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Lv 31,932 points

Shawn S

Favorite Answers15%
  • why cant I find any hyundai online schematics for parts order?

    Im actually looking for the info on how to replace my front left wheel bearing 2002 Sonata V6 . I cant find even a cut away to show where it goes in the hub . I have the part and no info on the way to change it without paying a fortune for a shop manuel. I want to do this job myself and i dont want to have to pay for a manuel to do it if anyone can help me it would be awesome please and thanks

    3 AnswersHyundai1 decade ago
  • How would you deal with an ******* neighbor?

    This Guy goes out of his way to be an *** hole . Recently he dug out along his side of the property line to a point where my fence fell over, then refused to pay. He was ordered in court to pay and while fixing it, he threw all the garbage from the repair into my yard destroying my flower bed. He gets in my face regularly knowing that if I take a whack at him he can charge me. I have asked the Police to deal with it only to get the old we cant do anything with a guy like that. routine.He owns his house I own mine. I don't bother him but he is just a total a s s . I don't want to brake the law but im at my wits end with this guy. I would like to just go over and kick his ***.Since the law dosent want to get involved. What are we to do. im not moving away from my house I have owned it for 20+Years.

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Is It racist to ask that people who come to this country,from other countries, conform to this countries way's

    It seems like this country is more and more putting the kabosh on this countries traditions & way of life, While at the same time making exceptions for the ways of others, Who are not native to this country. Anyone who gets tired of it is branded a racist.. Why is it racist only if your white? but members of visible minorities are allowed to spout off any racial slur they feel.I'm nt a racest in the least,, but im tired of giving up my rights while others are being accomidated in the very rights that are being removed from me.. I was born here I think if people want to come here,, They should have to learn our rules and traditions. leave their old ones home in the country they left

    17 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Please Help Trailler wireing problem?

    I have a 7 pin connector of which the lights are all good im left with 4 wires,,A black and a white,, Which I assume are my power leads as they are a heavy guage.. But where do I hook thease straight to the battery ??? And then there is my yellow accesory lead,,, Which is thicker then the lighiting wires, but not as thick as the white and black,, it should hook into where ??

    also I would like to know what it is they do as far as my trailer is concerned.. It is a starcraft pop up I cant find any info on the net at all

    The blue wire says brakes and my trailer has no brakes so I assume I dont need it...Please and Thank you for any answers

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What is more logical that America cant get Bin Ladden ?Or they don't really want too?

    I'm Sure that some of you will say he is No longer relevant, but was sadame any more when the US went into Iraq? Was he killing Americans? Was he attacking anyone at the time? Was he a real threat when he couldn't even fly planes over his own country? Bin Ladden is still at large, His group is still attacking people all over the world. Including US troops, His organization is funding in large part, the **** in Iraq, Don't dismiss him as irrelevant he is doing half of what your fighting to prevent. Why are there not more troops in the area where he is believed to be hiding? Didn't Bush say in the past that he would go where ever it took to get him,and that he would not be swayed by borders ? Even saying he would go into Pakistan if necessary, Why has the hunt for him been all but suspended ? Does he have secrets that the us Government doesn't want known ?

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Why does the world have such a double standard?

    People get all pissed off and protest the world over because of our yearly seal hunt that saves cod stocks,and fishermen's jobs, In both the US and Canada,as well as brings needed money to Eskimos living in a land where there is no other means of profit.Killing of Baby seals is banned and has been since the early 80s ,However no one protests at Spain's yearly slaughter in an extremely inhumane way of countless Bulls in the ring, who are picked with darts and long blades and tormented,until they finally bleed out in the ring. This is the most barbaric form of cruelty I have ever seen a human Do to an Animal.Why is the world not boycotting Spain products to end their cruelty? At least the seal hunt has a purpose other then entertainment.What purpose do the bull fights have.The seal hunt has been around just as long so don't give me any tradition BS ,The seal could get away, and usually dies very quickly.The bull always dies a slow tormented death. A world of Hippocrates? For sure.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Is Bin Ladden dead ?

    Has he even done anything in the last year or so,that prouves he is still alive. They say he is but has there been any proufe. No videos no audios nothing in a year. Where is he.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • my computer says its ok to remove them memmory stick?

    But the memmory stick is still lit up. does this matter? some computers the light is off and others it stays lit?I was always told when the light goes out to remove it ,but I find there a hand full of computers that when you click the safley remove mem stick it then says I can, But the light is still lit up.Whats going on why doesent it go off all the time

    3 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • windows vista?

    What do you think are the biggist draw backs of the new microsoft operating systeam ? Over all do you find it laiden with bugs or is it a pretty good systeam . I would like an informed oppnion and not just microsoft hater oppnions, If you dont mind.

    8 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • please answer this question i need an answer its my second time asking no answer the first time?

    Shawn SMember since: August 14, 2006

    Total points: 1,707 (Level 3)

    Points earned this week:

    --%Best answer

    What is the difference between the blue and the black ram sockets?

    and can they all be used at the same time to plug 4 differant sets ram upgrade or can ya use just the blue or the black??

    8 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer. - 0 answers - Report Abuse


    6 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • what is the difference between the blue and the black ram sockets?

    and can they all be used at the same time to plug 4 differant sets ram upgrade or can ya use just the blue or the black??

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Can someone tell me how yahoo answers point systeam works?

    You get 1 point for every answer you get to your question

    2 points for answering

    10 points for a best answer

    it costs 5 points to ask a question

    do you get any points for a thumbs up or a deduction for a thumbs down ??

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Ladies, I was just wondering what percentage of you prefer facial hair on your man?

    Trying to decide weather to grow my mustash and Gotee i would like to get as many answers as posible please..

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Are we being told the true story about Iraq check this link?

    Interview with Kory Rowe...One of the men in who created loose change.. He is an Iraq and Afganistan war Vet. I don't think he looks like a man of bad intentions. But maybe more a man suffering of bad guilt issues..

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is Harper on drugs????

    What is he a George Bush JR clone ?? Now he is saying he will send troops to fight for Israel if they are attacked again .. Does he think he has an endless supply of troops. He is talking awfull tough for a man with an over streached army.. What the hell is he doing?? should he just shut the hell up?

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • I can't believe you Americans are so?

    Divided I mean I know there were always people who liked one party or the other but name calling and petty bickering (I know i'm guilty too I got caught up in it ) I have to ask why do you think this Governments terms have divided the country so bitterly ?? It has even strained the Canada US Relationship,, Whats going on here?? Is it the War ?? or is it something else ?? Please think about your answer..

    19 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Ok Canadian MADD Mothers You scored my Province as one of the lowest?

    Whats the deal?? I believe in your cause and I think impaired driving is an assinine thing to do but Nova Scotia in my oppnion has one of the best programs ... ill point out that the leagal limit in Nova Scotia is point .05 percent and not .08 like the other Provinces 1 infraction gets your licences suspended on the spot and a conviction a year suspention most other provances dont touch this. also speeding is inforced by a 1 week loss of licence for every ticket ... I think Nova Scotia is on the right track why don't you?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Are Americans too quick to point out other Countrys past mistakes and put their own spin on them?

    I just feel that the US acts alot like the we can do no wrong Country.. After answering a post here about weather we helped N Korea build the bomb.. I was given a link from one of the answers stating that we helped them.After reading I got that it was in the form of supplying them with the Candu Reactor. Which is an Electricity Generation plant . After hearing calls like "lets attack Canada now" I have to ask

    Who armed Sadame Husain, Who armed Bin Ladden and his Mouja Hadine with stingers? Not to mention all the other backroom deals for arms (IRAN CONTRA) ect ect .. Don't you think,,,, as I replyed to the sender of the link " You should clean the s h i t from your own back yard before complaining about the smell in mine ?

    The fact of the matter is, That most of the arms killing people today were developed in the good old USA or the USSR during the cold war.. if we are to point fingers, Should we be calling a spade a spade here ?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Explain this to me Conservatives?

    If loose change is doctored footage why hasn't the film makers been sued too no end.. Its not like the people implicated cant afford a lawyer to clear they're slandered names. Also why would the maker (a vet and former supporter of the effort, of both Afghanistan and Iraq all of a sudden decide it was a lie, and shift his opinion, and make a non profit film simply asking you to watch and ask question's ? Oh and unless you have taken the time to watch the film don't answer please. Because you don't know what your passing judgement on..

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • why is it that we live in a society that the mear mention of racial difference?

    Gets you branded as a racist. You know that white people and Black people and Asian people and among other races.. We are all different . Why do we nail everyone with a racist label for pointing that out . I mean just because I notice different body shapes and features between races doesn't mean I think those other races are less then my own.. It just means different,meaning not the same.. I think we have created a society where we are afraid to even mention the obvious.. Where do you stand??

    15 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago