I truly appreciate your help..............CAT

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Would You Please Be So Kind As To Rate My Poem?

    I'm trying to win an IPOD for my son.......Would you please be so kind as to follow this link and rate my poem???.........Hopefully you'll like it enough to give it a good rating............Thnx................CAT

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago