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  • How does someone know they are gay, bi, pan, etc.?

    I have a friend who at 9 was with a boy (a boy himself), he labels himself pan and bi. Children have experimented for years but, only today do we label. People years past would not have thought that way. I am aware that their has been homosexuality since the beginning of time. He is now 14 and I just don't know what to think.

    We can be sexually aroused when young and it can be confusing especially in today's world. How would you discuss this with him? He is a Christian and I am too but, I don't want to make him feel bad or embarrassed, I don't want to alienate. My best friend is gay, I don't have a problem with it.

    How do I council him? Should I just accept it or help him to understand it is not uncommon to have those feelings and he shouldn't label himself at this point.

    I really appreciate your help as I don't want him to feel bad!

  • Do you think Obama's 'State Of The Union' address belongs in the 'elections' category?

    It was a campaign speech, trying hard to get that 40% Independent vote. He under-estiates the Independents. Fool them once but, fool them twice, I don't think so! He seems to think he has his base shored up, aren't they the same ones he has left behind?

    12 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Does Nancy Pelosi lack character?

    I don't think this women has ever spoken a word of truth. Has anyone ever heard her say anything truthful? I would like to give her credit if it is so. As of now she makes me cringe. I don't appreciate someone as unstable as her being in Congress, what say you?

    11 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Is it in economic equality that America will prosper?

    Or will the pursuit of it send us into further decline, like Greece, Italy and Spain?

    6 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • After the debate on Fox, yesterday, do you think we finally have our clear anti-Romney?

    Could it be more clear that Newt is the one to beat Romney and go on to beat Obama?

    9 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • I'm a Democrat and want to affect the GOP election by registering Republican, who should I vote for?

    Not really a Democrat but, wondered if there is legitimacy to Democrats registering Rebublican just to affect the outcome and then changing back for the General Election, who would they be voting for? I am guessing either Paul who they know is too radical on ficacal issues and Isolationist on Defense or Santorum who Obama will have a field day with some of the things he has said.

    8 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • What do you think of my new name for Democrats?

    RHETORIC'S!!! You haven't heard it all until you listen to Debbie Wassermann Schultz, DNC Committee Chair and Spokesman. Is there no truth that comes out of her mouth? She is like the devil's spawn, the king of all lies. Even the Dem's are embarrassed by her spin. She has such disdain for anyone that doesn't hold her views. "Can't we all agree to disagree?", "Can't we all just get along?" They need a new spokes person, this one is making them look very bad. Her arguments are so weak! Even I could do better for the Dem's and I'm a Newt supporter.

    3 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Is Fox News making you sick with their endorsement of Romney?

    I watch Fox News all the time as I am handicapped and can't walk or sit up. Politics relaxes me, it is a passion of mine. I don't even get upset with opposing views, I find them interesting. I even watch CNN to see the contrast between the two and what the Libs are up to. I usually watch it when there are commercials on the Fox channel, I hate commercials. Lately Fox has disappointed me with the way they have already announced Romney as the winner. How can they be so out of touch? Is this bothering anyone else? It is as if in their mission to be balanced they have fallen over the edge. Who are you Fox News? Carl Rove bothers me most of all, he acts as if he is impartial and he is nothing of the sort. I like when we know where people stand like Hannity, O'Reilly, etc. They make a good attempt to be balanced and they are not deceptive of who they are and what they believe. I even love Bob Beckel, he is so funny and he is who he is, nothing hidden there. In contrast, CNN is trying in light of Fox News having more than twice their viewers to represent both views. They are making a terrible attempt, They "can't handle the truth", Jack Nicholson

    2 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Who would be more likely to bow out of the GOP candidacy?

    Is anyone of the 3 conservatives that are splitting the vote and pushing Romney forward going to bow out to allow Republicans to vote our preference with conviction? I think Gingrich and Perry would be the most likely to put our country first. Unfortunately, Santorum has said a lot of things that will never get the Independent and Moderate voters. Obama will focus on those things to keep from talking about his record and the things he has done that are fundamentally anti-American. I think Santorum and Perry should put America 1st by bowing out and supporting Gingrich! I know, I know it will never happen but, we are the ones that lose. The media saying that Romney is most electable and Obama acting like Romney scares him most is laughable. People are buying it, that's pathetic!

    7 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Are you going to be watching the GOP debate tonight?

    It is on ABC, channel 15 for me, at 9pm est. 7pm central I think this will be the best yet, they all have the most to lose. With NH on Tuesday and SC on or around the 21st. Make sure you watch Chris Wallace, tomorrow morning for more of the same. I'm going to get my popcorn ready! NEWT 2012

    13 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Is Romney the one to beat?

    I don't know why I keep hearing this. He has absolutely no chance. Didn't Iowa tell us anything? If he can not get the base rallied behind him, what is the point?

    8 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • After the results, don't you think Romney and Paul are finished?

    After all the talk Romney still ends up with only 25%, all the money spent and the attacks he launched. Paul with only 21% after all the talk, he will not go anywhere from here. Both have been running for years, when will they get it? Newt for President!

    4 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Reguarding Ron Paul, what is left of left called?

    Since Paul is far, far left on social issues and defense, more so than Obama, what is someone who holds his views called? Libertarian is not a sufficient answer. Thank you!

    6 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Should it up to the Federal government or the states to decide about abortion?

    Although I believe most all things should be determined by the states, for me this one goes to the federal. The Constitution says it is their responsibility to protect us. Millions of ours have been murdered. What's with that? I love the way a man and women is so sad if their BABY dies at a mere 3 weeks during pregnancy when it is one they want. All of a sudden it is their baby? The heck with the rest I guess. Murder is illegal in all of America, not a state decision. It is time we put term limits on our Supreme Court and stop putting people in place that are against our Constitution. This is only one of the reasons I am voting for Newt. I am interested in what you think? Feel free to throw all you have in insults, I find it most amusing!

    6 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Why do Paul and Romney questuons get reported so often?

    I want to know if you also find this intolerance and what I could do different so not to get deleted? People can be pretty rough in this category and I read often attacks on my christian and conservative beliefs. It doesn't occur to me to report them as abuse, even if they are abusive. I think people have the right to say what they believe as long as it is not off the wall vulgar. To you that hold to Romney's beliefs and to the passionate Paul supporters who all about freedoms, why so intolerant? I am perplexed! PS. Happy New year to all!

    5 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Do you really buy into Obama being most afraid of Romney?

    You think Obama doesn't know that whoever he portrays as his most worrisome opponent will have a greater chance of winner the GOP nomination? The media propagates this hoax and people are actually believing it. Obama knows that Romney will not get out in any substantial way the conservative base. Therefore, balancing out the many minorities, moderates and Independents that he has lost. He is so afraid to debate Gingrich on the issues. Newt will call his policies out for what they are, socialist, destructive and anti-American. Obama can't say that Gingrich can't work with the other side of the aisle and we all know that's what he is running on. He can't say Newt is heartless when Newt has passed legislation, although he admits mislead, that were strictly Democratic.

    Since Obama can't run on his record it will be a nasty, hateful, divisive campaign. A real test of what is really heartless, the country we love and it's people or a socialist post-America. Time that Newt so eloquently calls these socialist propagaters for the repressive, oppressive dictators that they are. Don't settle for your nominee, be smart, be strong and don't be decieved.

    4 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Is it really possible to be in the NEA and care about the kids?

    I think not! The most well intentioned teachers lose the importance of teaching our kids after a time. Once this was an honorable job, now it signifies the lowest kind of child predators. If I were a teacher I would be happy to see a student of mine go to another school, whether it be private, charter, homeschooling or virtual. It is all about their almighty pocketbook.

  • Why did people go crazy over Air Jordan sneakers?

    Seems to me Obama is responsible. People who are stuck in his system of overextended unemployment, welfare, food stamps, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, etc. none of which can sustain people. People are desperate to make a little more money. Sad that the same safeguards are keeping them down and many are afraid. They are being told the lie that government can save them if the heartless Republicans get out of the way. Heartless? To want to see people get out of the control of government, to want to cause job creation by what really works, lowering taxes and getting rid of most regulations on job creators? People are being fed a big, big, huge lie that socialism works. How do we help so many who are stuck and afraid to lose these oppressive safeguards? If Obama wins we will be 2 classes, the oppressed poor and the ruling rich.

    11 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • What would have Ron Paul done if President during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

    Paul says that we pretty much need to mind our own business and don't need our troops deployed in other countries, not even for strategic purposes. With countries who have in the past tried to take over the world like Russia and Germany for example, what would he have done? What about the Cuban Missile Crisis? What about Japan and Pearl Harbor? He says that if we leave them alone they will leave us alone. Isn't it too late for such an attitude? Japan is not trying to kill us, so I don't think his whole logic follows through. We have heard Ahmadinejab say himself that he wants to destroy Israel and us. No matter the full reasons, it is what it is, they hate us. Do we really want a President that wants to ignore the threats that are very real today? Is there room for error? What about 9/11? How many of us would have to die before he took action? Ron Paul supporters, an adult conversation would be nice focusing on the facts, personal attacks show a lack of knowledge.

    10 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • When Ron Paul loses will he support the Republican candidate?

    Okay, now that I have your attention! This is very worrisome to me, what if he doesn't win? I get Ron Paul supporters are very passionate about our Constitution and rightly so. You are sick of seeing our tax dollars being wasted by big governmentmental departments and ridiculous oversight. You don't think we should be deployed all over the world, wasting money we don't have and intruding in other countries business. He is a Libertarian and therefor not a racist. He has rallied the people and you have certainly made your point. It is good to have you stand for the real meaning of our Constitution. No other candidate will please you but, are you really willing to give our country over to another 4 years of Obama who is bent on completely destroying our constitution and ultimately our country. I would question Ron Paul's commitment to our constitution if he were to run as an Independent. It would give the election right over to socialist Obama. The Republicans will need your support, big time! So, would you support the Republican candidate no matter whom it may be???

    8 AnswersElections9 years ago