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  • How do you retrieve/reset/change Wireless Network password?

    Just yesterday I bought a notebook. I'm having trouble activating pre-installed software because I can't remember the password for connecting to the net. I've never known what it is, because my brother refuses to tell me, and now he's overseas on holiday so I can't ask. The family desktop (which I'm using now) is connected too iinet's BoB Lite. I've looked at many sites to find answers but doesn't help because this is Windows 6(when Vista first launched?) and can't read the default code because it's hidden behind the stand which is allowing it to stand upright.

    I'm as tech-dumb as you can get, this issue's doing my head in. I've tried many password combinations I can think such as password, with a capital P, with a space, entirely capital, likewise for username, the name of the network, as displayed, etc. I wouldn't have thought it was changed since installment. I'm afraid to call a techy (aussie for technician) because I won't be able to follow instructions, plus the undetermined bill.

    2 AnswersComputer Networking7 years ago
  • I have some B&A questions I wish to ask?

    I'm a young adult male and ever since I discovered reading is cool and an interesting method of keeping the mind occupied, have obsessed myself with sagas about protagonists overcoming obstacles to win gold, girls and whatnot. I hope to someday write my own story, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but some day.

    Sadly I have come to a point in which I find myself unmotivated to continue my current book, Otherland book 1. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but after reading so much Fantasy and/or Science-Fiction, I tire and become disinterested in finishing the final chapters. Perhaps I need to read different genres of fiction. I’m an amateur bookworm and have read the series Harry Potter by JK Rowling, Artemis Fowl minus book #8 by Eoin Colfer, Keys to the Kingdom and Abhorsen by Garth Nix, Shadowmarch (now onto Otherland series) by Tad Williams, Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss, and Broken Empire by Mark Lawrence.

    1. What are some novels or series I may find interest in reading? I don't like Hunger Games or Romance novels.

    2. Is it unwise to take inspiration from real life? Eg: A father with Bi-polar and Schizofrenia, inserted as a monarch/noble.

    3. Are appearances of legendary/folkloric creatures open to interpretation? Such as giving an elf limbs of a fox?

    4.The please female readers: If the heroine is a badass like Arya Stark/Daenerys, would her character and equally competent ladies outweigh concern of also including a damsel in distress?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • When will Super Smash Bros 3DS be released?

    For financial reason I've been holding back from upgrading Nintendo handheld console. I'm growing impatient because the library of games on this console whether availble, in production, or [yet to be] announced, looks the greatest since the Gamecube and Smash Bros is but one example. Despite the graphics I'm unlikely to get the Wii U because the home console currently has sparse variety in games to purchase (nobody cares for Mario "It'sa me!" Mario!) and from what I gather people mostly use it to purchase games via VC from past consoles excluding Wii for obvious reasons. This version (3DS) of the game seems the wiser choice for now. But when does it comes out? Websites say Summer (Winter - southern hemisphere) for 3DS and Winter (Summer) for Wii U, so vague.

    if Nintendo alllows exactly 6 months between versions because Christmas, could we see its release late June?

    Should Nintendo release a limited edition 3DS XL with the Smash logo, bundled with the game?

    SD card or pre-installed?

    If said bundle exists, should those who haven't preordered do so before too late?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • What level does Lucario learn Bone Rush?

    Playing Black 2 version. I ran around Virbank City for exactly twenty minutes with my level 18 Riolu first in my party. As soon as he hit level 19, he evolved. I know that Serebii says he should learn Bone Rush at level 19, but for some reason he got Me First instead. Basically, is the game trolling my strategy to beat Roxie?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Help complete my Pokemon Platinum team?

    I'm aware Platinum is old news, but I recently restarted all my games - Pearl, Heart Gold, Black, Platinum, Black 2 (and Y, when it comes out) - and I never like doing the same region - Unova in this case - twice in a row. I have defeated Jupiter at Eterna City, caught Rotom in the chateau, and made my way down the Cycling Road to north of Oreburgh.

    I intend to make my in-game team look like this -

    Infernape - Flare Blitz, ThunderPunch, Close Combat, Stone Edge

    Crobat - Confuse Ray, U-Turn, Toxic, Fly

    Vaporeon - Swagger, Ice Beam, Surf, Shadow Ball

    Gallade - Leaf Blade, Psychic, Close Combat, Night Slash

    I have 2 slots remaining, but I don't want either to be fourth-gen evolution(s) (Gallade the exception), shared type(s) (again, Gallade the exception), ones that require trading, or Legendary Pokemon. I'm a bit puzzled at the moment, as I have already started game-play and possibly missed catching certain Pokemon along the way. My Trainer ID ends in a 3, if that matters.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Which sagas would you recommend?

    I am trying to exercise my imagination and literacy skills in order to one day begin writing my fantasy story; which has been floating in my head for over half a decade. Currently I am at a bit of a standstill because I have chosen my two protagonists; yet I am absolutely clueless as to what kind of obstacles or responsibilities one might have to tackle or overcome during his and her saga(s), especially a monarch learning how to lead his people - therefore I am unable to proceed with thinking of the plot to reflect said obstacles.

    I am not ignorant - have only just recently begun reading, but I am one who believes you can start anything at any age. What would be handy is if I knew which novel series I could read to research such execution. I am not quite ready for Tolkien's Lord of the Rings - watched the film trilogy at least a dozen times but I am aware the book is overwhelming to beginners - but so far I have read the complete Harry Potter series, Keys to the Kingdom, Artemis Fowl, all but the final installment of Shadowmarch and almost finished Lirael of the Abhorsen series. Abhorsen is excellent, but to be honest I would prefer reading the story of one character through multiple journeys to observe their development, as opposed to each installment following somebody different.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Would it seem insensitive to model fantasy culture(s) off places I've never visited?

    For example, I have not been fortunate enough to travel to Europe (yet), Finland in particular. Yet in my novel I want to write about or at least incorporate a land in the northern regions populated by Water Sorcerers. To me it feels kind of silly to proceed if I have little knowledge/understanding of Norse history and folklore, and to an extent no idea how to go about picking names for characters/places or describing architecture and whatnot. I do prefer realism - as opposed to throwing in a blood-lust barbarian with little purpose other than the village tyrant.

    This got me wondering the methods Tolkien took, though I understand I am not equipped with the same level of knowledge as he, nor the profession resources. Yes I know it's cliche to take inspiration from him, but at the end of the day nearly - if not - all authors do. To sum it up, I am unsure how or where to begin researching, could take me years but I have to at least get started at one point or another.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Help with connecting everything - Fantasy?

    Yet again I am sort of come to a roadblock in my novel saga. My story is a fantasy, so typically the setting is Classic Europe-esque - but probably more so the era prior to when Britain began colonising. The storyline itself takes place in the perspective of the youthful Lancelin Alexander Ashton. He is the ninth monarch, hailing from a dominant province - perhaps the capital - of Ikeland. Like the majority of his nation's people, his natural element is Fire. After his elder brother's departure to seize the throne of a sister province, Lance becomes the immediate heir of Siresmark. Meanwhile a civil uprising in [Currently Untitled <Shadow Magic-orientated> Nation] - carried out by henchmen of Zalaphenry Francis - is underway and its government status is at question. The story follows these events and onward, including the heist of the Chateau of Blackrose (which in-turn introduces Iris, the deutagonist).

    My problem here is that with so many subplots happening at the same time(s) as another –in my mind, that is - aside from those with direct interaction with Lance, Iris and Zalaphenry (friends and family – or in the latter’s case, “pawns” and henchmen), it is difficult for me to incorporate all my ideas into the novel(s) without randomly jumping from point of view or invent an interesting way to involve the protagonists/villains or how it would influence them. An example of the former and/or latter - Court is in session for Prosecution of Paul Howl (working surname) as his sibling Canis's disappearance is in debate. This event becomes important later on.

    Also there are numerous other nations - some include the magics of manipulating the Earth, Water, Wind and Lightning. However, I am frustrated because it is hard to portray the latter three as more than just mere mentions or "Filler". Indeed, I could go on and create an entire new subcontinent (possibly Scandinavian-influenced) - and illustrate it on a map - but if their importance in the plot is insignificant, might as well leave them out entirely! The element of Earth - in contrast - I am more confident with. My image of this includes architecture of beautiful sandstone structures similar that of Ancient Greece (or virtually any nation bordering the Mediterranean) along with its culture – the holy part but without the barbarianism; I only want to make is presence more prominent – currently the only hint of its existence I have given is in the mystery of Lance’s best mate Flint Cinder’s mixed ethnicity. To sum this issue up, I have no idea how to go about creating entirely new people to fill the gap, let alone giving said character a large role.

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Faulty Sensor or Remotes?

    I dunno what happened. I was playing Twilight Princess. I pressed the Home Button, got up. Five minutes later, I can no longer point at the screen. Few days following, the other remote stuffs up!

    I checked the Sensor word, no damages. I have no idea which of the two hardware needs replacing.

    Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerNintendo Wii9 years ago
  • Which European cultures might inspire?

    I'm just having a hard time visualising the several nations in my novel. Similar to that of Avatar the Last Airbender, the people of my story may possess the magic to manipulate an Element. However, I have decided to set mine in a European sort of world - please forgive the cliche. Regardless, I wouldn't mind some assistance gathering some sort of image for the architecture, terrain, location on the continent and whatnot. I live in Australia so... ~

    Without revealing plot, below are my select Elements -

    Fire - the people are patriotic and brave - perhaps the Romans?

    Earth - the people are pseudo-giant (generally taller than the other poeple I mean) and very religious - I'm thinking Greece, maybe something similar to that of the days of Hercules and/or Troy.

    Shadow - equally reverent to the Gods as the Earth people are. - not entirely sure for them but watching Tour de France last night got me thinking.

    Water - the only image I'm getting is Scandinavia, maybe Sweden or Finland?

    Wind - I don't know, but for terrain I assume upon plateau(s)?

    Lightning - see Wind.

    Feel free to mock me haha. Just keep the trolling down low.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Secondary Characters more important?

    While my story ideas were flowing through my head, I kind of hit a dead end. Have you ever been in the situation where you are reading/writing a novel and you find its storyline flawed because practically everything that happens revolves around the protagonist(s) (two at most) and their interactions/conflict with the villains, yet the other characters don't receive any attention? Criticism normally ensues where the audience hates said character because the author made the plot centred around them, or in the latter's case - ignored. Some particular opportunities to explore a different perspective remain unfulfilled. For instance I would have liked to have seen scenes in Harry Potter where the author explores characters Fred & George Weasley instead of their younger brother Ron (who is always in the company of Harry & Hermione), or Neville Longbottom. In the formers' case, comical though they were, to me they came across as flat because of this.

    What I am after is, advice on how to make the secondary characters (such as best mates, siblings etc) seem more important than they currently are in my head. One thing I would like to ask is how to effectively create situations with legitimate reasons for the story to branch off for a bit, focusing on one (or multiple) character who is associated with protagonist(s), yet not directly "tagging along" him/her.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • How do I construct a Cover Letter?

    I am trying to apply for an apprenticeship at Baker's Delight in Greenwood Western Australia. I have hit a bit of a roadblock here because I do not know how to write up a cover letter. My resume is fine. I have asked a good mate of mine if I could borrow his and tweak it a bit. It was a good idea at the time but unfortunately much of his is what I cannot work with because he actually completed Certificate IV in Animation and applying for a career in Photography; whereas in the past I have tried Certificate III in both Commercial Cookery and Cabinet Making as well as applying for general jobs such as fast-food outlets and whatnot, with no success (getting as far as the interview at Wanneroo Hungry Jack's - only to sabotage my interview). So this is my situation, I have no qualifications nor past employment. Help would be great because at the moment I am desperate just to get my foot out the door.

    Here is a link to job ad -

    Also, if it matters I have an Acquired Head Injury so I am a candidate for Loss of Income compensation and I have strong lawyers trying to back me up, especially after the two subjects I absolutely loved in High School (Cooking and Woodwork, as previously mentioned) put me in situations at TAFE where I wanted to lodge knives in my throat or plummet myself onto the dual-lane carriageway - basically my passion and motivation for life had been halted. That was 2010, since then I have done nothing productive. Recently these lawyers have informed me about my financial situation - however everything is put on hold until I actually get a job.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Critical Computer Error we have?

    Well, long story short - Yesterday morning my sister was doing her presentation for University at home on my mum's laptop from work. Out of nowhere the system freezes. She (my sister) has tried time and time again to restart the thing. All the time we get about half a second into the boot with a black screen that reads:

    Bad or Missing Loader - system halted.

    I have tried several websites with no luck at diagnosing the problem nor assistance in repairing it. I don't know what to do. All I know if mum is going to murder my sister at some point.

    Fretting over costs if I have to contact Arrow for whatever unit needs replacing.

    Help please!

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • A few (very large) questions about Fantasy Novel?

    The below are partly Roadblocks I have encountered, and partly from a Curiosity perspective. After six or seven years of this idea floating around in the back of my head, I am still in the brainstorming stage. I am not comfortable enough to begin writing it on Microsoft Word because my literacy skills are atrocious. I shall ask them anyway though.

    1. When fiddling around while focusing on my primary Antagonist (or Villain) I came across the fixation my mind had about how to not make him bland, boring and lacking that "Third" Dimension every major character needs. So like I normally do I visualize a collection of dramatic/traumatic experiences occurring in the past which would have created the mould what he is like today - arguably the most powerful (in terms of Magic and Politics), yet passive-aggressive of characters around. When asked by curious inferiors he says things like "You can not begin to fathom what I have seen. What I have done." etc - seldom does he open up, if at all. My question here is, how does one explain to the reader the said events without the use of Character-Origin Flashbacks?

    2. I am having trouble coming up with a logical, realistic conflict between he and my Protagonist. I mean, I did have something, but then I realized it was way too similar to the relationship between Lord Voldemort and Harry Potter. So I scrapped it numerous times since then, and I'm still sort of questioning whether it is good enough. The Protagonist of my story (saga?) is a fourteen year-old monarch named Lancelin Alexander "Lance" Ashton. He is a sarcastic, somewhat selfish yet ambitious kid with the responsibility of training the "Rookies" of the Royal Ikeland Military, more commonly known as R.I.M or Kingsir. His (Kin's) natural element is Fire And the primary Villain of my story is Morir, a dark Sorcerer from the past. Born One-Hundred and Sixty-Nine years ago but defeated by King Brian II (Lance's paternal ancestor - unknown generations previous). There is a "rebirth ceremony" of sorts, but not the same as in Goblet of Fire. Basically a swap is made - one powerful Sorcerer's life for another; so an anonymous loyalist is given to the Reaper (a Specter by the name Fathom Sorrow, actually Morir's own brother). Morir is reborn (aged slightly since his initial death) and resumes his campaign/post as self-proclaimed Peacebringer and Master Necromancer. As I said near the top of this question, it is difficult for me to come up with a reasonable hatred that Lance and Morir share mutually, like what drive the former has to best the latter's abilities in combat - rather than the typical "You killed my father! Is only fair i take you!" blah blah blah.

    3. My deutagonist Iris Blackrose is normally one of the more independent, strong-minded characters among the main cast. Her powers are as mysterious as Gohan's from Dragon Ball Z, in that when unlocked it can do amazing things! For example there is a scene where she (Iris) can remateralize a great big castle from Stone to Wood, and thus set it alight with Flame. However I am trying to invent some sort of situation that causes her to succumb to self-doubt but move forward at the same time, basically so she has her fair share of Character-Development. An initial thought I scrapped ages ago was having her Goddess, even by a small portion.

    4. To what importance is Setting in comparison to the Realistic Time-line (of our world)? For example, can it be like Great Stone Castles and Knights, Wizards etc taking place around the Industrial Revolution?

    5. What is a suggestable amount of Novels to read so I can get an indication on Plot, Character, Sentence Format (Punctuation & Grammar) and Structure, etc?

    Your help would be great. Cheers in advance.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Spectral beings - are they overdone?

    I intended to include a Spectre kind of character in my novel. This idea happened a year before I even read or watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. My character idea has stuck to my mind for almost a decade now. But still, the other part of my mind still fixates on those damn Dementors! My sole Spectre - meaning just the one; is different to Rowling's, but I don't know. Should I be worried about this?

    Brief info on mine: the grand product of my Main Villain's campaign. Actually his dead brother's soul. Been experimented with time after time after time. A glaring sight to the Protagonist, it is not possible NOT to notice the Tyrant's insanity! The latter constantly hoping to establish himself the most powerful Warlock and/or Necromancer in Magic History, with his "brother" standing as most faithful minion. Abilities of it are unknown to me at this point.

    I'm not concerned about whether this story concept is corny, just whether Spectres in general are worked to death in Fantasy novels. Is the opportunity to go ahead still open?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Loosly basing character on yourself?

    Or experiences. To what extent are you comfortable with this? Or is it self-indulgent?

    For example my parents have recently separated. I am intending on using this plot-devise in my novel. Dad walked out on Mum but in my novel it is tweaked a bit. The King's first-born disappears and his spouse (the Queen) is determined to find her lost son. She is forcing herself to leave her husband. Meanwhile the King's status is in question. He must find another wife or revert back to Prince in favor of somebody else. The second-born (my position) needs to accept what is happening albeit can do little about.

    Crappy example, but still...

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • For Super Mario fans out there?

    For future installments, what power-ups would you like to see / reappear?

    Personally I'd like a Thunder Flower and Magnet Mushroom!

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Are Ancient Cities in the Sky cliche?

    For my Fantasy Novel. I have a sanctuary / council or something compiled of the more intelligent minds of the magical world. They intentionally isolate themselves from the conflict between Nation A and Nation B (just as an example), because they lack the combat experience of their physical-orientated counterparts. They set aside their quarrels and cultural differences. Instead they work together to focus on greater concerns, acting on the Gods' behalf(s). Call 'em the Seers or something, I dunno. Currently led by a King's brother, known as Duke Hector or simply Archseer.

    Then I get to a problem - I can not depict where their base of operations shall be. The only thing I can visualise in an Ancient City in the Sky. However I am well aware that World of Warcraft already did something similar - Dalaran - function-wise even.

    Apart from that, are there any other ideas deemed somewhat unique these days - rather than it remain just a simple castle upon a steep hill? My mind is a tad blank at the moment. Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Coming up with Character Flaws?

    I hate characters who are Practically Perfect in Every Way - to quote Mary Poppins lol.

    In all seriousness. Perfections are Taboo in my rulebook. I always wondered how characters such as Frodo, Luke Skywalker and Harry Potter became so iconic, as characters I mean. How do you (the writer) fathom such imaginative Heroes & Villains whilst remaining realistic and believable to the target audience? In other words How do you balance Strengths and Weaknesses effectively? I've tried, and I cannot create a Flaw of equal "mass" if you could call it, for my Protagonist(s) and Villains alike. Is it usually Psychological - as in how a character responds to another or what he thinks (for example the Doctor (Who) or Goku caring too much about the citizens of the Earth), or Physical - what he does without thinking (Vegeta storming off into battle purely out of Pride)?

    How do you normally tackle this?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Fictional Creatures - going to War?

    Not for the sake of including 'em. Don't worry, I'll attempt to create an interesting background. I'm just a little lazy of doing the research listing every possible sapient species there is in this genre of fiction literature. Apart from your typical Man-Dwarf-Elf brotherhood combatting Orcs, Trolls etc, which magical species would look cool clad in Steel?

    10 points awarded to the greatest list possible!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago