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Sometimes we ask questions to find an answer. Sometimes we ask questions to let people know what we're thinking. Sometimes we ask questions just to get people all bent out of shape... Well, I dont, I mean I try not to... About me? Why would you want to know about me? I'm a little square icon, 48 pixels tall, and 48 pixels high, representing a brown haired male. Not too exciting, really. If you need to know more you can ask get in line and ask a question.

  • How do I find out what my girlfriend's ring size is?

    My girlfriend and I are getting pretty serious, and we would like to be engaged in a few months.

    I think she would like me to really surprise her when I ask her, but I don't know what size ring she wears.

    It seems to me that if I just straight out asked her, it would kind of ruin the surprise for her. Any suggestions?

    I could probably have her brother, or mom find out for me, but I think they would probably also tell her why.

    Is there a good way to find out without asking? I'd need to be absolutely sure it was the right size.

    Would it ruin the surprise if she knew I was going to ask?

    6 AnswersWeddings7 years ago
  • Is making out in a car a crime?

    Got caught with my girl by a cop tonight, and I'm sort of wondering, what could they really have done? I mean... if neither of us are naked, is it just so they can have a look, and make sure she's OK? Or are there other things they could charge us for. I live in California, so just about anything could be a crime I guess.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Why did the cop want us to talk to his imaginary partner?

    I went to a remote area to get naked with my girl for a bit. Afterwards, I got dressed so I could get out to pee, and when I got back into my car, a cop car showed up. My girl wrapped a blanket around herself. I got my wallet ready, started the engine, rolled down the window, and everything went pretty smoothly. He wanted to know what we were doing, where we lived, if we'd ever been arrested, what our relationship was, etc. He didn't ask for my license, but I showed it to him, and it all seemed pretty normal. Except, he asked me to roll down the other window so we could talk to his partner for a little bit. We rolled down the window, and there was nobody there. Then he said he'd gotten some complaints, so we should go someplace else, and that was it. What was that about? Is that like a mini-drunk test, or was he distracting us for some reason, or what? We drove off with no problem afterwards, and it was all over.

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Why don't bicycles have orange triangles?

    So... there's this orange triangle with red reflective tape around it. They call it the "slow moving vehicle" sign, and vehicles that always travel less than 35 mph must display it on the back of their vehicles. Amish people in their buggies get in trouble for not having one on the back of their carriages. This made me wonder: If carriages have to have them, why don't bicycles have to have these reflectors on them?

    8 AnswersCycling9 years ago
  • How can I get rid of Yahoo Messenger?

    I have never used Yahoo Messenger. I have set it so that only people in my Email contact list may contact me. My contact list is empty, therefore nobody should be able to contact me, but every time I log in to my email, a pop up window of some total stranger trying to message me about spam, or porn, or fake dating sites will show up. It is annoying to block each one of them, especially since I never use Yahoo Messenger. How can I make it so that Yahoo Messenger never works for me again?

    3 AnswersNotices and Errors9 years ago
  • How do I say no to the big girls?

    I'm a skinny guy, and I got the whole "sweep a girl off her feet" talks when I was growing up.

    Well, the big girls seem to like me, but I can't even lift them, and frankly, I've managed to keep myself pretty slim without a lot of work, so I can't understand, or fully appreciate their struggle with weight.

    They make good friends, though. So how can I let them down gently without sounding like the superficial jerk that I probably am?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Should I invite my family to these parties?

    A couple from my church has made a point of inviting me to their anniversary parties for two years now. They joined the church when I was about eight, and started having kids when I was about eleven. Our families lived on the same street when we were children, and I'm fairly close with their four children, two of whom are now adults. However, I don't really talk much with the couple themselves.

    On the other hand, my mother and the lady work together with sunday school. The man and my father are both engineers, and talk fairly often, and my sister gets along rather well with the whole family.

    My family does not get invited to these anniversary parties though. In fact, they do not know about these parties. I get the invitations on facebook, so the first year, I thought that was why, but now I am not so sure. They could mention it in church. Or they could tell my father on his facebook now, but he might not have noticed.

    A lot of people from the church come, and I'm beginning to find it odd that I am the only one in the family that gets invited. Is there a tactful way to invite the rest of my family? Should I ask why they are not invited?

    4 AnswersEtiquette10 years ago
  • How do I keep the new Yahoo mail from freezing up?

    About half the time I go there, the page stops loading halfway through. I can tell it's the mail page, but I can't tell how many letters I have in my inbox, I can't click on letters I've saved to look at them.

    I really need to be able to get at my messages so that I can open them. What can I do?

    1 AnswerNotices and Errors10 years ago
  • Hunting escargot with a pellet gun?

    For a while, I was living out in the desert, and some friends convinced me to get a pellet gun so we could hunt chuckars just outside the city. (They use air pressure to fire a pointy lead thing about the size of a BB, not at all like airsoft, FYI.) I figured it might be useful for rats, or gophers or something when I moved back into the big city, so I took it with me.

    Now a friend of mine says that since it is legal to shoot on my property, I should use it to hunt escargot for him. Is he F-ing serious? I mean I guess they might be OK for target practice, but I don't think there would be much... meat... left, and I'm pretty sure that watching the hit would be disgusting.

    He's been pretty insistent on this idea though. What can I tell him to get him to back off?

    8 AnswersHunting10 years ago
  • How can I make my Mobile Home more secure?

    My current job doesn't pay a lot, so when I needed a place to stay, I didn't have a lot of options. I really wanted a yard, so I ended up renting an older mobile home. Maybe I'm just used to the sturdier feel of a more traditional house, but it seems like you'd just need a can opener if you wanted to break into this place.

    I rent, and not all the things designed for houses will work in mobile homes, so I'm running out of ideas for what I can do to make it harder to break into the place. Any tips from folks that have actually been in these things?

    7 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • How do you dispose of bad ammo?

    What exactly is proper disposal of bad ammunition?

    If I try to shoot, but the bullet doesn't go off, there are warnings about how dangerous it is, and that I should dispose of it properly.

    I'm pretty sure it is not racking it out and leaving it on the ground, or chucking it as far downrange as possible. After all, I'm supposed to take everything I used off of the site before I leave.

    It is also against the law to leave it in the gun and take the weapon someplace else for help... unless I'm walking over level terrain on the shooting range itself.

    I also cannot put the bad ammo in a trash can, because it contains lead, which is a hazardous material.

    Obviously, I am expected to take the risk of removing it from the gun, and transporting it someplace for "proper disposal." How can I do this most safely? Where can I dispose of it at?

    12 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • What can you do if you find your name all over the internet?

    A friend of mine said that she searches for her name on the internet once in a while to see if someone is using it inappropriately.

    So, I searched for my name. Apparently some stupid person decided to quote me on something I never said, and copied his B.S. article onto literally hundreds of sites.

    I would never say what he claims I said. I don't talk that way, I don't talk about those things, and even if I would, I'm not in any position to know what he claims I know.

    If my employers see this, they will start to question my competence, if not my sanity. What do I do to get my name back?

    2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • What do people do in small towns?

    I've recently moved from a big city to a smaller town. I don't really know what people do there to meet and have fun. I mean there are restaurants and a movie theater, but it's kind of lame to go by yourself, especially when everyone else seems to know each other.

    I ask the folks from work, but they just sort of say "Well, everyone else gets drunk, goes shooting, or gets pregnant." Then if I ask them where you meet people, they tell me to go to church.

    Not that I mind getting drunk, shooting, or going to church, but some of these activities won't mix very well, and I was kind of hoping for something to do during the week, that doesn't cost too much money.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What is a good gun for backpacking?

    I do a lot of backpacking, and I've never needed one before, but where I just moved there are more snakes, and the forests out here are supposed to have some pot farmers. I don't think I'll really run into either of them, but I'd like something just in case. Most of the time it would probably just be dead weight, so I'd rather have something fairly small, and light.

    I live in CA, so a lot of things that go bang aren't allowed out here. I'm tempted to drive over to Nevada, and go shopping there, but I don't know what kind of paperwork I'd have to do for that.

    14 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • This gun I bought came with an empty shell?

    I live in CA, and I just bought my first gun a few weeks ago. I was looking for instructions on cleaning it so I'd be able to do that after I took it to the range when I found a little envelope with the serial number and someone's signature on it among all the papers. The guys at the gun shop hadn't said anything about it, so I sort of felt it to see what it was, and it felt like a part for something.

    Well, I thought maybe it was the firing pin, and I'd have to put it in before I used the gun, so I opened it up, and it was just an empty shell casing.

    Was I supposed to save it, as evidence or something in case the gun ever comes up missing? Will I need a new one made up or something?

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Will I be able to get this place?

    I'm moving to another city for my dream job. I don't actually have the job now, but with my qualifications, the people I know, and the job's demands, it's a sure thing as long as I have my own place to sleep, and my own address in the city.

    Trouble is... I need that address by this friday, and the town it has to be in has a population of about 24,000 people. As you can imagine, there aren't many places to move to.

    I found only one place that said I could move in immediately. The place looked fine for me, but the landlady gave me this stack of papers like I've never seen before. I was totally unprepared to list all the jobs I had, places I'd lived in, schools I'd gone to, and multiple references. I was really caught with my pants down. All I had was a few numbers in my cell phone, no reception, and my already stressed brain.

    When I was done with the papers, there were some serious bits of missing information. I totally blanked on my second to last address, so I skipped it. I can't remember some of my former supervisors, things like that.

    I'm really worried, because without a place of my own, I'm sunk. Now that I'm back home with all my records, should call them, and fill in the missing stuff? Will the typical mistakes of life come back to haunt me if what I told them doesn't include them? If I get rejected, is there any way I can convince them to let me come anyway?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • if I buy a gun, will they mail me stuff?

    I'm buying my first gun, and you have to show them proof of residence, and give them an address. That info goes to background checks, store records, and probably the company that makes the gun, so it has to be your real home address. Fine by me.

    But I'd rather not get junk mail. I mean, just because i want the gun doesn't mean I want gun catalogs and stuff in my mailbox.

    Is it likely that they would use my address to start sending me stuff? If so, is there any way I can make sure they don't do that?

    7 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Is it illegal to sell loaded dice?

    this guy taught me how to make loaded dice. Well, I'm a little low on cash right now, and I thought maybe I could get the supplies in bulk, and make a little profit by selling them. It seems like there aren't a lot of vendors, except for the ones that make dice that are spotted wrong, so if it is legal, I guess I could make a fair profit, but that it seems like nobody is selling them makes me nervous.

    9 AnswersGambling1 decade ago
  • What exactly is the difference between a forest and a jungle?

    I was thinking about it a little: Forests have trees... Jungles have trees... I mean I know that jungles tend to be more tropical, but aside from that, is there any difference?

    8 AnswersGeography1 decade ago